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Observatories as Integrators Bill Howe, Phd David Maier,Maseeh Professor of Emerging Techologies, Portland State University Claudio Silva, University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Observatories as Integrators Bill Howe, Phd David Maier,Maseeh Professor of Emerging Techologies, Portland State University Claudio Silva, University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observatories as Integrators Bill Howe, Phd David Maier,Maseeh Professor of Emerging Techologies, Portland State University Claudio Silva, University of Utah Juliana Freire, University of Utah

2 2 Observatory as Integrator –Systems (Observation network, Daily Forecasts, Hindcast databases) –Education (EIT Program, SMILE, COACH) –Research (Oceanography, Microbiology, Computer Science) –Culture and Management Claim: Information systems are the substrate and catalyst for successful integration SATURN: A commitment to integrate…

3 3 SATURN as the democratization of CORIE Collaboration Tools Telemetry Real-time data acquisition Email (private discussion) Visualization Pre-defined suite of products Data Access Browsable by year and day Information at the fingertips of CORIE staff… Blogs, forums, wikis, video conferencing - Real-time data integration - Uniform capabilities everywhere - Active platforms and event response Ad-hoc, on-demand data products Queryable by time, space, platform, instrument, etc. … and of scientists, students, and the public

4 4 Appliance Model for Data Exchange R/V Wecoma OHSU forecasts, products transparent access to information – on shore and at sea observations OSU UW R/V Barnes M/V Forerunner video conferencing ad hoc products observations model results Pre-configured information appliance deployed on each vessel

5 5 SWAP Network; collaboration of: - OSU - OHSU - UNOLS Challenges for Real-time Two-way Telemetry Wecoma Forerunner Barnes

6 6 Real-time Shipboard Decision Support “Will another cast on the return trip pass through the plume? If not, it’s not worth the extra time.”

7 7 5/3/2007 8:00 am 5/3/2007 5:00 pm startdate enddate Rapid Development, Dynamic Products Extract salinity and temperature between a given start and end time, averaged by minute” Restructure the Data Generate the Plot

8 8 Enabling Technologies: Query and Visualization looking down the mouth river mouth Residual Salt Flux for two spring neap cycles, 1999 exposes upstream flow of salt in tidal flats between channels

9 9 Sophisticated Analysis and Visualization

10 10  H 0 : (x,y,b) V 0 : (z) Enabling Technologies: Gridfields Howe’s thesis work on an algebra for manipulating model results. A restrict(0, z >b) B  H 0 : (x,y,b) V 0 : (  ) apply(0, z=(surf  b) *  ) bind(0, surf) C coloris salinity Actively deployed for visualization and data extraction applications

11 11 Enabling Technologies: VisTrails Scientific Workflow and Visualization Developed at the University of Utah

12 12 Education Current Advisees: –Darin Toy, an OGI Master’s Student Software design for Individual-Based Modeling (Fish, larvae, etc.) Summer: –One advisee under the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer/Fall: –Master’s Student from Portland State University Integrating Biological Data in a Physical Context

13 13 Observatories as Integrators ORCA SSNERR WS DOE PRISM OrCOOS Observation Database Forecasts Web Apps NOAA Simulation DBs CORIE From CORIE to SATURN Needs Refinement

14 14 SATURN as the Democratization of CORIE CORIE Data Acquisition Highly-available models Products developed by technical staff Highly-focused culture Fixed product inventory SATURN Data Assimilation Highly-customizable models Empowered users develop products Large, diverse, integrative culture Ad hoc, on-demand products

15 15 Cyberinfrastructure as Cultural Catalyst Transition to an integrative culture requires an integrative cyberinfrastructure Which means: –Increased dynamism –Increased utility –Agile development practices

16 16 SATURN as the democratization of CORIE Collaboration Telemetry Visualization Query and Analysis Blogs, Forums, Wikis Real-time data acquisition Conducted by CORIE staff Fixed suite of data products Ad-hoc, on-demand data products Users empowered to conduct their own analyses Real-time data integration Data Access Browsable by time Queryable by time, space, value, platform, instrument, etc. Active platforms, event-response

17 17 SATURN as the Democratization of CORIE Models Research Public CORIE CI UUVs Policy Makers K-12 Higher Education SATURN CI 2-D Plots 3-D Vis. Data Access fixed stations Aircraft vessels Special Apps Cruise Planning Tsunami Mitigation

18 18 SATURN as the Democratization of CORIE Models Research Public CORIE CI UUVs Policy Makers K-12 Higher Education SATURN CI 2-D Plots 3-D Vis. Data Access fixed stations Aircraft vessels Special Apps Cruise Planning Tsunami Mitigation

19 19 SATURN as the Democratization of CORIE Models Research Public UUVs Policy Makers K-12 Higher Education Fixed Product Inventory fixed stations Aircraft vessels Special Applications Cruise Planning Tsunami Mitigation

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