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Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail WSIB Update –Safety Groups Advantage Program 2012 Shelley Wall Safety Groups Program Consultant 1
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Firm Eligibility ■ Successful completion of 5 years in the Safety Group Program ■ *Advantage 2012 is recommended for firms beyond their 5 th year in Safety Groups; however, a sponsor may request to also include a firm in their 5 th year.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Program Requirements– 2012 On November 16, 2011 the WSIB’s Board of Directors gave its approval for Safety Group participants at or beyond the 5 year mark to continue in the program for another year Objectives: ■ Design a single program for all 2012 Advantage Program firms ■ Advance firms toward an audited H&S Management System that is sustainable and is aimed at continuous improvement beyond 2012
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Resources / Tools:5 Program Requirements: Sample of a HSMS Audit Standard with the 5-W’s and How Audit Equivalency Form WSIB Intro to Auditing training program Pre-approved Audits listed on page 4 Sample of a Continual Improvement Plan 2012 Advantage Program Timeline Guide Advantage Program Forms: Action Plan Progress Report Year-End Report Checklist New WSIB Work Re-integration (WR) Policies are available on-line at 19-02-01 WR Principles, Concepts & Definitions 19-02-02 Responsibilities of the Workplace Parties in WR 19-03-03 Determining Suitable Occupation 19-03-05 Work Transition Plans 19-03-06 Work Transition Expenses 19-03-11 Relocation Expense 1. Write/review Standard (policy & procedures) for your HSMS Audit Program (internal health & safety audit) including, audit schedule with procedure and timelines, Auditor qualifications, roles and responsibilities, and formal Continual Improvement Plan process with assignment of responsibilities and timelines. IMPORTANT NOTE: Firms must state on their 2012 Action Plan Form the audit criteria they are using, otherwise the audit will default to the WSIB HSMS Review Form Audit criteria. 2. Identify Training Qualifications for the Auditor(s) in your Written Standard and then train or verify these qualifications are met by your assigned Auditor(s).Minimum qualification standard: Audit Training. See page 4 3. Complete an approved HSMS Audit (see page 4 for list of pre- approved audits), including: a.Documentation of supporting evidence for each requirement, b.Documentation of findings and conclusions of conformance for each audit requirement, and c.Sign-off (with date) of assigned Auditor(s) d.Documented evidence of Senior Management review of the completed audit. 4. Written HSMS Audit Continual Improvement Plan, including: a.Action items addressing all non-conformities b.Responsibilities assigned and timelines established c.Initiated in 2012 d.Documented evidence of Senior Management review of the developed Continual Improvement Plan. 5. Include as part of your HSMS Audit a review of your Return-to-Work Standards against the six new WSIB Work Reintegration operational policies that took effective July 15, 2011: a.Identified non-conformities are included on Continual Improvement Plan and action initiated in 2012. 4 2012 Advantage Program Requirements:
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail 2012 Pre-approved list of Audits The qualification standard is formal audit training. This qualification requirement 2012 Pre-approved list of Audits: ■ WSIB proposed Accreditation Audit (WSIB HSMS Review Form) ■ WSIB WorkWell Audit ■ ZeroQuest Audit ■ Infra-Structure Health and Safety Audit - Certificate of Recognition (COR) ■ Public Service Health and Safety Audit ■ Workplace Safety and Prevention Services OHS Management System Audit ■ Safe Workplace Ontario (WSN) Safety Audit ■ CSA Z1000 ■ OHSAS 18001 5
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Request process to use an audit not on the pre-approved list: Firms can request to use other HSMS audits (example: Corporate Audits) for the 2012 Advantage Program if the audit criteria meet the WSIB HSMS Review Form. The firm must send the requested audit and the completed Audit Equivalency Form to their Safety Group Program Sponsor for their review and initial approval. The Safety Group Program Sponsor is to ensure all the criteria outlined in the Audit Equivalency Form has been met. If initially approved, the Safety Group Program Sponsor forwards the requested audit and the Audit Equivalency Form to the Safety Group Program Consultant with details of equivalency to the HSMS Review Form for final approval. The request must be submitted by the Sponsor to the Safety Group Program Consultant by February 22, 2012 to allow processing time before the Action Plan due date of February 29, 2012. 6
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail HSMS Review (internal audit) Training Requirement: ■ The qualification standard is audit training ■ This qualification can be satisfied with a quality, food safety, or other audit specific training program. ■ Safety Groups has developed a 2-hour “Introduction to Auditing” training program to meet this standard for any firm that does not currently have a person that meets this qualification ■ The training program will be delivered by a sponsor or WSIB Safety Group Consultant at a safety group meeting ■ Attendance at the safety group meeting will be recorded by the sponsor to meet the training record requirement.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Year-end Report Checklist: All Advantage Program firms submit the following documentation attached to the Year End Report / Checklist: 8 1 Written Standard20% 2 Internal Auditor training record20% 3 Completed an approved HSMS Audit, with Auditor and Senior Management sign-off acknowledging their review and involvement 20% 4 Written Continual Improvement Plan addressing all HSMS Audit and Return to Work nonconformities with Senior Management sign-off acknowledging their review and involvement. 20% 5 Return to Work – documented audit results of Work Reintegration (WR) Policy review20% Maintenance of Elements: Maintenance of past Safety Group elements is not included in the score. Although it is an expectation the maintenance of elements is continued by the firm to provide the necessary evidence of conformity to the HSMS Audit, the Maintenance of Elements Reports are not required to be submitted. A firm’s health and safety program elements will be analyzed as part of their selected audit in the 2012 Advantage Program.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Validation Audits: WSIB SG Consultants will conduct validation audits on a sample number of Advantage firms in each group. The following will be verified by documentation, interview and observation: ■ Written Standard includes; 20% a)Internal audit schedule with procedure and timelines b)Assignment of responsibilities c)Auditor training qualifications ■ Internal Auditor training 20% a)Record of audit specific training ■ HSMS Review or equivalency 20% a)Completed WSIB HSMS Review or equivalency with supporting documentation ■ Senior Management Sign-off 20% a)Verification of signature on current HSMS Review / Continual Improvement Plan ■ Continual Improvement Plan 20% a)All nonconformities identified by the HSMS Audit are addressed on the Continuous Improvement Plan. b)Verifies Continuous Improvement Plan has been initiated in 2012 and actions progressing based on timelines recorded. c)Documented evidence of Senior Management review of the 2012 Continual Improvement Plan. ■ Return to Work 20% a)Verification the firm audited their Return-to-Work Standards against the WSIB WR Policies and added nonconformities to the Continual Improvement Plan.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Note: ■ All Advantage Program requirements must be completed within the 2012 program year. The 2012 Advantage Program Timeline Guide is intended only as a best practice reference. ■ Firms who participated in the 2011 Advantage Program are expected to continue working on their 2011 Continual Improvement Plans until they have completed their 2012 HSMS Audit and developed a new Continuous Improvement Plan that may carry forward items from the 2011 program year. ■ The firm may use a format of their choice for the Continual Improvement Plan as long it as meets the program requirements. ■ Firms are eligible to participate in the 2012 Safety Group rebate based on the submission of the Year-end Report/Checklist Form with the required attachments and achieving a minimum score of 60% and verified by on-site audit if selected. All the applicable Terms and Conditions of Participation on the 2012 Safety Group Application Form apply.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Year-end Report Checklist * All Advantage firms submit the following documentation attached to the Checklist; ■ Written Standard 20% ■ Internal Auditor training record 20% ■ Completed WSIB HSMS Review/Equivalency (internal audit) 20% ■ Senior Management Sign-off HSMS Review / Continual Improvement Plan 20% ■ Written Continual Improvement plan addressing HSMS Review 20%
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Forms to be completed ■ Application Form December 15, 2011 ■ Action Plan February 28, 2012 ■ Progress Reports Spring & Fall 2012 ■ Year-End Report Checklist December 15, 2012 ■ Request to use an audit not on the pre-approved listFebruary22, 2012 (if applicable)
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2012 ACTION PLAN DUE: FEB 28 ADVANTAGE APPLICATION DUE: DEC 15 PROGRESS REPORT 1 DUE: SPRING PROGRESS REPORT 2 DUE: FALL YEAR END REPORTING DUE: DEC 15 2011 Advantage Program Timeline Guideline ACTIONS: Orientation / Leadership Intro Auditor Training Meeting #3 Complete Intro Auditor Training or verify training qualifications Submit completed HSMS Audit Report to Mgmt Create written Standard for HSMS Audit Mgmt develops Continual Improvement Plan Mgmt initiates Continual Improvement Plan Complete HSMS Audit MEETINGS: REPORTING: Meeting #4Meeting #5
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail HSMS Review Form 14
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail Health and Safety Management System Review (HSMS) Form ■ The purpose of the HSMS Review Form is: – To do an internal audit to compare a workplace HSMS to the DRAFT Standard for Accreditation Audits and Health and Safety Management System Requirements to gauge readiness for Accreditation application and audit. – To fulfill the requirements for Accreditation application ■ Using the following Workplace Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) Review Form, indicate the stage of completion for each element in the health and safety management system. In the space provided, summarize relevant information that demonstrates how this part of the standard has been met. Evidence may include, but not limited to, lists of policies/activities that are relevant to the element including: – summary of program objectives and continual improvement plans and activities. – list of prioritized hazards – list of legal requirements applicable to the workplace
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail HSMS Review Form ■ Review Process 1. Gather evidence by: a)reviewing documents, reports, records, etc. b)interview workplace parties c)observe the workplace 2.Compare the evidence against the Accreditation Requirements, the firm’s OHS policies and procedures and legislation. 3.Decide conformity or non-conformity for each element.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail HSMS - Conformity & Non-conformity definitions Conformity is the fulfilment of the requirements of the Accreditation Standards, legislation and the workplace’s health and safety policies and procedures. Non-conformity is the non-fulfilment of or deviation from the requirements. Non-conformities are classified as: – a non-conformity if: the issue will continue to occur because of how the HSMS and health and safety program are structured there is high risk to a worker’s health or safety if the requirements are not met there are serious legal implications There is an accumulation of related minor non-conformities – a minor non-conformity if: the HSMS structure is valid, but there was minor deviation because of for example, human error there is not high risk to worker There are no significant legal implications 17
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail A.1 Management Commitment Standard Evidence/NotesConformityNon-conformity A.1.1 The employer establishes, implements and maintains a documented HSMS that meets the Accreditation for Ontario Workplaces Standard. The system supports a strong internal responsibility system. A.1.2 The employer: ensures that the workplace parties, including workers, supervisors and managers, have the time, resources and competency to implement the HSMS and to achieve its policy, objectives and targets makes health and safety an organizational priority similar to other priorities and integrates the management system into all aspects of the organization, and promotes participation of, and seeks feedback from, all workplace parties in developing and implementing and maintaining the HSMS, and recognizes the value of these contributions. A.1.3 Senior management: a.actively promotes and participates in the HSMS, and b.assigns a senior management representative the overall responsibility for implementing and maintaining the HSMS. c.Promotes health and safety in the community
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail A.2 Health & Safety Policy Statement Standard Evidence/NotesConformityNon-conformity A.2.1 The employer has a written health and safety policy statement that is specific to the organization. A.2.2 The policy: dated and signed by the most senior accountable person on site b.includes a general statement of health and safety responsibilities and commitment of all workplace parties c.specifies commitment to achieve compliance with legal requirements, and d.specifies the commitment of the employer to health and safety and the protection of workers e.specifies a commitment to continual improvement. A.3 Legal Requirements Standard Evidence/NotesConformityNon-conformity A.3.1 The employer establishes and implements a process that: a.identifies all applicable legal requirements b.incorporates legal requirements into the health and safety management system c.evaluates that legal requirements are consistently met Note: Other requirements include Canadian Standards Association standards, Ministry of Labour Guidelines etc)
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board | Commission de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail
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