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Scripture Reading Matthew 25:14-19. Introduction What talents do you have? All of us have been blessed to a certain degree with talents or abilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Scripture Reading Matthew 25:14-19. Introduction What talents do you have? All of us have been blessed to a certain degree with talents or abilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scripture Reading Matthew 25:14-19

2 Introduction What talents do you have? All of us have been blessed to a certain degree with talents or abilities. Not all have the same. In the workplace, in the home, in the church. We use the talents that God gave us to expand His kingdom.

3 Putting Your Talent(s) to Work What are your abilities? Teach a bible class. Lead singing. Present a lesson to the congregation. Visit the sick. Be a Dorcas (Acts 9:36-41). Provide transportation to services or other gatherings.

4 Get Busy! Too often we saddle the person(s) willing to do a thing with more than they can do. Many times there is jealousy from those with less abilities. A lot of times we fail to develop the abilities that we have. Don't hide your talent!

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