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PTA Transition Dinner
Three Bodies Executive Committee Executive Board General Membership
PTA Overview Three Bodies Executive Committee Executive Board General Membership
PTA Board Overview Executive Board / Executive Committee
President 1st VP – Programs 2nd VP – Ways and Means 3rd VP – Volunteers Treasurer Recording Secretary Principal Executive Committee Duties: Develop goals for the PTA for presentation to the Board and General membership Appoint Standing and Special Committee Chairs and committee members
PTA Board Overview Executive Board (18 voting members)
Executive Committee Members Standing Committee Chairs Appreciation & Recognition Chair Education & Extracurricular Chair STEM Lab Chair Publication & Communication Chair Community Involvement Chair Business Partners/Sponsor Nights Chair Membership Administrative Coordinator Legislative Advisor/Parliamentarian County Council Delegate Faculty Representative
PTA Board Overview Executive Board Duties:
Transact necessary business between General Membership meetings Create standing and special committees Approve plans of work of standing and special committees Present a report at monthly general membership meetings Select an auditing committee or professional auditor for year- end audit Prepare and approve the proposed budget to be presented to the General Membership for adoption Obtain general membership approval for any changes to the adopted budget over $300.
PTA Reporting Structure
President: All members of the Exec. Committee (except Principal) Publications & Communications Chair (Pipeline) - Yearbook - PTA Webpage - Student Directory Community Involvement Chair - Earth Savers - HEROES Legislative Advisor/Parliamentarian County Council Delegate Marquee Volunteer
PTA Reporting Structure
VP Programs: Appreciation & Recognition Chair - Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony Education & Extracurricular Chair - Reflections Program - After-School Enrichment - Running Program - Lego Robotics - Scholarship - Books for Bingo STEM Lab Chair
PTA Reporting Structure
VP Ways & Means: Business Partners/Sponsor Nights Chair Fall Festival Box Tops/Store Incentives Spirit Wear Holiday Shop Membership Chair
PTA Reporting Structure
VP Volunteers: Homeroom Parent Coordinator Library/Lunchroom/Art Coordinator Administrative Chair School Supply Kits
PTA Budget Process Budget revenue and expense line item requests for due to President by 6/15 Executive Committee will meet prior to Summer Executive Board meeting to review budget requests Executive Board meets in July/August to review/vote on budget Changes can be made to the budget without a vote anytime prior to approval by the General Membership at Back to School Night All budget line item changes $300 or less can be approved by the Executive Board Any budget line item changes over $300 must be approved by the General Membership
PTA Budget Forms Three main budget forms:
Officer or Committee Budget Itemization Worksheet Voucher Form Deposit Form
Officer or Committee Budget Itemization Form
Voucher Request Form
Deposit Request Form
Event and Program Planning
Setting the Date: Contact the VP of Programs for available dates on PTA Program calendar. Contact Lori Wood in the office to check the THES calendar. When final event date is determined, contact VP of Programs and Lori to ensure date is on the PTA calendar and THES calendar. Reserving Facilities: Fill out a facility use form available in THES office. Return to Courtney or Lori for approval by Mike and County. Once County approval is received, President will you.
Event and Program Planning
Vendor Contracts: All contracts for services must be signed by the President. A copy of the signed contract and/or acceptance should be attached to the Voucher Request Form when requesting payment for the vendor. Volunteers: Request to the VP of Volunteers for nList at least 4 weeks prior to the event date. Request must include volunteer positions needed, number of volunteers required per position, as well as length of time for each position. Don’t forget to include volunteers for set-up and clean-up.
Event and Program Planning
Publicity: Pipeline – Start publicizing your event/program in the Pipeline at least two months prior to the event date. (Pipeline deadline) Procedure for flyers in the purple folder: - a copy of your flyer to the PTA President and Mr. D for approval at least two weeks prior to the date you want to send it out. - You must do your own copying and sorting of the flyer to go into the teachers’ mailboxes. A list of # of students in each class is on the bulletin board behind the copier. If you are unable to do your own copying, please find a friend or fellow Board member to help you. The PTA copy code is - To be included in the Friday purple folder, all flyers must be in the teachers’ mailboxes by noon on Thursday.
Event and Program Planning
Voucher (Check) Requests/Deposits: All voucher requests must be submitted to the Treasurer at least one week prior to the event. Don’t forget about Petty Cash – Request one week prior to event. If money is collected, all receipts must be counted and verified by at least 2 non-committee members. Money and a deposit form must be turned over to the Treasurer the same day as event for immediate deposit. Two cash boxes available in PTA cabinets in copy room.
PTA Webpage
Ruchi Shrivastava is in charge of website Please review webpage content ASAP Send updates to Ruchi by July 31st PTA will increase usage of website/Pipeline/ blasts to push information to General Membership.
Binder Documents Review Binder Audit Form
PTA Calendar (This will be created this summer) PTA Executive Board Contact List THES PTA Bylaws THES PTA Standing Rules Event/Program Planning Guide Officer/Committee Chair Calendar Checklist(created by each officer/committee chair to track when tasks need to be completed) Executive Board Monthly Committee Reports Current PTA Budget Officer/Committee Chair Budget Itemization Worksheet Voucher Request Form Deposit Request Form 501(c)(3)Determination Letter All documents are available on the Twin Hickory PTA Website under the Executive Board Link.
General Membership Meetings
Minimum of 7 GM meetings are required. Quorum is 10. September 18, 2014, 7:00 p.m. (Back to School Night) November 13, 2014, 7:00 p.m. (2nd Grade Performance) December 11, 2014, 7:00 p.m. (5th Grade Performance) February 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m. (3rd Grade Performance) March 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m. (1st Grade Performance) April (TBD), 2015 (Talent Show) May 21, 2015, 7:00 p.m. (4th Grade Performance)
Executive Board Meetings
Quorum is 9. Best to schedule before GM meetings in case a GM vote is needed. All are at 7:00 p.m. in THES library September 16, 2014 October 20, 2014 November 17, 2014 January 20, 2015 February 17, 2015, 7:00 p.m. March 16, 2015, 7:00 p.m. April 21, 2015 May 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
EB Meeting Reports & Agenda
President will send out meeting reminder and request for committee reports 1 week before Executive Board meeting. All standing and special committees must submit a report on the committee report form. If there is nothing to report, state “nothing to report.” Committee report forms are sent up the chain of command, not directly to the President. If you want a topic to be included on the agenda for discussion or deliberation, you must express it. All items not included on the agenda for specific discussion will be sent to all EB members prior to the meeting and will be attached to the minutes.
Current Vacancies Executive Board Positions
Legislative Advisor/Parliamentarian County Council Delegate Special Committee Positions HEROES Books for Bingo Holiday Shop
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