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Warm Up September 12, 2013 This is…well…not the greatest graph ever (to put it nicely). How could you improve this graph?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up September 12, 2013 This is…well…not the greatest graph ever (to put it nicely). How could you improve this graph?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up September 12, 2013 This is…well…not the greatest graph ever (to put it nicely). How could you improve this graph?

2 Correct HW

3 Quiz #3

4 1.5 Graphs in Science There are many types of graphs. In Life Science last year, you may have used bar graphs or pie charts often.

5 In chemistry and physics, the type of graph that is used most often is the line graph. Charles Law of Gas Behavior in chemistry Distance vs time graph in physics

6 A line graph shows how one variable changes in response to another. Line graphs are used when the manipulated or independent variable is continuous. Continuous Independent Variable

7 A bar graph is used when the manipulated or independent variable is not continuous but has multiple, distinct forms.

8 Parts of a Line Graph X axis Y axis Scale Title X axis label Y axis label Data points Line of best fit Key (if multiple sets of data points are on the same graph) The Effect of Time on Ice Sheet Area

9 Steps in Creating a Line Graph 1. Draw the axes. ;)

10 2.

11 3. Create a Scale Choose a scale that fits your data points. Have consistent intervals. Your data points should fill most of the graph. (if the points are too close together, it is hard to see a trend. Everything looks like a line from far enough out – even the Milky Way Galaxy!) The scale does not have to start at zero.


13 4. Plot the Data

14 5. Add a Title Your title should follow the format: “The Effect of (independent variable) on (dependent variable).” Capitalize all major words in the title. You do not need to capitalize words like “the” and “of”.

15 6. Draw a Line of Best Fit The line of best fit is a line that most closely fits a set of data points.

16 Why draw lines of best fit? A line of best fit can: – Help you see the overall trend – Help you to recognize outliers, or points that may not be accurate – Allow you predict results for data you have not yet collected

17 How to draw a line of best fit: 1.Plot all measured data points on a graph. 1.Make sure independent variable is on x axis. 2.Make sure dependent variable is on y axis. 2.Using a ruler, draw the line that deviates the least from the set of points. 3.Choose two points on the line (they do not have to be data points you measured – just any two points on the line) and use them to calculate the slope.

18 Calculating Slope

19 Example

20 Trends in Graphs Linear Trend: Data points are in a straight line and a line of best fit can be applied. Say or Write: “As (independent variable) increases/decreases, (dependent variable) increases/decreases.”

21 Example “As temperature increases, volume increases.”

22 Nonlinear Trends: Curves For some sets of data, drawing a curve is the best way to represent the data points. Say or Write: “As (independent variable) increases/decreases, (dependent variable) increases/decreases SHARPLY ”

23 Example As pressure increases, volume decreases sharply.

24 “These Old Bones” Graphing Investigation

25 Homework p. 41 #1a-c, #2a-c, & #3a-b Finish “These Old Bones” Lab

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