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Nutrition Advice L4 Distinguish between unhealthy and healthy eating.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Advice L4 Distinguish between unhealthy and healthy eating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Advice L4 Distinguish between unhealthy and healthy eating

2 Ways to achieve a healthy weight  Healthy & SafeUnhealthy & Unsafe  Nutra SystemThrowing Up  Weight WatchersDiet Pills  Eating HealthyLaxatives  ExerciseSmoking  Purging The best indicator of fitness & health is NOT weight but rather: Eating nutritious food, being physically active on a daily bases & feeling good.

3 HUNGER vs APPETITE  What is the difference or is there a difference?  Hunger  Your body telling you it’s time to eat  Feeling you are born with  Body’s physical response to the need for food

4 HUNGER vs APPETITE  Appetite  Desire for food  Desire to eat based on the pleasure derived from eating  Factors related are:  Taste  Texture  Aroma

5 HUNGER vs APPETITE  Physical health  Can affect your appetite  Factors that affect your health  Sick  Active  Weather  Culture  Religion  Mood  Depressed  Happy

6 HUNGER vs APPETITE  Environment  Were you grew up  Southwestern US  Midwest-farm belt  East coast  mexico

7 FAT: to little can lead to…  Very little no energy reserves & dangerous if CAN’T eat  Little energy tire easily  Limited food intake not getting enough nutrients  Female cycles irregular periods or none at all  Extreme thinness may be a signal of an unhealthy eating pattern or an eating disorder.

8 EATING DISORDERS-#1  Anorexia Nervosa -called the “starvation sickness”  Dislike body  Obsessed with weight gain  Denies hunger  Fears body fat  Wont eat  Excessive exercise

9 WARNING SIGNS!  Abnormal loss of weight  Depression  Moodiness  Insecurity  Intense fear of being fat or gaining weight  Seeing self as fat even when thin  Exercising excessively  Eating tiny potions, refusing to eat,  Avoids social situations where food is involved

10 EATING DISORDERS-#2  Bulimia  Gorge self with food & then vomits or uses laxatives/diuretics  Eats enormous meals without gaining weight  Disappears after eating  Dental problems  Feels ashamed/depressed

11 WARNING SIGNS!  Large fluctuations in weight  Disappears after eating  Feeling out of control when eating  Eating enormous meals without gaining weight  Feels ashamed & depressed after eating  Eating secretly  Dependence on laxatives, diuretics, diet pills to lose weight

12 EATING DISORDER-#3  Overeating  Enjoys food  Stress eater  Habit of eating large potions  There are many more eating disorders, do you know of any others?

13 Can you answer the following question?  Why do you think eating disorders occur?  Who are they most common among and why?  Why do you think some people over eat?  What can you do if you think someone you know has an unhealthy eating pattern?  What can you do if you think you know someone who has a eating disorder?  Do you think you have a responsibility to do anything if your friend has the warning signs of an eating disorder or an unhealthy eating pattern?

14 HEALTHY WAYS TO GAIN WEIGHT & LOSE WEIGHT  Formula for Weight Management  Food & beverage intake + energy output = weight  Unhealthy ways to gain or lose weight  Eating foods high in fat and added sugar: uses up the total calorie allowance without concern for nutrients  Limiting physical activity to gain or lose weight  Healthy way to gain or lose weight  To gain one pound per week,  Eat an extra 350-700 calories every day  To lose one pound per week  Decrease your caloric intake by 350-700 calories every day

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