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(بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم)

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Presentation on theme: "(بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم)


3 Please don't do these acts:
being late

4 I like from you all: respectful

5 456PHG

6 Wellcome every body

7 The beginning of the semester
The end of the semester

8 Evaluation of vegetable
Lab(1) Evaluation of vegetable drugs

9 Evaluation of vegetable drugs
Identification 2)Quality 3)Purity

10 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Occurrence of drug in the market: Entire: Seed Leave Flower Fruit Underground (non arial part as root and rhizome)

11 Occurrence of drug in the market:
Entire: 2-Leave: 1-Seed: 4-Fruit: 5-Underground D: 3-Flower:

12 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Cont. Occurrence of drug in the market: B) Cut or sliced: Cinnamon (bark) Squill (bulb leaf) C) Powder: D) Exudate: (unorganized D) E) Galenical preparation: Extraction 2)Tincture 3)Infusion

13 Occurrence of drug in the market:
B) Cut or Sliced: 1-Cinnamon: 2-Squill: D) Exudate: 1-Opium:

14 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Identification of D in the lap: Organoleptic. 2)Microscopical.

15 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: I) Types of stomata II)Types of Ca Oxalate III)Types of hair IV)Types of pollen grain

16 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: I)Types of stomata: Paracytic stomata Diacytic stomata Anisocytic stomata Anomocytic stomata

17 How we can identify the D microscopically?
I)Types of Stomata: 1-Paracytic Stomata: 2- Diacytic Stomata: 4-Anomocytic Stomata: 3-Aisocytic Stomata:

18 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Cont. How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: II)Types of Ca oxalate: Prism (Quillaia) Raphides (squill) Crystal sheeth (senna,liqurice) Cluster of Ca oxalate (Rhubarb)

19 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Cont. How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: II)Types of Ca oxalate: 5) Cluster layer (Datura Strammonium) 6) Microsphenoidal Crystal “sandy crystal”: (Atropa Belladonna) 7) Twin prism (Hyoscymus)

20 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
III)Types of Hair a)Non glandular hair b)Glandular hair 1)Simple hair 2)Multicellular hair 1)Unicellular stalk,unicellular head 2)Unicellular stalk,multicellular head 3)Multicellular head multicellular stalk 4)Branched hair

21 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: III)Types of Hair: A) Non glanduler hair: 1) Simple hair: * Covering Trichoma (senna) * Cystolithic hair (Cannabis)

22 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: III)Types of Hair: A) Non glanduler hair: 2) Multicellular: Uniseriate: * Conical shaped hair (Datura Strammonium) * T-shape hair (Pyrethrium) * Collapsed hair (Digitalis)

23 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: III)Types of Hair: A) Non glanduler hair: 2) Multicellular: Biseriate: Pluriseriate “Shaggy hair”: (Cumin)

24 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Cont. How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: III)Types of Hair: B) Glanduler hair: 1) Unicellular stalk,Unicellular head (Digitalis) 2) Unicellular stalk,Multicellular head Digitalis Digitalis & Datura Strammonium Mentha”Labiaceous hair”

25 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Cont. How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: III)Types of Hair: B) Glanduler hair: 3) Multicellular stalk,Multicellular head”Shagy hair” (Cannabis) 4) Branched hair (Hyocymus)

26 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
How we can identify the D microscopically? Key elements: IV)Types of Pollen grain: Spiny pollen grain: (Pyrethrium) Triangular pollen grain: (Clove)

27 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
How we can identify the D microscopically? Types of mount: Starch + Iodine Blue Volatile oil or fixed oil+SudanIII oil droplet red color Protein + picric a` Mucilage + Rhuthenium red Red yellow

28 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Cont. How we can identify the D microscopically? Types of mount: . For Stomata,hair,pollen grain and Ca oxalat: Chloralhydrate or KOH .For lignified elements (Fiber and schleride cell): Phloroglucinol+ conc.HCL

29 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
For today You will see: Senna (Paracytic stomata,simple hair and Crystal sheath of Ca oxalate) Mentha (Labiaceous hair and Diacytic stomata) Datura Strammonium (cluster layer of Ca oxalate, glandular and non glandular hair and Anisocytic stomata) Digitalis (glandular & non glandular hair,Anomocytic stomata) Pyrethum (pollen grain and T-shaped hair) Quillaia (prism)

30 EvaLuation of vegetable drugs
Cont. For today You will see: 7) Squill (raphides) 8) Hyoscymus (Branched hair,twin prism & anisocytic stomata) 9) Rhubarb (Cluster of Ca oxalate) 10) Atropa Belladona (sandy crystal & anisocytic stomata) 11) Clove (Triangular pollen grain)


32 African World

33 The Leaf

34 Lab(2) The Leaf

35 Diagram of entire leaf:
The Leaf

36 The Leaf What is the leaf?
It is the lateral out growth, normally of limited growth on the stem from w`it differ in structure and is usually flattened & having in its axial one or more buds. Axial: angle b/t leaf and stem.

37 Complete leaf is composed of:
The Leaf Lamina Petiole base

38 Types of leaf either: The Leaf Petiolat Sessile

39 The Leaf Leaf: I- Lamina: 1) Composition: simple Compound
2) Incisions: Pinately Palmately 3) Shape: Linear Lanceolate Ovate Cordate Oblong reniform 4) Apex: acute acuminate Recurved retuse 5) Margin: Entire Crenate Serrate Dentate

40 The Leaf Leaf: I- Lamina: 6) Base: symmetric Asymmetric
Cont. Leaf: The Leaf I- Lamina: 6) Base: symmetric Asymmetric 7) Surface: . Smooth Glaucous Pubscent 8) Texture: . Papery Coriaceous II- Odour: . Aromatic Characteristic III- Taste: . Tasteless Salty .Better .Characteristic IV- Phyllotaxis: . Alternative Opposite

41 The Leaf 12) Structer: . low power . High power
(Diagram of T.S. of midrib of a leaf)

42 The Leaf Types of Palaside: 1) Continuous palaside:
1) Interrupted palaside:

43 12) Structer: Isobilateral: The Leaf 2) Dorsiventral: or

44 The Leaf 1) Diagram of T.S. of midrib of a leaf (at low power X10):
Spongy cell ) endoderm vascular bandes contains:(xylum[3] & phoem[4] ) percyclic fiber (may present or not) ) Cortical tissue: Paranchyma (*) & Collenchyma (*) * we use Chloralhydrate + phloroglycinol +conc. HCL why?

45 The Leaf 2) Diagram of T.S. of midrib of a leaf (at high power X40):
Cuticle ) Upper epedermal cell. 3) Palaside 4) Spongy cell 5) Lower epedermal cell ) endodermal cell

46 The Leaf Scheme for leaf description: Name. 2) Origin 3) Condition
4) Color ) Phyllotaxis 6) Petiole 7) Lumina: a-Composition b- Incision C- Shape d-Size e- Margin f-Apex G- Base h- Surface i- Texture 8) Odour ) Taste )Structer

47 The Leaf Scheme for leaf description: 11) Active constituent:
a-Starch detected by Iodine Blue b-Anthraquinon detected by Bornertrager`s test rose color in upper layer C-Protein detected by Millon`s red

48 The Leaf For today you will see: T.s. of mentha leaf.
T.s. of senna leaf.


50 Lab(3) Examples of Pd. Leaves

51 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: Senna. Digitalis. Mentha
Datura stramonium Hyoscyamus Belladonna Squill.

52 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: Senna: Name:Senna
Origin:Dried leaf of Cassia angustifolia Family:Leguminosae Odour:charactristic Taste:bitter. Color:

53 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: Senna: Microscopical examination:
Cont. Examples of pd. Leaves: The Leaf Senna: Microscopical examination: Paracytic stomata: b) Ca Oxalate: Crystal Sheath c) Simple hair (non glandular)

54 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 2) Digitalis: Name:Digitalis
Origin:Dried leaf of Digitalis purpurea Family:Scrophulariaceae Odour:charactristic Taste:bitter. Color:

55 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 2) Digitalis:
Cont. Examples of pd. Leaves: The Leaf 2) Digitalis: Microscopical examination: Collapsed hair (multicellular,non glandular) b) Digit hair(Unicellular stalk,Unicellular head) (Unicellular stalk,Multicellular head) c) Anomocytic Stomata:

56 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 3) Belladonna: Name:Belladonna
Origin:Dried leaf of Atropa belladonna Family:Solanaceae Odour:charactristic Taste:bitter. Color:

57 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 3) Belladonna:
Cont. Examples of pd. Leaves: The Leaf 3) Belladonna: Microscopical examination: Ca Oxalate (Sandy Crystal or Microsphenoidal, idoplastic crystal) b) Glandular hair (multicellular stalk & unicellular heads): c) Anisocytic Stomata:

58 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 4) Datura: Name:Batura
Origin:Dried leaf of Datura stramonium Family:Solanaceae Odour:charactristic Taste:bitter. Color:

59 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 4) Datura Stramonium:
Cont. Examples of pd. Leaves: The Leaf 4) Datura Stramonium: Microscopical examination: Cluster layer of Ca Oxalate: b) Non Glandular hair(multicellular,unicerate) : c) Anisocytic Stomata: d)Glandular hair (unicellular stalk & multicellular head):

60 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 5) Hyoscyamus: Name:Hyoscyamus
Origin:Dried leaf of Hyoscyamus niger Family:Solanaceae Odour:charactristic Taste:bitter. Color:

61 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 5) Hyoscyamous:
Cont. Examples of pd. Leaves: The Leaf 5) Hyoscyamous: Microscopical examination: Ca Oxalate (Twin prism): b) Branched Hair (Glandular hair) : c) Anisocytic Stomata:

62 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 6) Mentha: Name: Mentha
Origin:Dried leaf of Mentha pipaita Family:Lamiacea Odour:charactristic Taste:aromatic. Color:

63 The Leaf Examples of pd. Leaves: 6) Mentha: Microscopical examination:
Cont. Examples of pd. Leaves: The Leaf 6) Mentha: Microscopical examination: Diacytic Stomata: b) Glandular hair(unicellular stalk , multicellular head)[ Labiaceous Hair]:

64 The Leaf Examples of Leaves: 7) Squill: Name: Squill
Origin:Dried leaf of Urgina maritima Family:Lilaceae Odour:charactristic Taste:aromatic. Color:

65 The Leaf Examples of Leaves: 7) Squill: Microscopical examination:
Cont. Examples of Leaves: The Leaf 7) Squill: Microscopical examination: acicular-crystals of Ca Oxalate: b) Xylem vessels:


67 Lab(4) The stem

68 The stem What is the stem ?
It`s a part of plant w`carry the leaf at point called node.

69 The stem Types of the stem: 1- Aerial stem 2- Subterranean stem.

70 The stem Shapes of the stem: 1- Cylindrical
2- angular (triangular,quadrangular & penta- gonal).

71 The stem Kinds of the stem: 1- Herbaceous stem. 2- succulent stem
3- woody stem

72 The stem Direction of growth: 1- Ascending 2- Recycling 3- procumbent
4- Decumbent 5- Repent

73 The stem Branching of stem: 1- Axillary 2- Apical

74 The stem

75 The stem T.S. of mentha stem
1-Epidermal cells 2-Cortex (Collenchyma (2a) & Parenchyma(2b) endoderm 4-Vascular bundles (xylem(4a) & phloem(4b) Pith

76 The stem Quantitative microscopy:

77 The stem Quantitative microscopy: 1- Eyepiece micrometer
2- Stage micrometer 3- Camera lucida

78 The stem Eyepiece micrometer: Stage micrometer:
A linear scale,of 10 mm , divided into 1mm & 0.1mm parts. Stage micrometer: Is a glass slide. The scale is 1mm long divided into 0.1(big division) & 0.01(small division)

79 The stem Camera lucida:
It is a simple instrument by w` an image of microscopic object can be drawn e` a Known magnification. Can be used for determination of length of certain elements, numerical value & etc…..

80 The stem Magnification power:
Magnification power= apparent length/true length

81 The stem Numerical value:
Used to differentiate b/t closely related species , specially in pd. Form and can be summarized as: 1) Palaside ratio 2) Stomatal No. 3) Stomatal index 4) Vein islet No. 5) Vein terminal No.

82 The stem Numerical value: Palaside ratio: Cont.
It is the average No. of palaside cells beneath each epidermal cell. Using for contiguous cells.

83 The stem Numerical value: 2) Stomatal No.: 3) Stomatal Index.: Cont.
It is average No. of of stomata/mm2 of epedermis. 3) Stomatal Index.: It is the % w` the No. of stomata relative to the total No. of epidermal cell. Stomatal Index(SI): Stomatal N/Stomatal No.+ epedermal cell x 100

84 The stem Numerical value: 4) Vein islet No.: 5) Vein terminal No.:
Cont. The stem Numerical value: 4) Vein islet No.: It is average No. of vein islet/mm2 of the leaf lumina. 5) Vein terminal No.: It is the average No. of vein terminals/mm2 of the leaf lumina.

85 The stem For today you will see: 1-T.S. of mentha stem
2- Pd. of mentha 3- entire leaves 4- Camera lucida

86 Lab(5) The Bark

87 The Bark What is the bark?
The portion of the trunk,stem,branches or roots of woody plant especially trees or shrubs,exterior to the cambium.

88 The Bark Shapes of the barK: Flat e.g.Quillaia
Curved bark e.g.wild cherry Recurved e.g.pomegrants Channeled e.g. Cassia

89 The Bark Shapes of the barK: 5) Single quill e.g.Cascara
Cont. Shapes of the barK: 5) Single quill e.g.Cascara 6) Double quill e.g. Frangula 7) Compound quill e.g. Cinnamon

90 T.s. of a bark 1- Rhytidoma(1a-cuticle 1b-epidermis) Cork Cork Cambium phelloderm cortex 6-Pericycle

91 The Bark Structure of the barK (outer cambium):
Rhytidoma (epidermis & Cortical Parenchyma) Cork (Cork cambium&Phellogen) Phellogen (Cork cell to the outside & phelloderm to the inside). Cortex Pericycle Phloem (primary&secondary)

92 The Bark Structure of the barK:
*Usually all the outer cambium is removed by decortication ,why? Structure of the barK:

93 Examples of Pd. Bark

94 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: Cinnamon: Name:Cinnamon
Origin: dried bark of Cinnamon Zeylanicum Family: Lauraceae Colour: reddish brown Odour: aromatic Taste: Sweet Uses: flavoring agent, astringent & Carminative.

95 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: Cinnamon: Cont.
Microscopical examinations: a-Pericycle fiber b- Sclereids C- Starch granules d-Cork cell e-Ca Oxalate (needles inside parenchyma) F-Oil gland

96 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: Cinnamon: Cont. Active constituents:
a-Volatile oil: Cinnamic aldhyde 70% b- eugenol c- Tannin (red color) Chemical tests: Tannin + FeCl green colour

97 The Bark Examples of D bark: 2) Cinchona: Name:Cinchona
Origin: dried bark of Cinchona Succirbura Family: Rubiacaceae Colour: reddish brown Odour: aromatic Taste: very better Uses: antimalarial,antiarrythmic

98 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 2) Cinchona: Cont.
Microscopical examinations: a- Phloem fibers e`funnel shaped lumen. b-Parenchyma cells containanig Ca oxalate c- Starch granules d- Cork cell

99 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 2) Cinchona: Cont. Active constituents:
a- Quinine b- Quinidine c- Cinatonic a` Chemical tests: Cinchona pd Red fume flame

100 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 3) Cascara: Name: Cascara
Origin: dry stem bark of Rhamnus Purshiana Family: Rhamnaceae Colour: yellowish brown Odour: charactristic Taste: bitter Uses: tonic & stomach laxative in large dose

101 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 3) Cascara: Cont.
Microscopical examinations: a- phloem fibers free or e`Ca oxalate crystal. b- Sclereids c- Cork cell Brown reddish color (tannin) d-fragment of parenchyma e`ca oxalate

102 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 3) Cascara: Cont. Active constituents:
a- glycoside cascaraside b- anthraquinon C or O c- emetine

103 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 4) Quillaia: Name: Quillaia
Origin: dried inner part bark of Quillaia Saponaria Family: Rosaceae Colour: brownish buff Odour: charactristic Taste: unpleasant taste Uses: was used as stimulant & expectorant but not any more

104 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 4) Quillaia: Cont.
Microscopical examinations: a- phloem fiber (legnine) b- Sclerids (legnine isolactor gp.) c-Starch granules d- Cork cells Brown reddish color (tannin) e- Crystals of Ca-oxalate (prism)

105 The Bark Examples of pd. bark: 4) Quillaia: Cont. Active constituents:
a- Toxic Saponine (collagic a`) b- Qullaia Suboxotin (sucrose & starch) c- Ca oxalate. Chemical test : Shake e` H2O permanent froth

106 The Bark For today you will see:
Pd.bark( Cinnamon,Cinchona,Cascara&Quillaia) Mixture of pd. Entire bark Chemical test

107 Lab(7) The Flower

108 The Flower Complete flower composed of: Receptacle Calyx Corolla
Androecium Gynaecium Whorls: is the floral leaves arrangement N.B. flower can be complete or incomplete (missing one or more of this components)

109 The Flower 1) Receptacle: (Flattened or convex & usually short)
Floral leaves arrange on it either: Hypogynous Perigynous Epigynous

110 The Flower 2) Calyx: It is the outermost whorl of the floral series function: protect essential organs of the flower It is formed of2-5 sepals: free Polysepalous Completely united Gamosepalous Duration of Calyx: Deciduous: calyx full off after fertilization Persistence: remain even after the ripening of the fruit.

111 The Flower 3) Corolla: It is the inner whorl of the floral envelope, function:attract the pollen carrying insects & to protect to certain extent the essential organs. It consists of petals: free Polypetalous united Gamopetalous The corolla inserted on the receptical could be: Hypogynous Perigynous Epiogynous

112 The Flower 4) Androcium:
The male sexual organ in flower consists of stamens. According to the no. of stamens flower consists of : 1 stamen called monandrous 2 stamens called Diandrous 3 or more stamens called polyandrous complete stamen consists of : a) filament b) anther c) connective

113 The Flower 5) Gynecium: The female sexual organ in flower consists of carpels. The flower with : 2 carpels called bicarpel 4 or more carpels called polycarpel Free carpel called apocarpous gynecium United carpels called Syncarpous gynecium

114 The Flower 5) Gynacium: Cont. Typical Carpel formed of: a) Ovary
b) Style c) Stigma

115 The Flower Kinds of flower :
I-According to the symmetry of flower leaves: a) actinomorphic: segments of whorl are all alike & regularly arranged . b) Irregular, it can be: Asymmetric: all segments are not like Zygomorphic: when segments of whorl are irregularly arranged.

116 The Flower Kinds of flower : the abseent of both female & male organs.
Cont. Kinds of flower : II-According to sexual structure: a) Hermaphrodite: The presence of both Male & Female organs in one flower. b) Unisexual: only one of the sexual organs is present (staminate or carpelllate) c) Sterile: the abseent of both female & male organs.

117 The Flower Kinds of flower : Cont.
III-According to the no. of whorls present: a) pentacyclic: five whorls. b) tetracyclic: four whorls.

118 Examples Of pd. Flower

119 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 1) Chamomile: Name: Chamomile
Origin: dried flower head of Matricarria chamomile Family: Compositae Colour: green yellow Odour: charactrestic Taste: better Uses: in burns, carmilatve,stomachache & anthalmic.

120 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 1) Chamomile: Cont.
Microscopical examinations: a-Inner epidermis of the corolla b- Outer epiderm of Coral c-fibrous layer of the anther d- Papillose part of style & stigma with clusters of Ca oxalates e- Sclereids f- pollen grain

121 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 1) Chamomile: Cont.
Active constituents: a) V.O.(azulene & Chamazulene) b)Flavonoid epigenine

122 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 2) Clove: Name: Clove
Origin: dried flower bud of Eugenia Caryophyllus Family: Myrtaceae Colour: reddish brown Odour: aromatic Taste: Spice aromatic Uses: Spicet & toothache remedy

123 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 2) Clove: Cont.
Microscopical examinations: a- Oil gland with Parenchymal cells b-fibrous layer of the anther c -Epidermis of the hypanthium & oil gland d- Ca oxalate in paranchymal cells (clusters) e- Triangular pollen grain f- filaments

124 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 2) Clove: Cont. Active constituents:
Eugenol (V.O) Chemical test : Clove + FeCl deep blue color

125 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 3) Pyrethrum: Name: pyrethrum
Origin: dried flower head of Chrysanthenum Cinerariifolium Family: Compositae Colour: yellowish green Odour: aromatic Taste: better Uses: insecticidal

126 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 3) Pyrethrum: Cont.
Microscopical examinations: a-outer epidermis of corolla b - T-shaped hair c- spiny pollen grain d- Epidermal cells with anomocytic stomata e- Fibrous layer of the anther

127 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 3) Pyrethrum: Cont.
Active constituents: a) Pyrethrin b) Cinerin c) Jasmolin

128 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 4) Saffron: Name: Saffron
Origin: dried stigma of Crocus sativus Family: iridaceae Active constituent: glycoside (Crocin) Chemical test: Saffron +H2SO deep blue Uses: colouring agent & antispasmodic

129 The Flower Examples of pd.flower: 4) Saffron: Cont.
Microscopical examination: A-pollen grain B- epidermis of style c-Paranchymal cells d-vessels

130 The Flower For today you will see: Chamomile clove pyrethrum
4) Saffron

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