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Why are plants important? PhotosynthesisCellular Respiration.

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2 Why are plants important? PhotosynthesisCellular Respiration


4 9.1 Transport in the xylem of plants





9 The Leaf has evolved to:

10 Basic leaf structure Water, in the form of a gas, is lost through the stomata.

11 Major structures of a generalized leaf

12 Leaf structure Cuticle – protects against water loss Epidermis – protection if no cuticle Xylem – transports water Phloem – carries products of photosynthesis Palisade mesophyll – densely packed, large # of chloroplasts Spongy mesophyll – loosely packed, provides gas exchange surfaces Stomata- bottom surface, allow 0 2 & CO 2 exchange Guard cells – open & close stomata

13 The dermal tissue system covers and protects the plants surfaces

14 The epidermis covers the primary plant body



17 The periderm replaces the epidermis when roots and stems increase in diameter and become woody










27 Importance of tissue functions Palisade mesophyll – upper portion where light will hit Veins – distributed throughout the leaf for transport Spongy mesophyll – superior to stomata to allow for continuous gas exchange Stomata – on underside so temperature is lower & minimized water loss

28 Understandings Transpiration is the inevitable consequence of gas exchange in the leaf.


30 Plant Water & Mineral Movement Transpired water must be replaced Steady stream of water provides minerals as well as water Water loss cools sun-drenched leaves and stems Xylem supports the plant as well as conducting water

31 The root system usually grows below ground


33 Plant organs are composed of three tissue systems: Vascular Tissue Dermal Tissue Ground Tissue

34 The vascular tissue distributes water and solutes through the plant body

35 Understandings: The cohesive property of water & the structure of the xylem vessels allow transport under tension. The adhesive property of water & evaporation generate tension forces in leaf cell walls.

36 Understandings: The uptake of minerals in the roots causes absorption of water by osmosis.

37 Composed of 2 cell types

38 tapered Pits allow water to move laterally

39 Attached end to end to form columns Connect to one another to form columns


41 Virtual lab time

42 Stomata & Guard Cells Can only be closed a short time – why? Open & close because of turgor pressure

43 Why do guard cells gain & lose water? Due to transport of potassium ions Light from blue region of light spectrum triggers the ATP powered proton pumps Potassium enters the guard cells Higher solute = inward movement of water

44 Plant hormone Why do potassium ions exit the cell? Abscisic acid causes exit of ions = closure of stomata Abscisic acid is produced in the roots during water deficiency

45 Other causes of closure Carbon dioxide levelsCircadian rhythms

46 Understandings: Plants transport water from the roots to the leaves to replace losses from transpiration.

47 The cohesion-tension theory of plant fluid movement

48 Roots & fluid movement in plants

49 Cell Membrane & Transport

50 Root Anatomy Three Regions – Meristematic – new growth (M phase) – Elongation – enlarging (G 1 phase) – Maturation – cells are a functional part of the plant

51 Root Hairs & branching Root hairs & branching greatly increase the surface area which water and dissolved minerals can be absorbed. An adult rye plant was found with 14 million branches totaling 630 kilometers (380 miles)

52 Uptake of ions by the roots – HOW? Root interception – Root grows & intercepts ions – Example: Ca Simple diffusion – Ions move down their concentration gradient – No energy expense by plant – Example: Zn, K, Fe, P Mass flow – Bulk flow of water into the root “carries” ions to root – Delivers N, Ca, Mg, S Active transport – Ions move against their concentration gradient – Requires a specific protein “pump” in the cell membrane – Energy expense by plant

53 Hyphae????? Fungal symbiotic relationship = greater surface area (mutalistic)

54 Lab time Microscope plant lab

55 Adaptations for H 2 O conservation Speeds up transpiration by warming the leaf & opening stoma Light Decreasing humidity increases transpiration due to difference in water concentration Humidity Increases the rate of transpiration because humidk air near the stomata is carried away Wind

56 Adaptations for H 2 O conservation Increasing temperature causes greater transpiration because more water evaporates Temperature If intake of water at root does not keep up with transpiration, turgor loss occurs & the stomata close, transpiration decreases Soil water High carbon dioxide levels in the air around the plant usually cause the guard cells to lose turgor pressure & the stomata close Carbon dioxide

57 Xerophytes Survive in Adapted for arid climates – Deserts


59 Halophytes Adapted to grow in water with high levels of salinity Studied for biofuels

60 This one is for you, Alex! This one is for you, Alex!

61 Halophytes Store water = becoming succulent May secrete salt through salt glands = mangrove Some can compartmentalize Na + and Cl - in the vacuoles of their cells Sunken stomata on thickened leaves reduce water loss by creating a higher humidity near the stomata Surface area of leaves is reduced

62 Lab time! Measuring transpiration rates using potometers

63 Lab Design Skill: Design an experiment to test hypothesis about the effect of temperature or humidity on transpiration rates. (think IA)

64 9.2 Transport in the phloem of plants

65 Understanding: Plants transport organic compounds from sources to sinks


67 Lacks nucleus & cytoplasm Have nucleus & cytoplasm

68 Sieve plates connect sieve tubes


70 Moving from source to sink What’s a source? – Producer of sugar (photosynthesis or hydrolysis of starch) Leaves primary What’s a sink? – Plant part that uses or stores sugar Roots, buds, stems, seeds, and fruit Potatoes can be both depending on the time of year

71 Phloem Sap Movement of organic molecules = translocation What makes up phloem sap? – Sugar (sucrose) – Amino acids – Plant hormones – Small RNA molecules


73 Understanding: Incompressibility of water allows transport along hydrostatic pressure gradients Active transport is used to load organic compounds into phloem sieve tubes at the source High concentrations of solutes in the phloem at the source lead to water uptake by osmosis Raised hydrostatic pressure caused the contents of the phloem to flow toward sinks

74 The pressure-flow hypothesis Phloem sap can move 1 m/hr Measured by – Aphid stylets – Radioactively labeled carbon dioxide

75 Nature of Science Aphid stylets Aphids feed on by inserting stylist “mouth” into a sieve tube Pressure in sieve tube forces the contents into the stylet and insect’s gut Anaesthetize the insect and cut off the gut Analyse the sap Radioactive carbon dioxide Use radioactive form of carbon so that the location of carbon dioxide-fixing reactions of photosynthesis can be determined Autoradiography can then be used to track the flow of the carbohydrate, usually sucrose, through the plant

76 Pressure-flow hypothesis 1.Load sugar into the sieve tube at the source reducing the relative water concentration in the sieve tube members causing osmosis 2.The uptake of water causes a positive pressure (hydrostatic) in the sieve tube which results in bulk flow of the phloem sap

77 Pressure-flow hypothesis 3.Hydrostatic pressure is reduced when sucrose inters the sink (sugar changed to starch which is insoluble = no osmosis) 4.Xylem recycles the relatively pure water by carrying it from the sink back to the source Active transport passive

78 Review Check out this site And another

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