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Turn of the Century Labor Mr. Bach’s United States History.

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1 Turn of the Century Labor Mr. Bach’s United States History

2 Child Labor


4 Workers’ Conditions Terrible conditions – hot, noisy, and polluted air. Dangerous machines – no workers’ compensation. Low pay. Long hours – 13+ hour days.

5 Two New Ideas Communism – Developed by Karl Marx – Political theory in which the workers take control of the factories – Class, national, and religious divisions are destroyed – Wealth is evenly- distributed Social Darwinism – “Survival of the Fittest” – The rich are rich because they are the best – Led to Eugenics Theories Established beliefs about inferior and superior races

6 Rise of Labor Unions Knights of Labor – Wanted 8 hour work day – Opposed child labor – Did not racially discriminate – Destroyed by accusations of communism American Federation of Labor (AFL) – Organized by Samuel Gompers – Charged union dues to build up cash for strikes – Organized women as well as men

7 Samuel Gompers

8 Management’s Reaction to Labor Unions Spying on union officials Bribery of union officials Physical violence – Intimidating the workers on the job – Hired thugs

9 The Strike! Workers only way to battle management Management cannot make money because there is no product being made Strikebreakers/Scabs – Non-union employees brought in to work and break the strike

10 Haymarket Square Riot Chicago 1886 Group of anarchists called a demonstration to demand an 8-hour work day. A bomb exploded killing 7 policemen and 4 demonstrators 8 anarchists were convicted, and 4 were hanged. Discredited the Knights of Labor who were tied to the event

11 Pullman – The Company Town

12 The Idea Pullman sought to build a model town for his workers to cure the evils of the big city – No alcohol allowed – No crime Workers had own homes Theater and hotel Park areas The problems – Workers could not modify their homes without management’s approval – Workers were often paid in tokens which could only be used in company stores

13 George Pullman’s House on Prairie Avenue

14 The Pullman Strike During the depression of 1893, Pullman raised the rent on his workers’ houses, but did not raise their wages. Workers went on strike. Other railroad unions went on a sympathy strike. Crippled the railroad industry. Washington called in federal troops to break the strike. Soldiers fired into a crowd of workers – killing four. Demonstrated the power of national labor unions.

15 Pullman’s Grave

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