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One objective, two approaches. Content – comparison of projects Aim of the project Consortium Recruitment of target groups Beneficiaries - course participants.

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Presentation on theme: "One objective, two approaches. Content – comparison of projects Aim of the project Consortium Recruitment of target groups Beneficiaries - course participants."— Presentation transcript:

1 One objective, two approaches

2 Content – comparison of projects Aim of the project Consortium Recruitment of target groups Beneficiaries - course participants Conception of the training Textbooks and publications Feedback Results Strategy of sustainability

3 WHY CENMAD? To enhance the competitiveness of the region NUTS II North-East Bohemia To enhance the qualification and competence of researchers The specific objective of OP HR Development

4 WHY TRANSCEN? To enhance the competitiveness of the NUTS III Liberec region To enhance the qualification and competence of researchers living/working in the respective region The specific objective of OP HR Development

5 WHO? CENMAD consortium –University, –consultation company, –training company, –association of PR agencies

6 WHO? TRANSCEN consortium –University, –Research institute, –Innovative SME

7 Target groups - recruitment of participants CENMAD –Invitation letters to regional universities, research institutes and R&D departments of innovative enterprises/companies –Advertising in local newspaper, professional journals and broadcast –Individual consultations with personnel managers

8 TRANSCEN List of research and innovation organizations – 158 contacts –Continuous direct communication –Invitation letters (paper version and e-mail) to university departments, innovative SMEs within NUTSII region (created and updated database of contacts) –Advertisements on project website + websites communicating R&D activities, advertising in regional newspaper –Posters placed in the buildings of the university and VUTS Liberec Target groups - recruitment of participants

9 Beneficiaries - participants CENMAD –Participants of the pilot course attended all nine training units –570 presences in total –25 participants completed their final projects and were awarded the CENMAD Certificate

10 Beneficiaries - participants TRANSCEN –Open approach –Courses have been attended by 164 participants in total –Average No. of participants per workshop … 19

11 HOW? CENMAD  virtual Centre for the Improvement of Managerial Skills in Research (CENMAD) established within the Department for Development and International Affaires of the University of Pardubice –the Centre provided a Pilot integrated training course called „Development of managerial skills in research“ 6 thematic modules divided into 9 training units Most participants attended the whole course

12 HOW? TRANSCEN  Regional centre of education in the field of knowledge and technology transfer (TRANSCEN) established in cooperation of TU Liberec, VUTS Liberec and Elmarco, Ltd. – centre is located at the premises of VUTS –The centre provides courses related to the all fields of knowledge and technology transfer –7 thematic modules – more than 34 individual pilot courses –The courses are designed according to the special needs and interests of R&D workers within the region

13 Textbooks and publications CENMAD –Copies of all lectures distributed stepwise on training sessions –Downloads from project's web pages (password for participants) –Printed Guide for Project Managers - compiled lessons in form of small brochure and CD (booklets in Czech and English)

14 Textbooks TRANSCEN –The copies of presentations and additional study materials (documents, CDs) are distributed to the participants at the beginning of the single pilot courses –Publications created during the project – available to all interested persons (order form on project website) – hardcopy version –Selected information presented on-line (IPR, innovation etc.)

15 Publications and conferences TRANSCEN Publications created during the project: –Explanatory dictionary of innovation (ISBN 978-80-903865-0-1) –Supporting programmes for SMEs –Explanatory dictionary of ERA (ISBN 978-80-903865-4-9) – publication in phase of preparation Conferences (8 in total, so far)

16 Feedback from course participants CENMAD –Participants evaluated each training unit –Most popular and necessary: Communication and presentations skills, PR –Necessary: Project management –Interesting: Sustainable development and ecology

17 Feedback from course participants TRANSCEN Most popular courses: –Presentation skills –Financial audit of a project –Inspiriting sources of creativity development and emotional intelligence –New trends in application of scientific and research knowledge – Nanotechnologies in practice

18 Results CENMAD –Intergated training course: 1 –Total number of lectures: 58 –Overall number of individual participants: 72 –Participants successful completion of the course: 25 –Average evaluation of the courses: 1.39 points (scale from 1 to 5; 1 = excellent, 5 = unsatisfactory) –Publications created: 2

19 Results TRANSCEN –Total number of organised courses: 31 –Overall number of individual participants: 164 –Average number of participant per course: 19 –Average evaluation of the courses: 4.71 points (5 points max.; 1 point min.) –Publications created: 3

20 What to keep in mind Budget Underestimate of paperwork Deadlines Motivation of course participants

21 Strategy of sustainability CENMAD –The single thematic modules will be offered to other researchers and interested persons as a further education course after termination of the project TRANSCEN –2 new training programmes incorporated into current university programmes offer (Innovation entrepreneurship and Financial management of innovations) + single workshops will be offered to public on the commercial basis

22 Strategy of sustainability TRANSCEN –Creation of two new obligatory facultative subjects of master study on the Faculty of Economy, Technical University in Liberec

23 Thank you for your attention. Ing. Monika Vejchodova, CENMAD project coordinator Ing. Radka Pittnerova, TRANSCEN project manager

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