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Slide 1 MAX, where do you go? Karl-Heinz Posch ECOMM 2007 Lund, 11 May.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 MAX, where do you go? Karl-Heinz Posch ECOMM 2007 Lund, 11 May."— Presentation transcript:

1 slide 1 MAX, where do you go? Karl-Heinz Posch ECOMM 2007 Lund, 11 May

2 slide 2 What is MAX? EU research project in the 6th framework programme –6.2 Sustainable Development –1.6.2 Sustainable Surface Transport Objective – Advancing Knowledge on innovative measures in urban transport Integrated project Successful Travel Awareness Campaigns an Mobility Management Strategies Follower of Momentum/Mosaic (4th FP 1997), MOST and Tapestry (5th FP 2002) 3 years duration, started in Oct. 2006 and lasts until September 2009 25 partners in 14 countries, budget 3.7 million Euro

3 slide 3 Who is in MAX? Universities: Athens, Thessaloniki, Magdeburg, Giessen, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Maribor, Krakow, Vilnius Research organisations with practical background: FGM- AMOR (Coordinator), CNRS, M21, ILS, FIT, Trivector, Synergo, Traject Small demonstrators: Tallinn, Kortrijk, PT of Lazio region, Almada/Ageneal Other: Lyle Bailie (Marketing), Austrian Standards Institute Open for additional (subcontractor) partners and experts (e.g. Timo Finke, Eric Schreffler)

4 slide 4 Content Workpackages

5 slide 5 Integration Workpackages

6 slide 6 The State of the Art-phase is just finishing –Over 300 case studies and projects have been analysed –There are 4 State of the Art reports for each of the 4 research fields (each about 25 pages) –There is one comprehensive State of the Art report We entered the Research-plan phase – to be finalised end June Materials are and will be accessible through EPOMM and the MAX-website and Where are we now?

7 slide 7 Analysis of: campaigning, advertising, social marketing (also in non mobility fields) How do they work, evaluation, underlying theories Definition, priorisation and selection of main research questions –Campaigning the campaign –Credibility of the message giver –Campaign design – emotional vs. rational –Transferability of non transport campaigns –Underlying behavioural model of campaigns –Combination of hard and soft measures –Impact of cultural background –Linking awareness raising with education WPA - Innovation in Travel Awareness

8 slide 8 Analysis of evaluation, underlying theories, reliability of existing models and evaluation techniques and results The main research gaps have become quite clear –Theory gap: there is no systematic gathering of knowledge –Method gap: evaluation is most often inadequate Formation of task forces 1.Development of a standard model of behaviour change 2.Development of a categorisation system of behavioural change techniques 3.Based on this, conduction of an own evaluation study 4.Development of a new predictive tool From this: adaptation of tools like SUMO, SARA, MOST-MET, COMMUTER to be of good use to practitioners WPB - New tools for practitioners

9 slide 9 Analysis of existing quality management systems and their application in general and in transport (EFQM, TQM, ISO 9000 etc.) Conclusion: comprehensive quality management can be applied in MM and should be further developed Main research topics –Which of the analysed systems is best for MM –Should QM in MM be incorporated in other QM systems (e.g. environment) or stand alone –Benefits and barriers for implementation of QM in MM –Which elements of MM should be included into the QM process –How to maintain integrity and credibility in the QM process –Development of a MM audit system for smaller cities (below 200.000) –How to sell QM in MM to practitioners WPC - Standardisation of MM

10 slide 10 Analysis of theory and practise of integrating Land Use Planning with transport and MM (=> it is mostly at an early stage) Differentiation of the research into planning levels: national level, urban level, site level Main research topics will be: –Under which conditions is the market willing to accept MM regulation –What could be the place of MM in the different levels, stages and instruments within the spatial planning (SP) process? –How do framework conditions influence the way in which MM can be integrated with SP in different member states? Where these conditions act as barriers, how can these barriers be overcome? –What are the (quantified) benefits of integrating MM with the planning process – for developers, for site users and for planning authorities - and how do we sell these benefits to them? WPD - Integration of MM into planning

11 slide 11 Improval of the quality and impact of MM Contribute to prove the validity and success of MM Achieve the necessary standardisation, especially of evaluation (and leave away the unnecessary) Open new fields, especially in connection with planning That we will be able to bring the results to many, many persons and organisations My hopes for MAX

12 slide 12 Were open for suggestions and new inputs We do not want to reinvent the wheel Provide data Adapt your evaluation Access the website and get into contact Take part in workshops, discussion groups Spread the information, the news What can you contribute?

13 slide 13 Thank you ! Karl-Heinz Posch

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