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HEALTH JEOPARDY Introduction to Health & Mental Health.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH JEOPARDY Introduction to Health & Mental Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTH JEOPARDY Introduction to Health & Mental Health

2 Vocabulary Introduction to Health Info. Self Esteem & Stress Mental Health Disorders 100 500 400 300 200 100 200 500 400 300 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500

3 Give the definition for: Stress Answer 100 Answer 100

4 The response of your body and mind to being challenged or threatened

5 What is a stressor? Answer 200 Answer 200

6 Event or situation that causes stress

7 Answer 300 Answer 300 What is distress and eustress?

8 Eustress – positive stress Distress – negative stress

9 Answer 400 Answer 400 What is the definition of a mental health disorder?

10 Patterns of thinking or behavior that cause a person significant emotional pain or prevent normal functioning

11 Answer 500 Answer 500 List the 7 dimensions of Wellness.

12 S = Social P = Physical E = Emotional C = Career I = Intellectual E = Environmental S = Spiritual

13 Answer 100 Answer 100 What dose life expectancy mean?

14 The number of years an individual lives Average: 79

15 Answer 200 Answer 200 IN ORDER, list the 3 national leading causes of death for 15-24 year olds.

16 1. Unintentional Injuries 2. Homicide 3. Suicide

17 Answer 300 Answer 300 What are the 3 aspects of health?

18 1. Social 2. Physical 3. Mental/Emotional

19 Answer 400 Answer 400 What are lifestyle diseases caused by? (Hint: there is 3)

20 Heredity Choices Environment

21 Answer 500 Answer 500 What is wellness? (Define it)

22 A state of well-being in your body and mind. Good balance in life Illness prevention Emphasizes a prolonged life Your CHOICES impact your wellness

23 Answer 100 Answer 100 T or F: Self Esteem is constant

24 FALSE: Self-esteem increases and decreases through interactions with others and by age

25 Answer 200 Answer 200 What are the 3 stages of the stress response?

26 Alarm Stage Resistance Stage Exhaustion/Recovery Stage

27 Answer 300 Answer 300 What are positive affirmations? Provide an example.

28 Short, positive statements about oneself. I am unique. I am beautiful.

29 Answer 400 Answer 400 Chronic stress reduces the body’s ability to fight illness and make some diseases harder to control. List 3 illnesses/diseases

30 Stomachaches Headaches Future heart disease Asthma

31 Answer 500 Answer 500 What happens during the fight- or-flight response? (Provide 3 examples)

32 Body is preparing to respond physically: 1. Heart rate speeds up 2.Pupils dilate 3. Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream 4. Some body systems shut down

33 Answer 100 Answer 100 Give 2 characteristics of someone with good mental health Give 2 characteristics of someone with poor mental health

34 GOOD MENTAL HEALTH 1. Feels comfortable with people 2. Active listener POOR MENTAL HEALTH 1. Does not share feelings 2. Cannot accept change

35 Answer 200 Answer 200 What does OCD stand for? What does SAD stand for?

36 OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder

37 Answer 300 Answer 300 What is the difference between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa?

38 Anorexia: self-imposed starvation Bulimia: cycles of overeating followed by a clearing of the digestive tract (purging)

39 Answer 400 Answer 400 List 3 warning signs of suicide

40 1. Giving away possessions 2. Threats to hurt oneself 3. Saying “goodbye” 4. Frequent thoughts of death

41 Answer 500 Answer 500 What MHD is characterized by the following: depressive episodes and manic episodes

42 Bipolar Disorder

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