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Anne Zeman, Ed.D., Director, Curriculum/Professional Learning Don Azevada, Program Specialist, History/Social Science Ray Pietersen, Program Specialist,

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Zeman, Ed.D., Director, Curriculum/Professional Learning Don Azevada, Program Specialist, History/Social Science Ray Pietersen, Program Specialist,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Zeman, Ed.D., Director, Curriculum/Professional Learning Don Azevada, Program Specialist, History/Social Science Ray Pietersen, Program Specialist, Science History / Social Science and Science Common Core Literacy Standards Preparing Students for College and Career Readiness 2013

2 Outcomes: 1. Understand the background and rationale of the CCSS. 2. Understand the shifts and implications for students and teachers in EGUSD. 3. Analyze the depth of the literacy skills described by the CCSS to be college and career ready. 4. Prepare to support students developing CCSS skills as they learn our literacy standards.

3 Teacher Generated Norms: Listen actively -- respect others when they are talking. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing. Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks -- focus on ideas. Participate to the fullest of your ability -- community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice.

4 Understand the background and rationale for the CCSS. Outcome #1

5 Rationale for the Common Core Council of the Great City Schools

6 Background and Rationale of the Common Core State Standards Were developed by states as a collaborative initiative. Are informed by other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society;

7 Background and Rationale of the Common Core State Standards Are aligned with college and career expectations; Are clear, understandable and consistent; Include rigorous application of knowledge through high-order skills;

8 California’s Common Core State Standards By agreement, states had to adopt CCSS word for word, but they could add 15%. (CA signifies this with underlining bold text.) CCSS were adopted by the California Board of Education on August 2, 2010.

9 46 States Have Adopted the E/LA CCSS August 2, 2010

10 Organization of the CCSS: Where does History and Science fit? Math Standards E/LA Standards Literacy Standards for History and Science

11 Understand the shifts and implications for students and teachers in EGUSD History and Science classrooms. Outcome #2

12 Common Core Causes SHIFTS in Education What are the SHIFTS in how we teach?

13 Content Standards vs. Common Core Standards Content Standards (Knowledge Based) Common Core Standards (Skills Based) History/SS content standards Science content standards Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). A set of Literacy Standards to access the content 10 for Reading 10 for Writing

14 Shifts Brought by the CCSS: E/LA Increase reading of informational texts Increased text complexity of reading texts as measured by lexile level Focus on academic vocabulary within context of texts 14

15 What is a “lexile”? These two factors are similar to the “Frye Readability” formula. More info can be found at 2 Factors: Word Frequency Sentence Length Lexile is the unit used to report text complexity.

16 Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures 600 800 1000 1400 1600 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Lit. College Lit. High School Texts College Texts Military Personal Use Entry- Level Occupa- tions SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%) 16 Currently Assessed Standards Lexile Expectations CCSS Lexile Expectations

17 Shifts Brought by the CCSS: E/LA Emphasis on text-dependent questions and performance tasks Connect writing to reading with frequent opportunities to research information Provide literacy instruction in all content areas 17

18 What Is EGUSD Doing to Transition to CCSS??

19 CCSS Transition Timeline: 2012-13 EGUSD transition to CCSS for E/LA 3 rd -6 th grades implementing CCSS 7-12 beginning implementation EGUSD transition to CCSS for Math K-2 grades implementing CCSS

20 CCSS Transition Timeline: 2013-14 EGUSD transition to CCSS for E/LA: Grades K-2 Grades 7-12 EGUSD transition to CCSS for Math: Grades 3-6 Grades 7-12 (Mathematical Practices) EGUSD transition to CCSS Literacy Standards in 7 – 12 History/Social Science EGUSD transition to CCSS Literacy Standards in 7 – 12 Science

21 CCSS Transition Timeline: 2014-15 Testing begins in 2014-15 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Testing for grades 3-8, and 11 Includes summative and optional interim assessments

22 Analyze the depth of the literacy skills required by the CCSS. Outcome #3


24 Organization of CCSS Numbering of standards is consistent (e.g., writing standard 1 deals with opinion/argument from K-12). They progressively increase in level of sophistication. Standards are “divided” K-5/6-12 grade spans where one might see some shifts in language used, although the intent of the standard remains (e.g., “opinion” is used K-5 and then shifts to “argument” 6-12).

25 Identifying the Standards

26 Shifts Demanded by the CCSS: History/Social Science and Science Literacy Skills Reading Key Ideas and Details Close reading and textual evidence of primary/secondary sources Close reading and textual evidence to support analysis of text Craft and Structure Text Structure

27 Shifts Demanded by the CCSS: History/Social Science and Science Literacy Skills Reading Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Two or more texts on the same topic Integrating quantitative textual information with information presented in other visual forms Compare and contrast experimental information with information gained from the text Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Read complex text independently and proficiently

28 Shifts Demanded by the CCSS: History/ Social Science and Science Literacy Skills Writing Text Types and Purposes Write arguments using discipline specific evidence and claims Production and Distribution of Writing Using technology to produce, publish and collaborate Research to Build and Present Knowledge Conduct short or sustained research projects Range of Writing Write routinely and for a range of tasks

29 Identifying the Standards Examining grade level CCSS literacy standards for writing.

30 Identifying the Standards Activity 1 – Simplify language of standards. Lets look at W2 W1 - Support arguments, defend claims, analyze opposing claims with evidence from discipline specific content. With a partner, horizontally trace and simplify the language in Writing Standard 2. Activity 2 - Looking at the Performance Assessment Analyzing the Writing Standards Deconstructing the prompt

31 Prepare to support students developing CCSS skills as they learn our literacy standards. Outcome #4

32 What Is EGUSD Doing to Support the Transition?


34 Identifying focus standards for 2013-2014 Literacy standards for reading: 1, 5, and 7 Literacy standard for writing: 1

35 Abbreviations W. 11-12. 1b StrandGradesStandard Number

36 Reading Standard: Key Ideas and Details RH & RST.11-12.1 - Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of : RH - History- primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole. RST - Science- science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account.

37 Applying Reading Standard RH & RST.11-12.1 Text dependent questions- Text dependent questions- E/LA Curriculum Specialist eCPL.

38 Reading Standard: Craft and Structure RH & RST.11-12.5 – Analyze: RH - History- in detail how a complex primary source is structured, including how key sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text contribute to the whole. RST - Science- how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas.

39 Applying Reading Standard RH & RST.11-12.5 What are some examples of reading comprehension strategies you currently use in your classroom? Text structure What is it? What can we do to help students improve their comprehension of our content?

40 Reading Standard: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas RH & RST.11-12.7 - Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve a problem. History- (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) Science- (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia)

41 Applying Reading Standard RH & RST.11-12.7 Integrating multiple sources refer to performance task chart. Organizational charting

42 Writing Standard: Text Types and Purposes W.11-12.1 (Summary – Support arguments, defend claims, analyze opposing claims with evidence from discipline specific content.)  1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-appropriate form that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.

43 Writing Standard W.11-12.1 (continued) c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented Rubrics as a teaching tool.

44 Applying Writing Standard W.11-12.1 Rubrics as a teaching tool Writing prompts

45 Reflection of the four focus standards: 1. On post-it notes, write down evidence of the focus standards being utilized in your classroom and how frequently the standards are being applied? 2. Place your post-it on the respective chart paper in the room. 3. Gallery walk. 4. Debrief/discuss.

46 Post-it examples Lab Report: Writing a Conclusion – Arguing whether the hypothesis was supported by data from the experiment and related scientific content from the text. Frequency: Once per term. Document Based Question (DBQ) – Analytical Categories (Bucketing) primary and secondary source documents. Frequency: Once per term.

47 Review of this morning: 1. Reviewed the background and rationale of the CCSS. 2. Reviewed the shifts and implications for students and teachers in EGUSD. 3. Analyzed the depth of the literacy skills described by the CCSS to be college and career ready. 4. Prepared to support students developing CCSS skills in four focus areas.

48 Lunch Time! You have ONE hour for lunch. Please return promptly for the afternoon session. Thank you!

49 Anne Zeman, Ed.D., Director, Curriculum/Professional Learning Don Azevada, Program Specialist, History/Social Science Ray Pietersen, Program Specialist, Science History / Social Science and Science Common Core Literacy Standards Preparing Students for College and Career Readiness 2013

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