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Early Academic Outreach Program

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1 Early Academic Outreach Program
UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program Presents College Knowledge Hello! My name is______ and I am from UCLA’s Early Academic Outreach Program. I will be talking to you about college and what you can do to go to college! I am currently a _____ year student at UCLA and my major is _____. So please feel free to ask me any questions about what it’s like to be a college student or college in general. It’s important for you to think about your choices after high school so that you can begin preparing for them, and I am here to help you do that. Middle School COLLEGE BOUND!

2 Time to Take NOTES! Four Systems of Higher Education: Know Your Options! Community College (CC) Cal State University (CSU) University of California (UC) Private # of Schools Length of Study Please take out a sheet of paper and copy this chart. It will help you take notes while I am presenting. Taking notes is an important skill for you to develop because you will need it for HS and College! While you are copying the chart, can anyone tell me WHY you should go to college or why you want to go to college? Degrees/Services

3 Why should you go to COLLEGE?
Learn! Travel Make them proud! Mulah! Meet new people Here are some of the reasons why you should go to college. Money! Career Be Independent!

4 Degree Tree High School Diploma Doctorate Degree (PhD) 2 years
Professional Degree 3-4 years Masters Degree (M.A./M.S.) 1-2 years Bachelors Degree (B.A./B.S.) 4 years One of the reasons why people choose to go to college is to have a career. A career usually requires a degree and a degree is proof that you have completed a certain amount of education. Here are the different types of degrees you can earn. Associate Degree (A.A./A.S.) 2 years High School Diploma UCLA

5 College = $$$$$ + OPPORTUNITIES
Another IMPORTANT reason why people should go to college is to earn more MONEY! College= $$ + opportunities. The more education you have the more money you can earn! Also, a college education gives people the chance to choose what they want to do for the rest of their lives and opens many incredible opportunities for you! US Department of Labor Statistics 2010 Average Earnings Per Year UCLA

6 Four Systems of Higher Education
California Community Colleges (CCC) California State University (CSU) University of California (UC) All colleges and universities are separated into 4 Systems of Higher Education. Higher Education means any education you receive after HS. Private Schools UCLA

7 Pathways to Higher Education
Option #1 CSU 4 year PRIVATES 4 year UC 4 year There are two pathways to reach higher education. This is pathway #1. High School Middle School UCLA

8 Pathways to Higher Education
Option #2 CSU 4 year UC 4 year Privates 4 year Community College 2 year This is pathway #2. This pathway is a great option but it should be considered Plan B! Why do you think this is so? The reason why this should be considered Plan B is because it might take you longer than 2 years to transfer to a university. Especially now, with the budget cuts, it’s difficult to get the classes you need to transfer in 2 years or less. High School Middle School UCLA

9 Community College (CC)
# of Schools Length of Study Degrees/Services 112 2 years Associate Degree Vocational Certificate Transfer classes Concurrent Enrollment NEARBY: LACC VALLEY PIERCE SMC LATT SOUTHWEST EL CAMINO COMPTON HARBOR LBCC Fullerton ELAC COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS EL CERRITO GLENDALE PASADENA Now let’s learn more about each system of Higher Education. Let’s begin with the CCs. What are some examples of CCs? UCLA

10 California State University (CSU)
# of Schools Length of Study Degrees/Services 23 4 years Bachelors Masters Teaching Credentials NEARBY: CSULA CSUDH CSULB CSUN CSUF What are some examples of CSUs? CSUs are geared towards helping you learn/develop skills that transfer directly to a job/career. UCLA

University of California (UC) # of Schools Length of Study Degrees/Services 10 4 years Bachelors Masters Doctorate Professional UCLA UCB UCSD UCSB UCSC UCR UCI UCD UCM UCSF What are some examples of UCs? UCs are all about RESEARCH and THEORIES. They are among the best research institutions in the world.

12 Private # of Schools Length of Study Degrees/Services Over 70 in CA
4 years Bachelors Masters Doctorate Professional In CA: Stanford LMU Mount St. Mary’s Occidental Pepperdine USC Woodbury What are examples of private universities? Private schools get their funding through student tuition and donors, unlike the UCs that are public schools because they are funded by the government. Outside of CA: Harvard Yale Princeton Spelman Brown NYU UCLA

13 Questions? Please keep ALL notes for next week! Thank you! UCLA

14 Early Academic Outreach Program
UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program Presents College Knowledge Hello again! I am back to give the second part of my presentation on College Knowledge! Middle School COLLEGE BOUND!

15 Time to Take NOTES! College Requirements: How do I get into the college of my dreams? You know the drill! Take out a sheet of paper and title it “College Requirements: How do I get into the college of my dreams?” While you are copying down the title, can anyone tell me what we talked about last week?

16 Competitive vs. Eligible
Eligible student: Completes the MINIMUM requirements and can apply to a university but it doesn’t mean they will get accepted. Competitive student: Completes MORE than the MINIMUM requirements. Has a greater chance of getting admitted to many universities. So last week we talked about your options after high school. This week we will talk about HOW you get into those universities and colleges. But before we begin you must understand the difference between being a COMPETITIVE student and an ELIGIBLE student! Can anybody tell me the difference? Remember to keep in mind the difference between a competitive student and an eligible student as we talk about College Requirements. UCLA

17 UC & Private Universities
College Requirements Community Colleges High School Diploma Or 2. 18 years or older 2 UC & Private Universities High School Diploma A-G Requirements GPA: UC 3.0 ↑ Privates 2.5↑ SAT or ACT with writing Honors/Awards Extracurricular Activities/Community Service Personal Statements Subject Tests (Highly Recommended) 8 Cal States High School Diploma 2. A-G Requirements 2.0 GPA ↑ SAT or ACT 4 Here are the college requirements for each system of Higher Education. It’s seems like A LOT! But you should remember to do 4 things that will make you a competitive student. UCLA

18 2.0↑ 3.0↑ 2.5↑ (varies) = “C” average = “B” average = “B’s” and “C’s”
1. Grades! 2.0↑ CSU = “C” average 3.0↑ UC = “B” average Keep up with your grades! Your GPA is one of the most important college requirements! Make sure you get As and Bs ONLY! When you start to get Cs it’s time to go to tutoring or ask your teacher for help. The GPAs you see here for each System of Higher Education are the MINIMUM you need to apply! But if you want to get ADMITTED, you must have a higher GPA! Especially, when applying to competitive universities. Private 2.5↑ (varies) = “B’s” and “C’s” UCLA

19 A= 4 B= 3 C= 2 D=1 F= 0 Calculating you GPA Report Card Grade Index
US History → A = 4 Geometry → B = 3 English → A = 4 Chemistry → C = 2 French I → D = 1 Painting → A = 4 Grade Index A= 4 B= 3 C= 2 D=1 F= 0 Let’s learn how to calculate your Grade Point Average (GPA). Each letter grade is given a certain amount of points. You need to add up all those points and divide them by the number of classes you are taking. This will give you your GPA. 18/6 classes = 3.0 GPA UCLA

20 FEE WAIVER: 2 FREE SAT exams, 2 FREE ACT exams, 2 FREE Subject Tests
ACT w/writing Subject Tests (recommended) The second requirement you should remember is to take all the required exams! You can take the exams as many times as you want. The universities will look at ONLY your highest score out of all the exams. (Explain each exam: areas tested on, score, and cost) If you get free or reduced lunch at your school you qualify to get a FEE WAIVER which means you get 2 FREE SAT exams, 2 FREE ACT w/writing exams, and 2 FREE Subject Tests FEE WAIVER: 2 FREE SAT exams, 2 FREE ACT exams, 2 FREE Subject Tests UCLA

21 A E B F C G D 2 2+ 4 1 3+ 1 2+ 3. A-G Requirements
History/Social Science English Math Laboratory Science E Language Other Than English Visual and Performing Arts College Prep Electives 2 2+ years years B F 4 years 1 C years Complete all the A-G classes! Your College prep GPA will be based ONLY on your A-G classes. Memorize this phone number: 3+ G years D 1 years 2+ years UCLA

22 A-G Planning Chart 7th/8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 2 World History
A. History/Social Science 2 World History US History (H/AP) Government B. English 4 English 9 English 10 (H) English 11 English 12 C. Math 3+ Algebra1 or Geometry Or Algebra II *Math Analysis *Calculus *Statistics D. Laboratory Science 2+ Biology Chemistry *Physics (H/AP) *Science (H/AP) *Science E. Language other than English LOTE 1 LOTE 2 *LOTE 3 *LOTE (AP) F. Visual/Performing Arts 1 G. College Prep Electives Economics It’s important that you plan your HS coursework so that you can complete all the A-G requirements. At least 1 full year during this time * Optional to increase competitiveness

23 Advance Placement (AP)
Types of Classes HL/AP/CL courses will give you 1+ GPA point if passed with a grade of “C” ↑ Advance Placement (AP) College Level (CL) Honors (HL) AP/CL There are certain types of A-G classes that will give you an extra point on your GPA. HL Regular Regular UCLA

24 A= 5 B= 4 C= 3 D=1 F= 0 Increase your GPA! Grade Index Report Card
(H) US History → A = 4 + 1= 5 Geometry → B = → 3 (H) English → A = = 5 (AP) Chemistry → C = = 3 (AP) French I → D = → 1 Painting → A = → 4 A= 4 B= 3 C= 2 D=1 F= 0 HL/AP/CL A= 5 B= 4 C= 3 D=1 F= 0 Taking HL/AP/CL classes helps boost your GPA. Also, these challenging classes will make you a competitive student! 21/6 classes = 3.5 GPA UCLA

25 4. Extracurricular Activities
“Well Rounded Student”: Students who are active and successful inside and outside the classroom Clubs Sports Organizations Community Service Lastly, you want to get involved in extracurricular activities because this will make you a competitive student. It’s important that you continue doing extracurricular activities all throughout high school because universities like LONG TERM commitment. Also, run for an officer position like president, VP, secretary, etc. This will demonstrate that you are a leader. Remember, universities love to see leadership!

26 Questions? Remember to keep your notes for next week’s last presentation. Thank you and see you soon! UCLA

27 Early Academic Outreach Program
UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program Presents College Knowledge Hello! This will be the last presentation! Today we will talk about MONEY! Middle School COLLEGE BOUND!

28 Time to Take NOTES! Financial Aid: How do I get money?!
Please take out a sheet of paper for your notes and title it “Financial Aid: How do I get money?!”

29 Cost of Attendance TUITION = the cost of enrolling in your classes
Housing = living on campus (Dorms) or off campus (apartment) Books/supplies = Books are NOT free! They are EXPENSIVE! Food = No more lunch tickets/cards Transportation = having a car means paying for gas and for a parking permit Personal Expenses = toiletries, clothes, going out with friends, etc. College is NOT free! There are certain things you have to pay for that you didn’t have to pay for in middle school or high school. What do you think you have to pay for when you go to college? UCLA

30 California State University University of California
Average Cost of Attendance Living on Campus Tuition Community College (CC) N/A $2,000-$3,000/year *36 per unit California State University (CSU) $21,000/year $5,500/year University of California (UC) $31,000/year $12,500/year Independent/Private Varies $16,000-$65,000 This is an estimate of how much it will cost a student to attend a university for one year. As you can see, college is expensive! HOWEVER, college can be AFFORDABLE! UCLA

31 Financial Aid = $$ for College
Grants FREE MONEY from the government or university 2. Scholarships FREE MONEY from organizations, individuals, or university 3. Work-Study Job opportunity to earn money 4. Loans Money that is BORROWED and must be paid back with interest There are 4 types of Financial Aid. Financial Aid will help you pay for your college education. Therefore, money shouldn’t be an issue when deciding to go to college! UCLA

32 Financial Aid Award Letter
UCLA’s Cost of Attendance per year: 31,000 Financial Aid Grants -16,500 Work-study ,500 Scholarships -10,000 Loans ,000 This is an example of a financial aid award letter. Expected Family Contribution 0 UCLA

33 Scholarship Websites (scholarship search engine) (for African American students) (for Asian American students) (Latino/Hispanic students) (for Native American students) (for Foster Youth),,,, (for undocumented students) (Gates Millennium undergraduate Scholars Program) You must remember to apply to SCHOLARSHIPS! Here are some websites you can visit to find scholarships. But beware! You don’t have to PAY to get FREE money! UCLA

34 High Schools where you can find EAOP
When you start HS, talk to one of our very friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable EAOP representatives. They will help you step by step to get into the university of your dreams! UCLA

Please Visit our website for more information: EAOP.UCLA.EDU WE HOPE TO SEE YOU IN COLLEGE SOON! UCLA

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