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Jason Boschung.  The purpose of this presentation is to display Afghanistans Education. Some topics i will be discussing are  History of education 

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1 Jason Boschung

2  The purpose of this presentation is to display Afghanistans Education. Some topics i will be discussing are  History of education  The works of education  The School system  Literacy Rate  And the ammount of people who pass Primary and University school.

3  Before the 1800s  Mullahs where the only teacher  Mainly Law was taught from the koran  Girls where non-existant in schools  In 1919  Amanullah took the throne and implement a stronger educational system  Girls where able to go to school  Later people thought this was discouriging the religious eastablishment and overthrew him.  In 1933  King Mohammed Zahir’s takes the throne and steadaly increase education in Afghanistan until the coup d’Etat of 1978.  In 1979  Religion was downgraded in importance and the governement steadily went back into the education and goverment ideology

4 EducationSchool LevelGrade From Grade To Age From Age To Years PrimaryPrimary School 7136 MiddleMaktabeh Motevaseteh 7913163 SecondaryDoreyeh Aali101216193 VovationalVocational77213196 VocationalTechnicums814206 TertiaryBachelor's Degree 4 TertiaryMaster's Degree 2 TertiaryDoctorate3 From Class Base. Title is Education System in Afghanistan.

5  When in the primary school Children learn the basics of arithmetic, reading, writing, and their national culture  When in the middle school they continue learning the same. But if they would like to continue their education they must take a test.

6 ScaleScale 2US Grade 9.00 - 10.0090.00 - 100.00A 8.00 - 8.9980.00 - 89.99B 5.00 - 7.9955.00 - 79.99C 3.60 - 4.9950.00 - 54.99D 0.00 - 3.490.00 - 49.99F Primary School ScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade 86.00 - 100.00Alaa (Excellent)A 66.00 - 85.99Aali (Good)B 50.00 - 65.99 Khoob (Satisfactory) C Secondary School

7  Literacy in Afghanistan Depends on your religion and your location. Most males do learn to read, although not many females learn to read.

8 TopicLiteracy RateInfant Mortality Rate Fertilliaty Rate School Expectancy Rate Population Male43.1%129.51N/A11 Years 30,419,928 Female12.6%113.365.649 Years When analyzing the data you can see that Males have a better Education and life. Due to the near non-existent rights for women




12 Works Cited "Central Intelligence Agency." CIA. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013. "Newsletter." Ministry of Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013. "" N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.

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