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History 121 United States History Since 1865. Reconstruction Presidential Reconstruction Freedmen “Black Codes” Congressional Reconstruction Freedmen’s.

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Presentation on theme: "History 121 United States History Since 1865. Reconstruction Presidential Reconstruction Freedmen “Black Codes” Congressional Reconstruction Freedmen’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 121 United States History Since 1865

2 Reconstruction Presidential Reconstruction Freedmen “Black Codes” Congressional Reconstruction Freedmen’s Bureau Civil Rights Act 1866 Andrew Johnson 1865-1868

3 The West The Great American Desert Mormons Vigilantes Pony Express Telegraph Sioux Red Cloud Crazy Horse Buffalo Dawes Act 1887 Barbed Wire 1874 Homestead Act 1862 Timber Culture Act Frederick Jackson Turner “Frontier Theory”

4 Industry Andrew Carnegie“Trusts” Standard Oil Company John D. Rockefeller “Robber Barons”

5 Late 19 th Century Politics Laissez Faire “Greenbacks” “Free Coinage of Silver” 16 to 1 Bland-Allison Act 1878 Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890 Civil Service Pendleton Act 1883 Ulysses S. Grant 1868-1880

6 Liberal Republicans Horace Greeley “Compromise of 1877” Rutherford B. Hays 1876-1880 Samuel Tilden James G. Blaine General Winfield Scott Hancock James A. Garfield 1880-1881 Chester A. Arthur 1881-1884 Grover Cleveland 1884-1888 & 1892- 1896

7 “Mugwumps” Benjamin Harrison 1888-1892 Peoples’ Party (Populists) McKinley Tariff

8 Political Protest “Social Darwinism” 14 th Amendment Interstate Commerce Act 1887 Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890 Haymarket Riot 1886 Anarchists Homestead Strike 1892 Pinkerton Detectives Settlement Workers Jane Addams Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward Henry George Knights of Labor

9 A. F. of L. (American Federation of Labor) Samuel Gompers Populism Grange Movement Farmers Alliances Peoples’ Party (Populist Party) 1890 James B. Weaver Grover Cleveland Pullman Strike 1894

10 A.R.U. (American Railway Union) Eugene V. Debs Socialist Party 1900 Richard Olney John P. Altgeld Jacob Coxey “Coxey’s Army” William McKinley 1896-1901

11 William Jennings Bryan

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