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What is the Rotation Model?. The Rotation Model In a rotation model, students rotate on a fixed schedule between three work stations: Digital Based Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Rotation Model?. The Rotation Model In a rotation model, students rotate on a fixed schedule between three work stations: Digital Based Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the Rotation Model?

2 The Rotation Model

3 In a rotation model, students rotate on a fixed schedule between three work stations: Digital Based Learning (independent online instruction) PBL & Collaborative Learning (working in groups on projects and activities ) Direct Instruction (teacher-led traditional instruction)


5 TT Direct Instruction PBL & Collaborative Work, Digital Based Content Self-Directed Learning Direct Instruction

6 Monday-Thursday Block Scheduling 8:55-9:10 Homeroom 9:10-10:10 REAL 10:10-11:30 Connections 11:30-11:45 Lockers/RR Break 11:45-12:15 LUNCH 12:15-2:15 1 st Academic 2:15-4:10 2 nd Academic Fri. Schedule Club Day/REAL All Students are seen 8:55 – 9:10 Homeroom 9:10-9:50 REAL/Club Day 9:50-11:05 Connections 11:05-12:10 Academic 1 (3 rd ) 12:10-12:40 LUNCH (w/4 th ) 12:40-1:55 Academic 2 (4 th ) 1:55-3:00 Academic 3 (5 th ) 3:00-4:10 Academic 4 (6 th ) This semester, we will follow a block schedule.

7 Monday/Wednesday “A” Day 3 rd period-Academic 1 4 th period-Academic 2 Tuesday/Thursday “B” Day 5 th period-Academic 1 6 th period-Academic 2 We will follow a block schedule, except on Friday.


9 Digital Based Learning (independent online instruction)

10 Turn up/down Enable devices only during specified time- other wise it needs to be off and out of site Cyberbullying is prohibited Having music is only permitted at the discretion of the teacher

11 While in the digital based learning station in a science class, students may encounter they following types of activities to demonstrate mastery of standards: Webquests/internet scavenger hunts USA Testprep Blogging Virtual labs/experiments Edgenuity lessons Edmodo Discovery Learning Activities/Videos Many more online options…

12 Expectations for Students while experiencing Digital Based Learning Follow Technology Expectations (TECH) Follow Technology Expectations (TECH) Stay on task and complete assignment(s) Stay on task and complete assignment(s) Only print with teacher approval Only print with teacher approval Indicate questions for teacher with appropriate color signal Indicate questions for teacher with appropriate color signal Follow all directions of teacher Follow all directions of teacher Save all work to your assigned folder frequently to avoid any mistakes Save all work to your assigned folder frequently to avoid any mistakes

13 PBL & Collaborative Learning (working in groups on projects and activities )

14  Real world problems to solve using scientific concepts learned in class (PBL)  Mini Labs and reports  Collages  Commercials/News Reports  Informative videos/interviews  Children’s Books  Puppet shows  Museum exhibits  Gameshows  3-D Maps/Science Models  Songs/raps  Class Lessons to be presented Creative projects to demonstrate mastery of standards  Brochures  Posters  Greeting cards  Graphic Novels (comics)  Mobiles  Multimedia Presentations (PPT, Prezi, Emaze, etc.)  Dioramas  Scrapbooks (digital/physical)  Advertisements  Boards games  Many other creative ideas

15 G et along R espect others O n task U se quiet voices P articipate S tay in your group

16 Expectations for Students While Experiencing Project Based Learning Follow GROUP Expectations (GROUPS) Follow GROUP Expectations (GROUPS) Stay on task and complete assignment(s) Stay on task and complete assignment(s) Indicate questions for teacher with appropriate color signal Indicate questions for teacher with appropriate color signal Follow all directions of teacher Follow all directions of teacher Keep all group materials in your groups labelled folder and put in appropriate basket. This will make your materials easy to find! Keep all group materials in your groups labelled folder and put in appropriate basket. This will make your materials easy to find!

17 Direct Instruction (teacher-led traditional instruction)

18 Learners will be in a small group. They will also complete our interactive notebook notes, foldables, or other hands-on activities during this time. After a direct instruction lesson, facilitators will require learners to complete an independent activity or assessment to determine whether learners understood the lesson and can move on or if re-teaching must take place. While learners are experiencing direct instruction, expectations vary by facilitator. Here are some possible expectations:  Do not interrupt facilitator while teaching a small group. Facilitators may have procedures that will assist with this.  Ask 3 before me  Hand signals

19 What Will Our Daily Class Schedule Look Like?

20 15 min. Science Literacy Activity/ Reading Comprehension/Test Prep 15 min. Quick Write/Blog (Science Prompt) 90 min. Station Rotation Activities 10 min. Lesson Summary/Homework Explanation/Formative Assessment

21 We will have a lab at least once a week. Your lab day schedule is: 15 min. Science Literacy Activity/ Reading Comprehension/Test Prep 15 min. Lab Report Format and Lab Pre-Read 90 min. Lab Activity and Analysis (Finish Lab Report to turn in) 10 min. Lab Concept Quiz ***All unfinished lab reports are considered to be homework that will be due at the beginning of the next class. I will take off 5 points each day it is late…***

22 I can pass the test, and I can apply what I have been taught. I know the exact GPS Standard for this assignment. I am in the right group, and I have set a deadline to achieve completion. I understand the relevance of what I am learning and its importance in the real world. I know when my assignments are due, and I understand the importance of turning my work in ON TIME!

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