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November 21 st, 2009 1. D&C 163:5b “To accelerate the work of sharing the gospel, the Twelve and the Seventy should be closely associated in implementing.

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Presentation on theme: "November 21 st, 2009 1. D&C 163:5b “To accelerate the work of sharing the gospel, the Twelve and the Seventy should be closely associated in implementing."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 21 st, 2009 1

2 D&C 163:5b “To accelerate the work of sharing the gospel, the Twelve and the Seventy should be closely associated in implementing wholistic evangelistic ministries. The seventy are to be the forerunners of Christ’s peace, preparing the way for apostolic witness to be more ready received.” 2

3 GOSPEL Set of beliefs Absolute truth 3

4 Wholistic Analyzing the whole system Considering all factors (i.e. Medical treatment; it is taking into account the physical, mental and social conditions of the patient) 4

5 Christ’s Peace Healing and reconciliation through redemptive relationships in sacred community. People being restored to healthy relationships with God, others, themselves and the earth. 5

6 Church Mission Proclaim Jesus Christ and… Promote communities of Joy, Hope, Love and Peace 6

7 Wholistic Evangelistic Ministries “Witnessing the Peace of Jesus Christ in tangible ways that touch the lives of people.” John Smallwood 7

8 Functional Areas of Ministry Church planter/expansion minister Congregational missionary consultant Missionary specialist - urban metropolitan - intercultural & ethnic - young adult -youth - children - hard living - missionary pastor - visionary catalyst - sign ministry Setting-in-order minister - ministry to congregations which are not oriented to mission - work in areas where it has become disorderly or out of order 8

9 Mission vs Missionary What images do you have when you hear: 1. The congregation is mission focused. 2. The congregation is missionary focused. 9

10 Mission Focused “To accelerate the work of sharing the gospel, the Twelve and the Seventy should be closely associated in implementing wholistic evangelistic ministries. The seventy are to be the forerunners of Christ’s peace, preparing the way for apostolic witness to be more ready received.” D&C 163:5b 10

11 Seventy Cluster Objectives 1. Education 2. Ministry support ------------------------------------------------ 3. MC Mission support / leadership 11

12 Examples of Mission Bold Moves Grant projects (Roseburg, Albany, Southridge, Myrtle Point?) Signal community development - Bend P.I.T. Stop ministry – Puyallup Jail ministry – Ellensburg Food Bank - Salem Wraparound / Young Adult plant – Anchorage Community drug addiction program – Cowlitz Valley Jericho Table & Power Up – Redmond Blanket ministry – Fairbanks New church plants – Various locations in the mission center SPEC & IYF Caravan Youth camps Many, many more…… 12

13 Four Challenges - Seventy 1. Helping new mission ministries to take root and become healthy. 2. Supporting and modeling the bridging of mission ministry with sharing the Peace of Jesus Christ. 3. Young adult ministry that is relevant and allows for the development of leadership and spiritual skills. 4. Your personal calling, skills and bandwidth. 13

14 Conclusion You are called to provide the ministry of Seventy The opportunities for mission and sharing the Peace of Jesus Christ are limitless You can only go as far and as fast as your circumstances and bandwidth allow Effective ministry will require prioritization, planning, collaboration and prayer. Your reward……seeing people restored in a healthy relationship with God and God’s creation. 14

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