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Central Medical Library Into the user environment now! How the users changed and how libraries can adjust Guus van den Brekel Coördinator Electronic Services,

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Presentation on theme: "Central Medical Library Into the user environment now! How the users changed and how libraries can adjust Guus van den Brekel Coördinator Electronic Services,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Medical Library Into the user environment now! How the users changed and how libraries can adjust Guus van den Brekel Coördinator Electronic Services, Central Medical Library University Medical Center Groningen

2 Central Medical Library The build up … Introduction The Problem (in short) What to do on the SHORT term? What could we do NOW? Demo QuickSearch Library Toolbar


4 Central Medical Library Fragmentation of information The user has to spend a lot of effort: To find them To learn to use them separately To search them separately To evaluate them To keep up with all individual changes To repeat the above, constantly

5 Central Medical Library No Shortcuts No Intersections No Teleports -;) No Visibility, lack of presence

6 Central Medical Library What we are up against … We are not the only one anymore …

7 Central Medical Library So the World has changed, … the User has changed … and the Libraries …… just did not change enough

8 Central Medical Library How can we turn that around? From product-oriented to user - oriented Dig into user-environments !

9 Central Medical Library Keep up with what they are doing!

10 Central Medical Library The new users they are more fascinated by new technologies Multitasking is a way of life; Staying connected is essential; Interactive, not isolation Zero tolerance for delay; Actions are more important than knowledge; Learning by doing, not by being told Trial-and-error approach to improvement is a viable model for learning Cut-and-Paste Culture

11 Central Medical Library lab books exhibitions PDAs learning management systems campus portal course material text book personal collections reading lists Institutional repository Digital collections E-reserve Catalog Licensed collections Aggregations Virtual reference Cataloging ILL library user environments resource environment lab books exhibitions PDAs learning management systems campus portal course material text book personal collections reading lists Source: Lorcan Dempsey, Liber 2005

12 Central Medical Library But how do we start to change?

13 Central Medical Library new central information system: component-based software, no monolithic ILS Open standards and protocols: inter-operability modular web-based library services Web 2.0 social software On The Long Term (1) On The SHORT Term (1)

14 Central Medical Library On The SHORT Term (2) use of logs stats, evaluate and re-use “Make the data work harder”. Combinations of data-sets can be used to create new services. in more ways than one; platform independent

15 Central Medical Library A Short Term example “Building around the box” From statistics to new services From Metalib -> LiveTrix

16 Central Medical Library Already implemented in LiveTrix Discovery/suggestion tool (no need to select resource/database or subject first! Spellcheck/adviser Inline- SFX & lending info with OPAC records Impact factor info with Journals Related terms info

17 Central Medical Library Top Ten Technologies for Libraries to embrase Weblogs RSS Wiki's IM : Instant Messaging Podcasting OpenSource Software SMS Text Messaging Social Software User-created content Mashing-up services

18 Central Medical Library But what can we do NOW?

19 Central Medical Library “Quick and Easy” Top Three “Tools” the Desktop (desktop search application) The Office applications (Research Task Pane) the Browser

20 Central Medical Library The Browser Browser extensions –Bookmarklets –User scripts –Plugins –Toolbars! (Have a look at: Library Success : a best practice Wiki)Library Success : a best practice Wiki

21 Central Medical Library A Short Term example: the QuickSearch Library Toolbar

22 Central Medical Library Toolbar FREE software SAFE: No spam, spyware,POP-UPS or adverts EASY: quick creation and maintenance Completely web-based IE and Firefox Windows 2000 & Xp

23 Central Medical Library How does it work ?

24 Central Medical Library To install or not to….. Some rights needed Offer it via network if IT doesn’t let you USB-stick with Portable Firefox! “Your own portable library” Search functionality without Toolbarwithout

25 Central Medical Library What do the users like about the Toolbar?

26 Central Medical Library Elements of the Toolbar Visibility Presence Access Search Usability Communication Interaction Actuality Transparancy

27 Central Medical Library What are the Benefits of all this? increase usage collection & databases (on & off campus) More contact moments user vs. library improve the awareness of library services in general (branding) boost unknown valuable resources Posibilities to get better insight user search patterns and needs

28 Central Medical Library And now for something completely different … The ultimate chase for the user … Extreme example of libraries following the users everywhere!

29 Central Medical Library Building a Library in a Virtual “environment” Ok, but what are they doing in a VIDEO GAME?

30 Central Medical Library The Second Life Medical Library 2.0 The chase for the Users …… Into The User Environment : no limitsUser Environment limits

31 Central Medical Library Thank you for your attention. This is a mash-up of articles, presentations, blog-posts published on these subjects, mixed with my own experience and opinions. You can find all of them at

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