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Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values DSHS/Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery Needs Assessment Clinic Module III Prioritizing your data

2 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Note to Facilitator: This presentation is designed for use by community coordinators with a data workgroup. It is possible this module will take more than one meeting to complete. If additional assistance is needed, please request assistance from DBHR by emailing

3 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Training Objectives  Participants will develop a set of criteria to use in the prioritization process.  Participants will develop and consider a comprehensive list of data for prioritization.  Participants will identify other data necessary for the assessment.


5 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Needs assessment process supported by this training Coalition overview Form data work group Work groups reviews Data Book Data work group makes recommendations to coalition Coalition reviews and acts on data work group recommendations Coalition identifies local contributing factors that apply to prioritized intervening variables

6 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Needs assessment process supported by this training 1.Coalition receives overview of needs assessment 2.Coalition forms data work group 3.Data work group reviews Data Book, including Healthy Youth Survey and social indicator data, and local data as needed

7 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Needs assessment process supported by this training 4.Data work group recommends intervening variables to be prioritized by community coalition 5.Coalition acts on data work group recommendations 6.Coalition identifies local contributing factors that apply to prioritized intervening variables

8 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Decide how to prioritize  This group will make recommendations for prioritization to the full coalition based on a review of all the data.  In this section, you will identify the criteria you will use to make prioritization easier

9 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Decide how to prioritize  For example, what would influence your answer if someone asked, “How would you like your coffee?” And would everyone answer the question the same way?

10 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Selection Criteria Process To develop our prioritization criteria, we are going to start with a process that has been highly successful in many communities.

11 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Selection Criteria Process  It’s important that the criteria we use to make decisions are ours. The criteria we are going to review first are just suggestions.  Then we will compare the list to the criteria the group just identified.  Lastly, we will add any other criteria we want to use in the prioritization process?

12 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Review the Proposed Criteria  First, let’s spend a few minutes discussing what the suggested selection criteria mean to see if we want to delete any from the list or add any.  The goal of the next exercise will be to have a list of criteria no longer than 10 items.

13 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Thumb Voting  Thumbs Up – support it  Thumbs Down – don’t support it  Palms Flat – either don’t really care or won’t work in opposition to the proposal

14 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria Availability of data Definition: qualitative or quantitative data is available that describes the number of people involved, the severity of impact, or some other facet of the problem. The data should be available at the start of the process so comparisons can be made to see if selected strategies are having their desired impact.

15 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria Biggest "bang" for the buck Definition: sometimes by impacting one problem, you can positively impact multiple problems.

16 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria Community ready to address Definition: This is about whether there is interest and support in the community to take the problem on.

17 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria High number of people impacted Definition: 1) How many people are directly impacted by this?; and, 2) How severely are they impacted? Explanation: A lot of people in a community can get colds but the severity is relatively light. It’s a problem, but not as great a problem as a few people in the community having an infectious disease that is potentially fatal, like rubella.

18 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria Impact on community Definition: This is about, for instance, economic impact on communities. Example: There are formulas that have been developed over time that describe, for instance, the economic impact from a DUI fatality, depending on the victim’s age

19 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria The problem can be impacted with our funding Definition: This is about having the ability to have an impact on the identified problem. Example: If the problem is huge – say economic suffering in the community – our small funding is not going to have an impact.

20 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria Trends Definition: This is about whether the problem is getting worse over time.

21 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Definitions of criteria  What else do we want to add to the list?  Develop definitions for the other potential prioritization criteria

22 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Prioritization criteria Section A: Consensus prioritization Compare each of the criteria - which do you think is more important, #1 or #2, #1 or #3, etc.

23 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Selection of criteria  Each participant completes Selection Criteria Prioritization form  Total all responses

24 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section A: Selection of criteria

25 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section B: Identifying data to consider  In this section, you will be identifying data indicators that seem to indicate problems in the community.  The most important thing to look for is whether there are rates or percentages that surprise you or that worry you.  You may also take note of data indicators that are worse than the state numbers.

26 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Identifying data to consider 1.The workgroup’s first task is to decide who will review the following information in the Data Book: Consequences, Pages 8-13 Consumption, Pages 15-16 Intervening Variables, Pages 18-23

27 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Identifying data to consider 2.For each of the categories of data, designate one group member’s Data Book to use as the “official” record for the group. 3.On each summary table in the “official” Data Book, draw another column on the far right end and label it, “Recommend for Prioritizing?”

28 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Identifying data to consider 4.Place an “X” or check in the new drawn-in column for each indicator that is worse than the comparison or has an increasing trend.

29 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Identifying data to consider Draw a column on right edge and use it to indicate elevated data indicators or indicators that surprise or worry you.

30 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section C: Applying criteria to data 5.Report out on the application of the criteria for indicators from each section of the Data Book. 6.Establish a total for each data indicator on the worksheet by assigning points in reverse order from criteria ranking, e.g., if there are 10 criteria, #1 = 10 points and #10 = 1 point

31 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Applying criteria to data 7.Write the totals next to the data indicator and circle the five highest totals.

32 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section D: Any missing data?  In addition to the information in the Data Book, what other information do we need in order to develop a full picture of this community’s needs?

33 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Getting the missing data  What data can be collected?  Who will collect the data?  When will it be due?  Is the work group willing to move forward with a set of recommendations based on indicators for which there is data?

34 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Note to Facilitator: At this point you may need to break from your meeting to complete data collection and review before proceeding to finalizing your recommendations, if so adjourn and when you return begin at slide 35. If not continue on to slide 35.

35 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Updating recommended priorities  Review the Logic Model for the intervening variable information and identify additional variables for your community.  Apply prioritization criteria and establish total scores for each indicator.

36 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Section E: Presenting recommendations to coalition  From this process, which information do you think needs to be shared with the coalition?  How best do you think the recommendations could be presented? (For example, what materials do we need?)

37 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Presenting recommendations to coalition  Who will prepare the presentation? And when does it need to be completed?  What constitutes a legitimate presenter of this information for the whole coalition?  Given that, who will present the information at the coalition meeting? Who will answer questions from the coalition during the presentation?

38 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Wrap-up In this lesson, we developed…  …a set of criteria to use in the prioritization process.  …a comprehensive list of data to consider for prioritization.  …a list of other needed data necessary for the needs assessment.  …a presentation of the recommendations to the full coalition

39 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Prioritizing your data Before we leave, let’s see how well we did…

40 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Next meeting  Date:  Time:  Location:

41 Washington State Department of Social & Health Services – Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery - PRI One Department Vision Mission Core set of Values Note to Facilitator: If you have questions or need additional assistance beyond this presentation, please request assistance from DBHR by emailing

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