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5 Steps to Maintaining a Family Organization in a System of Care Developers: Laurie Chapman, M.S., LMFT Donna Ewing Marto, CEO, Family & Youth Roundtable.

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2 5 Steps to Maintaining a Family Organization in a System of Care Developers: Laurie Chapman, M.S., LMFT Donna Ewing Marto, CEO, Family & Youth Roundtable

3  Representative of Family/Youth Sector  Flexibility for Growth  Developing Your Name STEP 1 - Establishing YOUR Identity

4  Mission and Vision  Logo  Elevator Speech/Pitch STEP 1 - Establishing YOUR Identity

5  System of Care Partners  Make a list of all sector partners involved in the system of care  Public Entities  Private Entities  Education  Family/Youth  Identify the champions in each sector STEP 2- Building Partnerships

6  Benefits  Identify how each sector will benefit from a partnership with a family/youth led organization  What’s in it for them  The “wins”  Level of “buy-in”  Increase “buy in” from sector partners who do not see the “win” STEP 2-Building Partnerships

7  Committee(s)/ Community Forum(s)  Key representatives from each sector participate  Each sector shares their “wins” related to the partnership  Each sector shares their expectations for the family/youth led organization  Each sector identifies potential leaders of the organization  Outside entity reviews and compiles the data STEP 2- Building Partnerships

8  Continuously Hire Diverse Authentic Family/Youth Representatives  Experienced in the work  Representative of population  Stay Connected to Entities at All Levels of the System of Care and Within All Sectors  Maintain Awareness of the Diverse Community Issues STEP 3- Diversity

9  Funding  Grant from public or private source  Contributions from one or more sector partners  Establish 501c3 vs. evolving within a sector STEP 3- Diversity

10  Demonstrate a full commitment to sector partnerships at all times  Clearly represent the work of the organization to stakeholders  Follow through with all commitments  Be prepared at all times to speak on behalf of the family sector STEP 4- Accountability and Transparency

11  Establish Organizational Goals Aligned with System of Care Values and Sector Partner’s “Wins”  Collect Data on All Activities Performed  Consult with researcher on data gathering tools  Create a method for data sharing to sector partners and others  Technology  Public meetings/conferences  Hard media  Develop Internal Controls for Monitoring and Managing Data STEP 5- Reinforcing Your Value

12 We wish you the best on your journey towards improving your system of care through your work as an Authentic Family Organization ! Family & Youth Roundtable 345 15th St, San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 546-5852 Thank You

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