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Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning (CWMP) Project Update for East Falmouth Watersheds Board of Selectmen Progress Meeting October 22, 2007 Nathan.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning (CWMP) Project Update for East Falmouth Watersheds Board of Selectmen Progress Meeting October 22, 2007 Nathan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Wastewater Management Planning (CWMP) Project Update for East Falmouth Watersheds Board of Selectmen Progress Meeting October 22, 2007 Nathan C. Weeks, P.E. Stearns & Wheler Environmental Engineers and Scientists

2 Presentation Outline Project Overview Needs Assessment Alternatives Screening Analysis Next Steps Questions and Discussion

3 This Project is One of the Many Town Wastewater and Nutrient Management Projects Upgrade and Expansion of the Falmouth WWTF Many completed and on-going MEP Projects Sewer service to New Silver Beach Area Sewer service to Falmouth High School

4 Project Planning Area

5 Town-Wide Evaluation of Potential Treated Water Recharge Sites

6 Project Overview and General Need

7 Project Overview and General Need (continued)

8 Four Main Components for the CWMP Project Phase 1, Needs Assessment Phase 2, Alternatives Screening Analysis Phase 3, Detailed Evaluations and Preparation of Draft Plan Phase 4, Additional Evaluations and Preparation of the Final Plan

9 Needs Assessment: Primary Findings

10 Needs Assessment: Additional Findings Existing Falmouth WWTF is operating well (3mg/l TN on average) Several institutional issues need to be addressed: – Growth management once sewer extension begins (Growth Neutral Bylaw?) – Sewer connection policies – Funding and cost sharing

11 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Several Categories of Alternative Management Solutions – Expansion of the existing Falmouth WWTF – A new WWTF – New treated water recharge site(s) – Decentralized wastewater management – Non-wastewater nitrogen management

12 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Expansion of the Existing Falmouth WWTF

13 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Possible new WWTF at the Falmouth Country Club Site

14 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Possible new WWTF at the Otis AFB Site

15 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Possible new treated water recharge sites

16 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Possible Otis WWTF Water Recharge Site

17 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Decentralized Wastewater Management Solutions Individual nitrogen removal systems Cluster systems

18 Alternatives Screening Analysis: Additional Non-Wastewater Nitrogen Management Solutions – Fertilizer management – Stormwater management – Pond inlet modifications/Increased tidal flushing – Possible watershed modifications in cranberry bogs

19 Development of 3 Major Alternatives Scenarios Alternative scenarios are combinations of: – Treatment sites – Recharge sites – Treatment technologies – Non-Wastewater nitrogen management solutions

20 Alternatives Scenario No. 1

21 Alternatives Scenario No. 2

22 Alternatives Scenario No. 3

23 No Action Alternative Water quality will decline

24 Next Steps Prepare and file an Environmental Notification Form (ENF) to initiate public review Proceed with detailed evaluations Continue with public participation program

25 Public Participation Items Meetings with NMG Meetings with BOS and others Website (Town-wide focus) Project kiosk (table-top display) Newsletters Presentations as part of the environmental review process

26 Timeline Needs Assessment ReportOctober 07 Alternatives Analysis ReportOctober 07 Environmental Notification Form (ENF) November 07 CWMP and Draft EIRMay 08 CWMP and Final EIRNovember 08

27 Questions and Discussion

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