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The LOB faculty offer different types of electives Electives that fulfill the 2 nd year Leadership Requirement (LDSP) Electives in the Leadership and Organizational.

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Presentation on theme: "The LOB faculty offer different types of electives Electives that fulfill the 2 nd year Leadership Requirement (LDSP) Electives in the Leadership and Organizational."— Presentation transcript:

1 The LOB faculty offer different types of electives Electives that fulfill the 2 nd year Leadership Requirement (LDSP) Electives in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior area (LOB) Electives in Bargaining and Negotiating (NEG)

2 LOB taught Required Leadership Electives Leading Strategic Change (3 sections) Leadership Strategies (new offering) Tactical Leadership Leadership and Diversity through Literature Managerial Psychology (2 quarters) Leadership Learning Lab (open only to student leaders)

3 Electives in Leadership/Organizational Behavior areas Mastering Global Leadership The Spirit of the New Workplace Bargaining and Negotiating Developing Organizational Capability (MBAE format) – may open to MBAs in August

4 LDR 8701: Leading Strategic Change Senior Manager’s view on leading change in organizations Explores the relationship between leadership, strategy, and leading change in organizations. Cases and discussion about leading strategic change in organizations Provocative discussions Alec Horniman 3 sections

5 Leadership Strategies (new) Based on 2 assumptions - No one way to lead - Leaders are a work in progress Develops understanding of multiple approaches and their impacts Assesses your own leadership style and strategy through 4 part self-assessment Helps you develop a personal leadership action plan Kristin Behfar Offered in Q2

6 LDR 8705: Leadership and Diversity through Literature This course explores the stories of people who are significant in the lives of other people: it has been said that we are a product of our most important stories The course explores the stories of influential leaders from diverse points of view Explores the role of leadership in managing diversity through great leaders in literature Alec Horniman

7 GBUS 8703: Tactical Leadership Leadership is about managing energy, first in yourself, and then in those around you. This course explores how to get the most energy out of people, including yourself We’ll explore various roles of the leader such as story teller, values champion, voice, dreamer, listener, energizer, coach, change agent, designer, and force for action We address leadership at the personal, work group, and organizational levels Learn how to be a leader in turbulent times Jim Clawson The course is based on the latest edition of the L3L book.

8 LOB 875: Managerial Psychology Familiarizes students with the dominant theories of human behavior A new book each week Current theories of psychology as well as the classics Seminar style discussions Over 2 quarters (30 sessions) Alec Horniman

9 The Spirit of the New Workplace Joe Harder one week format - January Develop an awareness of current trends in the workplace Cultivate an analytic framework for assessing future workplace innovations Engage in a process of self-discovery about your own and others’ understandings of work and the role it plays in life Work with tools and methods that facilitate transition into the work world Experience the benefits of having fun with a purpose!

10 Mastering Global Leadership Course will be co-taught with Terry de Guzman Explores the perspectives, attitudes and habits of thinking that foster global leadership competence Opportunities to practice core global leadership skills Written exercises and reflections are core to the course pedagogy Martin Davidson

11 Bargaining and Negotiating Hands on - Engage with classmates in negotiations for every class Experience first hand successful and unsuccessful strategies Learn about personal negotiating strengths and weaknesses Develop situational awareness and the impact of various tactics on outcomes Melissa Thomas-Hunt 3 sections

12 Questions? Contact me (Lynn Isabella) or any member of the LOB faculty.

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