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Christopher Desany Chief Information Officer Capital District Transportation Authority November 13, 2008 Technology Transfer and New Paradigms in Transit.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Desany Chief Information Officer Capital District Transportation Authority November 13, 2008 Technology Transfer and New Paradigms in Transit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Desany Chief Information Officer Capital District Transportation Authority November 13, 2008 Technology Transfer and New Paradigms in Transit Information Architecture

2 Technology Showcases

3 Issue Comparison

4 Web 2.0 (Tim O’Reilly)

5 Cloud Computing Platforms – Dynamic deployment of servers as needed. We will not discuss this today. Applications – Extended Internet accessible services Employs Software as a Service (SaaS) and Web 2.0 models Focus on business value and not logistical details of deployment

6 Cloud Computing Organizations are switching from company-owned hardware and software assets to per-use service-based models" and that the "projected shift to cloud computing will result in dramatic growth in IT products in some areas and in significant reductions in other areas". (Gartner) Amazon, and more specifically, Google use this technology which can be leveraged by transit agencies for a fraction of the cost of what it would take to do it ourselves

7 Cloud Computing Improve utilization by pooling resources only for as long as needed Virtualization, blade, and SAN technology helps enable cloud computing 511 (Sam Johnston)

8 Mashups Draw upon content retrieved from external data sources to create entirely new and innovative services. Aggregate and stitch together third party data Mapping is a common Mashup Have planning look at performance differently by integrating schedule, farebox and running time information across service providers Compare against economic development impact

9 Mashups



12 Technology Showcases Google Labs Microsoft Research Yahoo! Next Third party companies that leverage open-source, or pre-existing platforms ( Proprietary systems are expensive to update and maintain, and in many cases don’t help other properties/riders

13 Google Transit at CDTA 63% have household annual income of less than $25k Easiest way to get CDTA Information: 57% Call 31% Web Site 31% Printed Schedules 89% rated the site as good or excellent 43% have visited 43% were aware of it, but have not visited 14% were not aware of the web site

14 Google Transit at CDTA All about options Provides unique benefits to subset of riders out of town riders Gmail users, bloggers, etc… Data requirements – OIG file Required upgrade to Hastus 2007 Street View Live Traffic-Construction-Incidents * (Trips123) Photos-Landmarks Walking, Car or Transit Directions Reverse directions, alternate trip options

15 CDTA Developer (GTFS)

16 Create Your Own Services …and publish for consumption

17 CDTA Developer

18 "Really" Smart Phones Push technology based on personalization and rider demographics. Trip paths Not just ridership, but where specifically an individual got on and off Advertisements to promote businesses Personalization advertising based on travel history Unique identifiers for signs to trigger SMS messages RFID tags in signs (or via GPS) to trigger and automatically send trip information

19 Enhanced Information Algorithms that compute and communicate passenger throughput and make recommendation “Next bus has standing load, you’d be better off waiting for following bus” “Next bus has standing load, you’d be better off walking to different stop – here are the directions” Cost Metrics Cost to operate not just service, but a route, or a section of route Hidden costs

20 Sprint ReadyNow “Come into a select Sprint Store, and we'll personalize your phone, set up your email, voicemail, data and everything else. Then we'll show you how it works, one-on-one. So you can take advantage of all the cool things phones can do these days. Without the hassle”. Why not add preload regional transit applications?

21 Collaborative Communities Create community that ties in: Paratransit customers, fixed route customers, advertisers, community groups, employers and employees, students E-mail and mailing addresses Photo identification Message boards, blogs, usenet newsgroups, surveys Portals Don’t just require subscribers to pull, figure out how to push Capture what people want, when they want (ON THE VEHICLE, AT THIS TIME!) Who is really riding the service?

22 Business Partnerships

23 Technology Showcases

24 National Technology Transfer Center Congress established the Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center in 1989 to link U.S. industry with federal labs and universities that have the technologies facilities and researchers that industry needs to maximize product development opportunities. With operations in Wheeling, W.Va., and Alexandria, Va., the National Technology Transfer Center provides technology assessment services and develops lasting partnerships among industry, academia and government agencies.

25 Conclusion and Questions

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