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Presentation on theme: " Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successes of the public-private approach: The Taskforce Mobility Management Lars Lutje Schipholt (secretary TFMM)

2 Agenda Why was a Taskforce needed? Taskforce: who, what, how? 2008: 6 Covenants 2009: Pilots and more covenants Road Pricing Conclusions Discussion

3 Why was a Taskforce needed? Negative impact of workplace related mobility Economy Air quality Social impact Corporate sector and government have a joint responsibility A Taskforce was created to convert this responsibility into action Taskforce is seen as better alternative than legislation and supply directed government approach

4 Who is in this Taskforce? Member are representatives of Corporate sector Employee organisation Local government National government Plus some consulting members A unique cooperation between government and the corporate sector (PPS)!

5 The Assignment Reduce peak-hour car-mobility by 5% in 2012 Create alternatives for peak-hour car use Create awareness and changeover within companies Three pathways Regional covenants Change in employment conditions Communication

6 2008: 6 regional covenants In 2008 six urban regions presented covenants Cooperation between local employers, employees and local government Each party taking his responsibility Hard commitment in this regions Other urban regions will now soon follow MM has become a theme in the boardrooms!

7 2009: Pilots and more covenants Help new urban regions to get started Facilitating regions and pilots financially Knowledge base for Mobility Management Campaigning by labour unions to get Mobility Management into work arrangements Get medium-sized firms interested Facilitate working from home Mobility scans Encourage employees to change behaviour By creating awareness Monitoring and evaluation

8 How does the Taskforce work? A new form of Mobility Management Traditional Focussed on product Initiative from government Supply directed Getting people to use other travel modes Modern Tuned to needs Initiative from corporate sector Encourage conscious decision on if, when and how to travel Focus on telecommuting, more flexibility in working hours, roadpricing

9 How does the Taskforce work? Inspire people to change behaviour Bringing people together to share ideas, knowledge and promote cooperation Promote cooperation in urban regions Covenant as alternative to legislation Financial support 15 million for 6 designated urban regions 15 million for other urban regions 10 million for national activities Help employers to see the benefits of MM Cost reduction, attractive employer, sustainable procurement

10 How does the Taskforce work? Help people to change behaviour Provide knowledge Expert meetings Publications Best practices Help them to get maximum effect by: Using our knowledge and experience Guiding when needed (on outcome, but also the process) Challenge them Always stimulating cooperation

11 Road pricing Road pricing will be introduced on a large scale in 2012 100 million euro for mobility project that support this introduction are linked with Taskforce 6 urban regions with covenant get funds for these mobility projects Taskforce provides the alternative, road pricing is a stimulus to use it

12 2009 results!

13 Conclusions Success needs a shared problem & sense of urgency bottom-up and top-down approach Cooperation needs a process approach with lots of room for individual solutions For a long-lasting cooperation create win-win situations stay pro-active in an inspiring way

14 More information Projectsecretary TFMM c/o Lars Lutje Schipholt Van Diemenstraat 230 1013 CP Amsterdam Phone 020 423 1323 Internet

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