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Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Making Energy Audits Effective with BuildingSync® Building Performance Elements of Building and Data Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Making Energy Audits Effective with BuildingSync® Building Performance Elements of Building and Data Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Making Energy Audits Effective with BuildingSync® Building Performance Elements of Building and Data Management Tools Michael Deru National Renewable Energy Laboratory August 11, 2015

2 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Comply with federal regulations – EISA Sec. 432 (audits and reporting) – EO 13693 (remote audits) Comply with state and local requirements Improve energy performance of buildings Understand energy performance Document energy systems 2 Why do Energy Audits?

3 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade ASHRAE Definitions Preliminary Energy Use Analysis Level 1 – Walk Through Survey Level 2 – Energy Survey and Analysis Level 3 – Detailed Analysis of Capital-Intensive Modifications Virtual or Remote Audits 3 Levels of Energy Audits

4 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 4 Energy Audit Process Collect Analyze Report Procure Services Repeat

5 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 5 Energy Audit Process Collect Analyze Report Audit Requirements CTS Reporting Energy Audits Procure Services Repeat Repeat …

6 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Expensive Inconsistent collection, analysis, and reporting Reports are not actionable Efficiency measures are repetitive or inconsistent Difficult to compare and prioritize measures Future audits require new data collection efforts 6 Challenges with Energy Audits

7 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Avoid repetitive data entries Easier data transfer Improve analysis capabilities Streamline the processes 7 What’s the Solution? BuildingSync supports these solutions

8 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 8 What is BuildingSync? Structured data system for commercial building energy and water audit data implemented as an XML schema (JSON converter) Building Energy Data Exchange Specification (BEDES) use case Facilitates consistent data exchange between audit tools, analysis applications, and databases

9 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Structured data system 9 BuildingSync XML Schema

10 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade BEDES use case Building Energy Asset Score Standard Energy Efficiency Data (SEED) Platform EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System ASHRAE audit standard Commercial audit software packages (in progress) 10 BuildingSync Connections

11 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 11 Working with BS, AS, SEED, and CTS Auditor 1 Auditor 2 … SEED & DBs EISA CTS Database BSXML automated transfer Energy Data Portfolio Manager Asset Score BuildingSync facilitates automated data transfer between applications

12 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Value Proposition: Building Owners Reduce Long-Term Audit Costs – Reuse previous audit data Increase Audit Quality – Standard terminology definitions – Consistent units – Input constraints Expand Usefulness of Data – Compare results across a portfolio – Import data to other BEDES-compliant platforms (Asset Score, Building Performance Database, eProject Builder, SEED)

13 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Finalize and test with Asset Score, SEED, and CTS Release version 2.0 in early September 2015 Coordinate with ASHRAE audit standard Link with OpenStudio energy simulation platform Work with energy audit software providers to implement BuildingSync 13 What’s Next?

14 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Work with software/audit providers to implement BuildingSync through discussions or formal procurement requirements for – CTS reporting – Store audit data in SEED or other database for later use – Easier use of Asset Score – Expand analysis options 14 How to take advantage of BuildingSync

15 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Questions? 15

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