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Developing Your Vision and Goals Module Four. Something to Think About Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Japanese.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Your Vision and Goals Module Four. Something to Think About Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Japanese."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Your Vision and Goals Module Four

2 Something to Think About Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Japanese Proverb

3 Outline of Module Four What’s This Thing Called “Vision”? Features of a Strong Regional Vision Statement Developing a Vision Statement for Your Region Elements of Good Regional Goals

4 What’s This Thing Called “Vision”? Vision is the art of seeing the invisible Jonathan Swift Describes the future situation you want to achieve Responds to these key questions:  What do you want your region to be?  What are your dreams for the region?

5 The Words of a Famous Coach All the great leaders have been people of great vision, men and women able to provide insight into what is possible. Vision is your view of the group’s future, the place you want to be after the transformation is complete. For the people you are leading, vision is their belief in the overall game plan, their belief that this plan is in their best interest. Without this, all your dreams, all our ideas, can easily be derailed. Rick Pitino (2000). Lead to Succeed: 10 Traits of Great Leadership in Business and Life

6 Features of a Strong Vision Statement Vision Statement of a Regional Team Focuses on the future Gives shape and direction to the future Highlights its purpose and values Inspires people, groups, communities Relevant for many years Source: Killam, D. (2003)

7 Building a Shared Vision: A Step-by-Step Approach Finalize Your Vision Statement Draft a Vision Statement from the Key Themes Share draft with others and seek input Determine Common Themes then Prioritize Determine which themes to keepRemove less relevant ideas Seek Input on Hopes/Aspirations for the Region Your TeamKey Leaders and GroupsDiversity of Residents Determine the Focus of Your Vision Statement Your Regional Team? Economic Development?Quality of Life? Source: Mind Tools, LTD (2011)

8 Let’s Try It ! VISION STATEMENT: WEEDC will be the business-driven, business-led organization focused on creating prosperity and recognized for generating economic value and a high quality of life throughout the Windsor-Essex Region. Key elements Your comments What’s the focus or main theme? What are the hopes and aspirations? Does it focus on the future ? Does it express purpose and values? Does it inspire? Is it relevant for many years?

9 Group Activity: Developing a Vision Statement

10 Steps in Building a Vision Statement 1.Each Person – Reflect on the Following (5 minutes): What does this region look like in 20-30 years? How and where do people live? What do they do for work? What are your hopes/aspirations for the region? 2.In Small Groups – Share Your Ideas (10 minutes) Common themes most important for your group’s regional work 3. Report Your Small Group’s Key Themes (8 minutes) 4. Develop Draft of a Vision Statement (10 minutes) Source: Adapted from The Power of Appreciative Inquiry 2 nd Edition. Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom (2010)

11 Thinking of our destination: Being SMART !


13 Let’s Brainstorm Some Ideas Rules for Brainstorming: No ideas are “bad.” Don’t get bogged down in detail. Consensus is not necessary at this point.

14 Goals: The Result of Careful Study Regional Goals Population Features Regional Assets Economic Strengths Barriers Past History Workforce Skills

15 A Goal is a... Dream with a Deadline It is an observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved within a certain timeframe. Source:

16 Developing a SMART Goal Prepare a goal that’s crystal clear, concise: SMART! Vague Goals = Vague Results

17 SMART Goals State clearly WHAT your team wants to achieve. Indicate WHY this goal is important. Specify WHERE you intend to focus your efforts. Specific HOW do you plan to measure progress toward the goal? Define both the end result and milestones you want to achieve along the way. Be concrete. Measurable Determine if your team has the resources (people, financial, political, time, skills, motivation, etc.) needed to achieve the goal. Attainable The team must truly believe the goal can be accomplished. Be honest about what the team is able to pursue. Realistic WHEN do you want to achieve your goal? Decide a target date for accomplishing your team’s goal. Time Framed Source: Heathfield, S.M. (2011)

18 Example of a SMART Goal Goal 1: Increase the survival rate of new business start-ups (less than 5-years-old) from 50% to 75% in the Big Coast Region by Dec. 2014 Goal 2: Establish a public/private funded business incubator center in the Big Coast Region by Dec. 2013; House 15 business incubator firms in this center by Dec. 2015

19 Is this Goal SMART? GOAL: Develop a business environment that encourages entrepreneurs and supports emerging entrepreneurs through training and shared marketing efforts Write Your Comments Below Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Framed REVISION OF THIS GOAL?


21 Organizational Goal Worksheet YOUR GOAL: (write you goal in this box and then analyze it using the SMART criteria below) Write Your Comments Below Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Framed REVISION OF YOUR GOAL?

22 Final Reflections What did you find most helpful and valuable in this module? Are there any items that need to be clarified?

23 Homework Ideas Finalize the Vision Statement Ask 2-3 locals for reactions to the vision statement (if completed) Fine-tune your organizational goal Other items?

24 What’s Ahead Module Five: Examine a variety of regional data:  Population  Education  Workforce  Social  More

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