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2013 Strategic Plan Implementation Update October 27, 2014.

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1 2013 Strategic Plan Implementation Update October 27, 2014

2 Objective I: Maximize the Value of an Eastern Degree Eastern will advance itself as a model of outstanding and affordable public liberal arts education by continuing to foster a culture of achievement

3 Objective I: Maximize the Value of an Eastern Degree Initiative Overall Status Key Projects I.a. Provide a residential private college experience at a public university price -42 tenure-track searches in last two academic years -15 Theme Housing communities this fall I.b. Establish policies and procedures to facilitate degree completion in four years -Eastern in 4 plan in place, templates for all majors created, mandatory completion by all students with fewer than 45 credits -Exploratory categories created for undecided students -Implementation of Transfer Articulation Policy underway I.c. Educate students and families on debt accumulation and provide additional financial support -University using SALT website provided by American Student Assistance - Offered parent session in SOAR, summer 2014 I.d. Connect students to alumni and professional networks -CICD holding career fair with 70 employers in October 2014 -CICD organizing numerous other events including workshops, and graduate school and majors/minors fairs I.e. Control costs and ensure effective use of Eastern’s resources -Operational plans from all administrative units completed in May 2013 -Exemplary Program Review and Academic Program Review now merged into single process (SB 12/13-11) on hold; no progress; slight progress; moderate progress; significant progress; complete

4 Objective II: Ensure that Programs are Relevant, Effective, and Challenging Strengthen academic vitality and relevance by continually reviewing and refining undergraduate and graduate programs and co-curricular programing to align with advances in the disciplines and pedagogy, student development, and changing workforce needs

5 Objective II: Ensure that Programs are Relevant, Effective and Challenging Initiative Overall Status Key Projects II.a. Prepare students for a complex and evolving global economy -5 new majors created: Finance, Health Sciences, Liberal Studies, New Media, Philosophy -Departments being encouraged to create Advisory Boards with external participants II.b. Enrich the graduate program offerings at Eastern-Graduate Advisory Board convened, fall 2014 -Revised Education Masters degree programs approved by Senate, spring 2014 -Early Start Elementary Ed graduate program proposed, spring 2014 -MS in Accounting revived, enrolling students for summer 2015 -MS in Organizational Management has been revised and is under review II.c. Increase the academic nature of campus programing -Advisory Board created, fall 2013. Board has made several recommendations on hold; no progress; slight progress; moderate progress; significant progress; complete

6 Objective III: Enhance Learning through Campus and Community Engagement in Integrative Learning Experiences Students will develop leadership and civic engagement values and skills through an integrative learning approach that allows them to make connections between learning in the classroom and applied experiences

7 Objective III: Enhance Learning through Campus and Community Engagement in Integrative Learning Experiences Initiative Overall Status Key Projects III.a. Provide all students with multiple opportunities for integrative learning -Expanded LAW opportunities -Expanded Work Hub with new locations on campus and new firms recruited -Expanded Undergraduate Research Program III.b. Provide meaningful connections between residence halls and the larger community -Civic and Community Service themed housing created, fall 2014 -Beginning fall 2014, each residence hall has adopted a societal issue to focus on in programing and community service work III.c. Provide integrative learning experiences by supporting the Windham community with early childhood social and cognitive development programs -Have provided several workshops for families on various topics III.d. Provide integrative learning experiences by supporting the Windham community with coordinated engagement programs for Windham Public School students -Assessing in-school and after-school programs -140 Eastern students participated in WPS in fall 2013, for 1206 hours III.e. Provide integrative learning experiences by supporting the Windham community by providing health and wellness programs for WPS students and their families -31 Eastern students volunteered in wellness programs in fall 2013, 557 hours on hold; no progress; slight progress; moderate progress; significant progress; complete

8 Objective IV: Assist Students, Staff and Faculty in Achieving their Full Potential Ensure that all students, faculty and staff receive the support and opportunities for development necessary to help them achieve their full potential

9 Objective IV: Assist Students, Staff and Faculty Achieving their Full Potential Initiative Overall Status Key Projects IV.a. Increase student success through targeted support and improved support services -Purchased Gradesfirst with faculty training in fall 2014 -Developing “Eastern Advising Handbook” outlining policies and student responsibilities IV.b. Enhance advising services provided to students by faculty and professional advisors -Subscription to Magna 20 Minute Mentor Series -All students with fewer than 45 credits now required to meet with both faculty and professional advisors IV.c. Create a coordinated Parents’ Engagement Program -Virtual parents advisory committee established, fall 2014 -Created parent newsletter, fall 2013, distinguishing between parents of first year students and upper class -Enhanced programing for parents in SOAR based on parent input IV.d. Enhance the professional development opportunities for all members of Eastern’s workforce -Office of Professional Development created with Advisory Committees from various groups on campus on hold; no progress; slight progress; moderate progress; significant progress; complete

10 Objective V: Increase Public Awareness of Eastern’s Unique Mission and Community Eastern will continue to build its reputation for providing an excellent liberal arts education, and employ a more focused marketing approach that attracts and promotes the achievements of an increasingly talented and diverse student body

11 Objective V: Increase Public Awareness of Eastern’s Unique Mission and Community Initiative Overall Status Key Projects V.a. Attract talented and diverse students who are prepared to succeed at Eastern -Developing financial aid leveraging program for 2015/16 award cycle -Merit aid increased to almost $1 million -Need-based aid increased for 2014/15, fund receives 17% of tuition -Creating Eastern Scholars Program to recruit more high achieving students V.b. Attract a talented and diverse faculty with exceptional scholarly and pedagogical abilities -Utilizing Exemplary Program Review and Delaware Cost Study to assign faculty lines -Diversity and Social Justice Advisory Committee reorganized and convened, fall 2013 -Increased release time by 15 FLCs for 2014/15 V.c. Increase public awareness of Eastern’s unique mission and values -Interactive viewbook developed and published, summer 2014 -Virtual campus tour placed on website, fall 2014 -Website will be fully migrated to Word Press by summer 2015 on hold; no progress; slight progress; moderate progress; significant progress; complete

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