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1 Practical Implications of U.S. Requirements to Report on Internal Control Andrew D. Bailey, Jr. Deputy Chief Accountant: Professional Practice U.S. Securities.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Practical Implications of U.S. Requirements to Report on Internal Control Andrew D. Bailey, Jr. Deputy Chief Accountant: Professional Practice U.S. Securities."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Practical Implications of U.S. Requirements to Report on Internal Control Andrew D. Bailey, Jr. Deputy Chief Accountant: Professional Practice U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission October 2005

2 2 FEE Forum on Risk Management and Internal Control in the European Union Brussels, Belgium October 25, 2005

3 3 The Securities and Exchange Commission, as a matter of policy, disclaims responsibility for any private publication or statement by any of its employees. Therefore, the views expressed today are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or the other members of the staff of the Commission. Disclaimer

4 4 SEC SOX Related Initiatives –Early Activities PCAOB establishment CEO and CFO certifications Internal Control Reporting (404) Codes of ethics for senior executives Financial experts on audit committees Retention of audit records Stronger auditor independence standards Prohibitions on improper influence of auditors Standards for listed company audit committees

5 5 SEC and PCAOB Initiatives –More Recent SEC and PCAOB Activity: Internal control auditing and reporting (AS 2) SEC 404 FAQ and PCAOB AS 2 Q&A including SEC Staff Comments follow-up to May 2005 Roundtable Documentation (AS 3) Rule 3102 Certain Terms Elimination of a Material Weakness (AS 4) Independence and Tax (Rules 35XX) Stock Comp/Fair Value (PCAOB FAQ in process)

6 6 Releted PCAOB Initiatives PCAOB –Engagement Quality Control Second Partner Review –Communications with the Audit Committee –Financial Fraud –Risk Assessment –Related Party Transactions

7 7 404 and AS 2 – Year 1 and Beyond

8 8 The 404/AS 2 Industry There is no question that the most influential and controversial activity occupying the Professional Practice Groups time has been the implementation of the SEC’s 302 and 404 rules and its companion Audit Standard, AS 2. April SEC 404 Roundtable May SEC 404 Roundtable Follow-up

9 9 Management’s Assessment of Internal Control Under Section 404 –404 requires management to assess the effectiveness of its internal controls over financial reporting –Effective dates (for fiscal years ending on or after): November 15, 2004 for Accelerated filers (45 day temporary postponement for certain filers) July 15, 2006 for Non-Accelerated filers and foreign private issuers (9/21/05 extended to 7/15/07)

10 10 Current 404/AS 2 Activities  Current Activities Related to 404  Evaluating feedback and next steps  Monitoring reporting results  Considering issues related to small business

11 11 Feedback on Implementation –Request for Public Comment Over 200 comment letters received –Commission Roundtable April 13 th 54 participants Representing issuers, auditors, investors, audit committees, among others 6 panels focusing on different topics

12 12 Roundtable and Comment Letters What We’ve Heard: Benefits –Promotes investor confidence –Increased management focus on controls – impacting tone at the top –Improved controls documentation –Understanding throughout organization of importance of internal controls –Identification of operating efficiency opportunities

13 13 Roundtable and Comment Letters What We’ve Heard: Costs –Significant training efforts  Deferred maintenance Development of controls Automation of controls Integration of systems Documentation of controls  Auditor costs – greater than expected  Opportunity costs

14 14 Roundtable and Comment Letters What We’ve Heard: Scope of Testing –Call for more risk-based approach –Need for more use of judgment Assessing materiality and designing scope Identifying “key” controls and significant accounts –IT general computer controls / new systems Extent of general computer controls testing Testing and remediation of control deficiencies in new systems

15 15 Roundtable and Comment Letters What We’ve Heard: Using the Work of Management and Others  Duplicated work efforts  Call for ability to rely more on work of management and others  Principal audit evidence

16 16 Roundtable and Comment Letters What We’ve Heard: Terminology and Definitions –Difficulty and inconsistencies in applying: Significant Deficiency Material Weakness More than a remote likelihood More than inconsequential

17 17 Roundtable and Public Comments What We’ve Heard: Communications with Auditors  Need to restore communication between auditors and issuers  Additional guidance on potential auditor independence implications

18 18 Roundtable and Public Comments What We’ve Heard: Other  Encourage use of judgment through the inspections process  Request to indefinitely delay the final accelerated filing dates  Fully integrate financial statement and internal control audits to achieve efficiency  Desire to share best practices

19 19 Actions  Continuing Commitment to SOX 404  Want to address unintended consequences while maintaining investor safeguards  Additional Guidance Posted 5-16-05  SEC Commission Press Release and Staff Statement  PCAOB Board Statement and Staff Q&A  June SAG meeting devoted to AS2

20 20 What We’ve Done: SEC Staff Statement –May 16, 2005 Staff Statement issued Reasonable Assurance Top-Down Approach / Risk-Based Assessments Scope of Assessments Timing of Management’s Testing Evaluating Control Deficiencies Disclosures About Material Weaknesses Information Technology Issues Communications with Auditors

21 21 SEC Staff Statement Reasonable Assurance  Level of assurance regarding the reliability of financial statements  Reasonable assurance does not mean absolute assurance but it does mean a high level of assurance

22 22 SEC Staff Statement –Top-Down / Risk Based Assessments Focus should be on controls and accounts most likely to have a material impact on financial statements Judgment should be used in identifying accounts and key controls to test Resources should be devoted to areas of greatest risk Audits should not be “check the box” exercises

23 23 SEC Staff Statement –Scope of Assessments Judgment should be used in identifying accounts and key controls to test Judgment should be used in determining the extent of testing of key controls Should relate to the risk of material misstatement in the annual, not interim financial statements

24 24 SEC Staff Statement  Timing of Management’s Testing Effective testing and assessment may be performed during the year Judgment must be used in determining additional testing required closer to year-end  Evaluating Control Deficiencies  Judgment must be used in determining the severity of control deficiencies

25 25 SEC Staff Statement Disclosures About Material Weaknesses  The nature of the weakness  The impact of the weakness on financial reporting  Plans for remediating the weakness

26 26 SEC Staff Statement Information Technology Issues  Include relevant IT controls in the assessment (controls related to financial reporting)  Judgment must be used in identifying IT controls to test  Include IT upgrades and new systems in assessment

27 27 SEC Staff Statement Communications with Auditors  The chilling effect was an unintended consequence  Auditor’s discussing and exchanging views with management does not in itself violate independence principles  Judgment is required in ongoing dialogues with management

28 28 PCAOB Policy Statement and Staff Q&A’s May 16, 2005 Guidance  Audit Integration  The use of Professional Judgment  Top-down Approach / Risk-based Assessments  Using the Work of Others  Auditor Communications with Clients  Additional Guidance Expected

29 29 Reporting Results So Far… Through early July:  3,140 filings  419 (13.3%) received audit opinion indicating ineffective ICFR  Over 50% had revenues less than $500 million  Conversely, less than 10% had revenues greater than $1 billion

30 30 Reporting Results So Far… Filed reports by industry With MW (% of 419) Manufacturing32%30% Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 29%18% Services14%21% Transportation, Communication, Utilities 12%10% Wholesale and Retail Trade 8%14% Other5%7%

31 31 419 Adverse Opinions What types of issues did they have?  Accounting Failures (GAAP) with respect to specific accounts (95%)  Accounting documentation, policy and procedures (87%)  Material or numerous auditor/year-end adjustments (46%)  Accounting personnel resources, training/competency issues (40%)  Restatement or non-reliance on financial statements (39%)

32 32 PCAOB Standard: Elimination of Material Weaknesses –Voluntary engagement –Allows auditors to provide reasonable assurance that MW has been remediated –Significant flexibility in how the auditors perform engagement –PCAOB comment period ended May 16, 2005 –Board voted approval July 2005. –SEC Comment period (TBD) –SEC FAQ (TBD)

33 33 Small Business Concerns  Guidance from COSO – application for Small Businesses Expect to issue exposure draft this summer  Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies  404 Subcommittee  Recommendations expected to be finalized end of September, to be approved by full committee in October

34 34 SEC Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies  Established December 2004 to examine the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other federal securities laws on smaller companies.  Agenda items include: Definition of “smaller public company” Consideration of Section 404 of SOA Corporate governance and disclosure Accounting standards Capital formation 

35 35 COSO Activities  In January 2005, COSO announced a new project, Implementing the COSO Control Framework in Smaller Businesses  Anticipate an exposure draft to be issued in the near future

36 36 Recent Commission Action On September 21, 2005, the Commission extended for one additional year the compliance dates for non-accelerated filers ($75 million or less) and for Foreign Private Issuers that would qualify as non- accelerated filers to the fiscal year ending or after July 15, 2007.

37 37 Question and Answer Session

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