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Information for Meeting in Sweden. FEEDBACK FROM UK NATIONAL AGENCY.

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Presentation on theme: "Information for Meeting in Sweden. FEEDBACK FROM UK NATIONAL AGENCY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information for Meeting in Sweden


3 Management and Monitoring Broadly on schedule – must avoid further slippage More hands on management from UK (Decide how October 2010) – stronger communication – closer more regular monitoring – Concrete deadlines and milestones Interim report information from partners (October 2010) Use interim Report to emphasise benefits and highlight achievements (October 2010)

4 WP3 and WP4 31 October deadline for all products for “preparation and transfer of materials” Decision to transfer production of methodologies for teachers from WP4 to WP3 to be explained (Done) Explain which materials are to be translated (October 2010) Clarify timeline for testing materials (October 2010)

5 Budget changes Now approved

6 Partner Monitoring To introduce quarterly monitoring reports linked to finance and timesheets (Agree format October 2010, submit 15 January 2011 for October to December)

7 Quality Assurance Recommends producing quarterly quality assurance reports (Due January 2011) Self assessment for partnership – Highlights – Lowlights – Opportunities for improvement

8 Communication Recommends an additional partnership meeting to support piloting (Decision October 2010) Or bilateral meetings Must be within existing costs Must prioritise regular and high volume communication in second half of project

9 Impact What indicators will we use to measure success? (October 2010) What statistics will we gather? (October 2010) Define realistic indicators per country by Interim Report (consult application form) (October 2010)

10 Sustainability All partners to start putting into place formal arrangements for using products after the project has finished

11 Finance Carol must have copies of timesheets with signatures (Immediate) Simple translation required on invoices (Immediate)

12 Dissemination All partners to report in more detail on dissemination activities (October 2010) Common template to be produced to record on a regular basis (October 2010) Dissemination to be a key feature of second year of project

13 Example of template from Sweden

14 Website All online resources to be linked to website by December 2010 Clear signposting to Angus College website Website structure to consider needs of target groups Clear mapping and signposting Step by step guide to be considered (December 2010)


16 What is required from partners? Interim report pages sent by email Draft responses in groups (by WPs and national groups?)





21 Evaluation and reporting What is your opinion of our method for evaluating meetings? What else should we report on? How should we report?


23 Plans for next meeting ?

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