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Galaxies. Our Solar System – a Speck in the Milky Way Our galaxy is about ____________in diameter ▫What’s a ly again? It is _______________thick at its.

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Presentation on theme: "Galaxies. Our Solar System – a Speck in the Milky Way Our galaxy is about ____________in diameter ▫What’s a ly again? It is _______________thick at its."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galaxies

2 Our Solar System – a Speck in the Milky Way Our galaxy is about ____________in diameter ▫What’s a ly again? It is _______________thick at its widest point near the core Our solar system is very tiny compared to the whole Milky Way A beam of light from the Sun would take _____________ to cross the entire Milky Way ▫But it takes only _________to get to Neptune! :o

3 Our Milky Way Looks like two fried eggs stuck back to back (from the side) Looks like a giant whirlpool (from the top) Our Sun takes about 220 million years to travel once around the centre of the galaxy This means that in millions of years, people will see different stars at night If our solar system was a single bean, the Milky Way would be a bit larger than the area of Lake Superior

4 _________________ Galaxy One of the ______________ galaxies to us You can see it from Britain It is __________________ away Oooo-aaaah! The most distant galaxies are _____________________ away When light left them, the Earth did not exist!!

5 Properties of Galaxies All galaxies contain _________, ______________ and ____________ More dust means more ___________ ▫Stars form from dust and gases present in _________________ ▫__________________ galaxies have less dust because it has all been used up in star-making

6 Properties of Galaxies 1.Black Hole ▫It is a region of space where ____________ is so strong that nothing (not even light) can escape ▫It’s believed that each galaxy contains __________ supermassive black hold at the _____________  Milky Way: at centre, many stars are orbiting around a point in space that seems empty ▫Affects its surroundings by __________________  Can pull a star right into it, destroying the star  This will increase the ____________ of the black hole  Milky Way: ours has a mass of ____________________ stars like our Sun ▫When two galaxies collide, the black holes will _____

7 Properties of Galaxies 2.Dark Matter ▫It is matter in the universe that is ___________  It does not interact with _______or other radiation ▫Astronomers think that __________ of the universe is filled with dark matter  Why?  Unexpected _______________ of galaxies ▫Milky Way: stars revolve around centre so fast, they should be flung off but aren’t ▫Most of the ______________ in the universe is thought to be produced by ________________

8 Properties of Galaxies 3.Star Clusters ▫This is a ______________________ of stars ▫Has a concentration of stars in a smallish region of space ▫Two types: 1.______________ Cluster  Contains a few hundred to a few thousand stars  One of the _____________star groups in a galaxy 2.____________________ Cluster  Contains hundreds of thousands of stars, drawn together by the stars’ gravity  One of the _____________star groups in a galaxy

9 Properties of Galaxies Open ClusterGlobular Cluster

10 Galaxy Shapes Galaxies are commonly classified according to four main shapes: 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ 4.__________________________

11 Galaxy Shapes 1.Spiral & Barred Spiral ▫Have spiral-shaped _____coming out from the centre ▫Half of all spiral galaxies have a bar across the ________  These are called barred spiral galaxies (E.g.: Milky Way) ▫A typical spiral galaxy completes a full rotation once about every __________________________ ▫Most spiral galaxies have hundreds to thousands of star _____________________  Due to the dust and gases between stars (breeding ground for new stars) ▫At the core, has a “_______________” with mostly old stars (not enough dust an gases here)

12 Galaxy Shapes 3.Elliptical Galaxies ▫Looks like a _________________________ ▫Can look almost _______________ ▫Can look ___________________________ ▫Can look long and cylindrical like a _________ ▫Happens when spiral galaxies _________ ▫These are the _____________galaxies ▫Don’t have a lot of dust  fewer young stars

13 Galaxy Shapes 4.Irregular Galaxies ▫Neither spiral nor elliptical ▫No ________________shape ▫May have happened because...  Two galaxies ____________________  Two galaxies got _______ enough that the gravity of one ______________ stars from the other

14 Galaxy Shapes Spiral GalaxyBarred Spiral Galaxy

15 Galaxy Shapes Elliptical GalaxyIrregular Galaxy

16 Learning Checkpoint 1.What is a galaxy? 2.What is thought to be at the very centre of all galaxies? 3.What is dark matter? 4.Sketch the general shape of a spiral galaxy as viewed from the side and then as viewed from above. 5.State one possible way that elliptical galaxies form.

17 Galaxy Clusters The universe does not end at the Milky Way! The Milky Way is part of a group of ________ galaxies ▫This is called a galaxy cluster ▫Ours is called the ___________________  More than _____________ stars are inside it The Local Group is part of the Local Cluster The Local Cluster is part of the Local Supercluster...

18 Galaxy Cluster Miss Strilchuk 700 Main Street West Hamilton Ontario Canada Earth Milky Way Local Group Local Cluster Local Supercluster The Universe

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