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Orientation to Advisement and Enrollment Discover Your Opportunities Discover Your Future Discover Yourself Discover AWC.

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1 Orientation to Advisement and Enrollment Discover Your Opportunities Discover Your Future Discover Yourself Discover AWC

2 1. AWC majors (degrees and certificates) and General Education requirements. 2. Selecting a major and working with your advisor. 3. Reviewing placement test scores. 4. Strategies and tips on how to choose classes and build a schedule. 5. Ideas on how to be a successful college student. 6. Preparing for your first registration.Agenda

3 The teacher just asked me a question and I don’t have the slightest idea what the answer is. Everyone’s looking at me...I feel my face turning red... Wait a this why I am attending college? To be humiliated in front of my peers?? Of course not!!! I’m just here to meet awesome babes!Introductions

4 The difference between a college and a university is that a college offers a collection of degrees/majors in one specific area while a university is a collection of colleges. When you go to a university you are going to be graduating from one of their colleges, such as the Business College. As to which is better, it depends on what you want. Single colleges tend to be smaller while universities are bigger, but universities are better known. Colleges vs. Universities TRANSFER HELP Go to:

5 High School College Your schedule is created and your time is managed for you by others. You will have LOTS of choices to make and time to manage. You may study outside of class as little as 0 to 2 hours a week. You need to study at least 6 hours every week per class. Your high school counselor tells you what to do. Your academic advisors is your mentor and helps you in your decision making. You are not responsible for knowing what it takes to graduate. You are expected to know what graduation requirements apply to your major. Teachers teach you the facts you need to know. You must take responsibility for learning and applying what you have learned. Teachers approach you if they feel you need help. Professors expect you to come to them for assistance. You are told in class what you need to learn from reading assignments and lecture. It’s up to you to master the material. Lectures proceed from the assumption that you read and understood the reading assignment. The Difference

6 CERTIFICATES Certificate programs are designed to upgrade existing skills or provide competencies for employment. DEGREES Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree can prepare students for entry into a specific occupational area or prepare them for a BAS – Bachelor in Applied Science, an occupational transfer degree program at the university. Transfer Associate Degrees are designed to enable a student to TRANSFER to a university in order to pursue a 4yr-Bachelor’s Degree. AA = Associate of Arts AS = Associate of Science ABus = Associate of Business AWC Degrees and Certificates

7 DEGREEMAJORCLASSCREDITS Ph.D., Ed.D. Various MBA MA, MS MEd MFA Various30 - 60 BS BA BAS VariousJunior Senior 60 + AA, AS ABUS AAS AGS Occupational Transfer Freshman Sophomore 60 + (higher education pyramid) Degrees available at Colleges and Universities Doctorate Masters Degrees Bachelor Degrees Associate Degrees Skill Development Courses

8 General Education Degree Possible Electives ? Courses in your MAJOR Courses in your MAJOR Degree Requirements Degree Requirements TRANSFER RESOURCES Go to:


10 AA degree *AGEC – A... General Education part of the AA degree ABus degree *AGEC – B... General Education part of the ABus degree AS degree *AGEC – S... General Education part of the AS degree Associate of Applied Science *AAS... Each Associate of Applied Science major may have different prescribed General Education requirements. Associate of General Studies AGS... Associate of General Studies Degree has it’s on unique General Education requirements. *General Education *General Education is a set of core and prescribed course of studies in higher education that are fundamental to a well-rounded college and university education. General Education courses are across disciplines allowing students to gain interdisciplinary understanding, and attain a broad range of skills and knowledge. * See Your Advising Worksheet

11 AGEC-A, AGEC-B, AGEC-S The General Education for the transfer degrees (AA, AS, ABus) is known as... AGEC-A, AGEC-B, AGEC-S  English 101 and 102 Two classes (6 credits)  Mathematics (AS and ABus have different and higher level math required) At least one class (3 – 5 credits)  Arts At least one class (3 credits)  Humanities At least one class (3 credits)  Social / Behavioral Science At least two classes (6 – 9 credits)  Physical or Biological Science (AS has higher level science required) two classes (8 credits)  Additional AGEC courses (Each degree has additional unique requirements) Total of *35 – 39 credits

12 Your Major  Review and evaluate majors available to you at AWC.  Take general education required courses and/or electives to explore your interest.  Talk with an academic advisor or career coordinator.  Check out the Career Services website:  Choosing a Career or Major Choosing a Career or Major Your Advisor  Division Advisors and Academic Advisors  Provide mentoring and will work with you in helping you decide on a major and career path.  They will help you in choose appropriate courses (not specific times) for each semester.  Remember, you are ultimately responsible for completing all graduation and degree requirements.  See your advisor early each semester. Check your major on Web- Advisor and let an advisor or Registration Office know if you want to change your major.

13 Reading Score Sentence Score Range Course 82-12090-120ENG 101 71-8176-89ENG 100 53-7057-75ENG 90 0-520-56ENG 80 Reading ScoreCourses 70-120No reading class needed 65-69Reading 121/122 recommended 61-64Reading 121/122 Required 54-60Reading 95/96 Required 53-40Reading 93/94 Required English Reading Placement Test Scores Placement Test Scores

14 Math Math Score Range CourseCourse Title Arithmetic 66-120Mat 105 Mat 81 Math for Applied Science Beginning Algebra 0-65Mat 71Arithmetic Score RangeCourseCourse Title Algebra 104-120Mat 187 Mat 151 Mat 142 Pre-Calculus College Algebra College Algebra with Applications 61-103Mat 121Intermediate Algebra 25-60Mat 105 Mat 81 Math for Applied Science Beginning Algebra 0-24Mat 71Arithmetic Score Range CourseCourse Title College Level Math 70-120Mat 130 Mat 220 Mat 212 Mat 172 Math for Elementary Teachers Calculus 1 Elements of Calculus Finite Math 44-69Mat 187 Mat 151 Mat 142 Pre-Calculus College Algebra College Algebra with Applications 0-43Must take Elementary Algebra Test

15 Mathematics: MAT 220 Calculus I MAT 187 Pre-Calculus MAT 142 College Math (OR) MAT151 College Algebra MAT 121 Intermediate Algebra MAT 105 Math - Applied Science (OR) MAT 081 Beginning Algebra MAT 071 Arithmetic English: ENG 102 ENG 101 ENG 100 ENG 90 or ENG 80 *See AWC catalog or your program check sheet for details regarding ENG and MATH requirements. Sequence of courses Sequence of courses

16 Official email of AWC WebAdvisor Blackboard AWC Accounts AWC Accounts o User Account o Financial Aid o Communication o Online Registration o Academic Planning o Academic Profile

17 Meet with your Advisor (early and often) Terminology: Credit Hour Pre-requisites and co-requisites Fall/Spring Semester Catalog Year Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Tips and Terminology

18 Things to consider... “C” or better grades for graduation or transfer Drop/Add week and last day to withdraw Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA “Take Care of Your GPA” Face-to-Face vs. Online Classes Full-time or Part-time 12 + credits is considered full-time Back to back classes vs. spread out over the day Create a schedule you can be success with Balance Obligations (work, family, friends, church, etc) Study Time (1 cr hr = 2 hrs study) Take a “fun” course Creating your Schedule

19 Planning for Success Planning for Success How to manage your new college schedule: Develop a calendar w/ plenty of time to study. Talk to your family, employer and friends about your new commitment of college and its priority in your life. If you are a parent, make arrangements for child care. Also, talk to your children about what your going to college will mean to them. Plan Ahead: Keep “Satisfactory Progress” with your Financial Aid Talk to each of your instructors early in the semester. Go to the Success Center for FREE tutoring Take advantage of any workshops or events on campus. Don’t wait... ask for help early in the semester. Check out all of the resources available to you (special programs, student handbook, tutoring, etc)

20 How to register.... 1.Go to the AWC web page and then to menu item, WEB-ADVISOR... 2.Look up course location, day, and time. 3.Select courses and click register. 4.What classes to select? Start with assessment score recommendations. ORI 101 – Strategies for Success (3 credits) (Fist Year Experience Course) AWC 104 - Career Exploration (2 credits) General Education courses Introduction courses in your major or area of interest Something FUN!!!!!!! 5.Wait-list Classes start August 19 jaw53 Abcd12134

21 Next step... Click here! Evaluation Orientation Part II

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