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AP Bio Semester 2 Review Jeopardy 1 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 A: EvolutionB:

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2 AP Bio Semester 2 Review Jeopardy 1 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 A: EvolutionB: PhylogenyC: Simple Plants D: Seed Plants E: Animal Diversity Final Jeopardy

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4 Question Answer A-100 ANSWER: Natural Selection (also a summary of current evolutionary theory) QUESTION: What is well-adapted individuals surviving best and reproducing offspring with the most fit phenotypes?

5 Question Answer A-200 ANSWER: Evidence that most strongly supports the origin of life on Earth QUESTION: What is the use of the same genetic code by all living things?

6 Question Answer A-300 ANSWER: The Hardy-Weinberg equations for genotype and phenotype calculations QUESTION: What are p + q = 1 and p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1, respectively?

7 Question Answer A-400 ANSWER: The endosymbiotic theory QUESTION: What is the theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells that states they originated from prokaryotic cells engulfed by other prokaryotes, which incorporated the engulfed cells into what we now call organelles?

8 Question Answer A-500 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: The age of a rock containing 50 mg of a radioactive substance when formed, now containing 3.125 mg of the substance, having a ½-life of 1 million years QUESTION: What is 4 million years old?

9 Question Answer ANSWER: The 7 taxonomic levels from most to least comprehensive (e.g., most specific last) QUESTION: What are Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species? B-100

10 Question Answer B-200 ANSWER: The Kingdom whose members have cell walls and are all heterotrophic QUESTION: What are fungi?

11 Question Answer B-300 ANSWER: The Kingdom whose members may be either autotrophs or heterotrophs, but which are mostly unicellular and aquatic QUESTION: What are Protists?

12 Question Answer B-400 ANSWER: The extant, extinct and most closely related species in the diagram QUESTION: What are B, C and D, A and E, and C and D in the diagram (respectively)?

13 Question Answer B-500 ANSWER: The order of appearance of living things on Earth (at least 5) QUESTION: What are (5 of) Bacteria, algae, jellyfish, fish, insects, reptiles, cone-bearing plants, flowering plants, birds and mammals (humans most recently)

14 Question Answer C-100 ANSWER: Function of the mycelium of a fungus QUESTION: What is absorbing nutrients?

15 Question Answer C-200 ANSWER: Bryophytes QUESTION: What are plants with no vascular tissue?

16 Question Answer C-300 ANSWER: Lichen QUESTION: What are symbiotic associations of fungi and bacteria or algae?

17 Question Answer C-400 ANSWER: Function of mycorrhizae QUESTION: What is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a plant root that enhances nutrient availability to both organisms?

18 Question Answer C-500 ANSWER:  if  P = 0 and  S = -0.90 MPa QUESTION: What is -0.90 MPa?

19 Question Answer D-100 ANSWER: Xylem and Phloem QUESTION: What is plant tissue that transports water and dissolved minerals up from roots, and the tissue that transports nutrients (down), respectively?

20 Question Answer D-200 ANSWER: Plant tissue specialized for primary growth and secondary growth QUESTION: What are primary meristems and lateral meristems, respectively?

21 Question Answer D-300 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: Characteristics of monocots vs. eudicots (at least 3) QUESTION: What are (3 of): –Parallel vs. netlike leaf veins –Random vascular stem bundles vs. vascular bundles in a ring in the stem –Fibrous vs. taproot system –Flower parts in 3s vs. 4s & 4s –One cotyledon vs. 2

22 Question Answer D-400 ANSWER: Substances that regulate plant responses to light, time of day and season QUESTION: What are phytochromes?

23 Question Answer D-500 ANSWER: Plant hormones that 1.Regulate cell elongation/tropisms, 2.Regulate fruit ripening, 3.Regulate germination/cell division, 4.Regulate flowering/fruit development, and 5.Inhibit growth/promote dormancy, respectively QUESTION: What are auxin, ethelyne, cytokinins, gibberellins, and abscisic acid?

24 Question Answer E-100 ANSWER: Coelom QUESTION: What is a fluid-filled space that separated the digestive tract from the outer covering of an animal?

25 Question Answer E-200 ANSWER: Animals that are suspension feeders with an indeterminate body plan QUESTION: What are sponges (Porifera)?

26 Question Answer E-300 DAILY DOUBLE! ANSWER: Animals that are generally slow moving, have an endoskeleton and radial symmetry QUESTION: What are echinoderms?

27 Question Answer E-400 ANSWER: Animals with radial symmetry and tentacles with stinging threads QUESTION: What are cnidarians?

28 Question Answer E-500 ANSWER: The primary difference between the BMR of an endotherm and an ectotherm QUESTION: What is –Being warmed by body heat (endoderms) vs. investing little or no energy in temperature regulation (ectoderms)?

29 Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: 2 traits that are unique to mammals QUESTION: What are (2 of) milk production for offspring, hair, presence of a diaphragm to assist breathing, differentiation of teeth, 3 middle ear bones?

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