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Politics in the Gilded Age Chapter 23 Lecture Gilded Age Period from 1865-1900 During period America grew into crowded cities, big business, and extremes.

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2 Politics in the Gilded Age Chapter 23 Lecture

3 Gilded Age Period from 1865-1900 During period America grew into crowded cities, big business, and extremes of wealth and poverty

4 Parties in Balance from 1876-1892- different in popular vote was 1% between dems & republicans Caused presidents to seldom have their party in control of both houses = period of timid Presidents

5 The Spoils System Government jobs were given to people who helped the campaign but knew nothing about the position or job Caused Civil Serve Reform movement = qualified people should hold government jobs…… DUH……

6 Grant Presidency “better judge of horseflesh than humans” Elected by “Bloody Shirt” Era of Good Stealings Jim Fisk and Jay Gould “Black Friday”- tried to make profit off the gold market Credit Mobilier railroad construction company scandal (reached the VP) Whiskey Ring scandal- Treasury robbed of millions

7 Political Machines cities in the 19 th C. grew under an inefficient government New power took control = the city boss Controlled elections and local government

8 Political Machine Most known was Boss Tweed of NYC and Tammany Hall An estimated 75 to 200 million dollars were swindled from the New York City between 1865 and 1871

9 Thomas Nast Political cartoonist Brings William Tweed to justice with the use of his political cartoons




13 Presidents of the Gilded Age Presidents of the Gilded Age AKA:The Forgettables 1.Hayes 4. Cleveland 2.Garfield 5. Harrison 3.Arthur 6. Cleveland

14 Rutherford B. Hayes (R) 1877-1881 Cold, honest, straightforward man Sought civil service reform Weakened his position by stating that he would only run for one term

15 James A. Garfield- R 1881 Also followed civil service reform Shot in the back by a Chicago lawyer Lived for 11 weeks after his gun shot wound

16 Chester A. Arthur- R 1881-1885 People thought he would support the big bosses Instead called for civil service reform (due to the death of the President) Pendleton Civil Service Act- government appointments must be based on political qualification and not $$$

17 Cleveland 1885-1889 was he really “Grover the Good”??? ® “Ma Ma Where’s my pa?’ (D) “Gone to the White House HA HA HA!”

18 Grover Cleveland- D 1885-1889 “Grover the Good” After 3 years of being Governor becomes president As President he did little as he thought the President should not be very active = Laissez faire policy Left Presidency with a surplus (145 million a year)

19 Benjamin Harrison- R 1889-1893 Stole election from Cleveland Republicans bought votes in the big states Cleveland had won the popular vote by more than 100,000 but lost the electoral vote ex: Bush/ Gore

20 Harrison cont. Tried to pass a civil rights bill (Democrats filibustered) Bill later defeated by Republicans to support a new coinage bill = equal rights were put once again on the sideline until the 1950’s McKinley Tariff Act of 1890 - increased tariffs to the highest level ever

21 Harrison’s stance on Bigness Bigness = Monopoly Monopoly meant that only a few people had power to dictate to everyone else 1880- Standard Oil controlled 90% of lamp oil in the U.S.; only 1 sugar company Sherman Antitrust Act 1890- law against trusts in order to protect small businesses and farmers

22 Grover Cleveland take 2 1893-1897 People thought Harrison did little to help the nation so they re-elect Cleveland 2nd term was a disaster Nation was in a depression the whole 4 years Millions out of work & ready for change…

23 The People’s Party Chapter 23 & 26 review

24 The Populist Party “Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall Street, and for Wall Street. The great common people of this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master”. Mary Elizabeth Lease

25 The Forming of the “People’s Party” Sept. 1873 several Eastern banks failed Caused financial panic Greenback Party was formed Greenback’s believed paper money would bring more prosperity to the farmers and merchants

26 Populist are born 1890 the Greenback party becomes the Populist Party or “Peoples Party” Party campaign ran against corruption in big business and government Called for reform of railroads, telegraph and telephone industries Were not afraid to shock the rich and upper class Wanted an 8hr. work day and the direct election of senators by the people

27 Free Silver Platform Plan to put more $$$ into circulation by coining silver dollars 16 to 1 ratio Farmers thought it would raise prices of crops Issue died off after gold was found in Alaska in 1896 increasing the money supply U.S. doesn’t go off the gold standard until 1971

28 Election of 1896 & The Death of the Populist William Jennings Bryan- would become the most successful of the farm crusaders Problem was he couldn’t get the cities vote- didn’t appeal to factory workers/city people Put on Democratic ticket for President and ran on Populist issues- lost election to McKinley = decline of the Populist Party.

29 By 1904 no more populist party Many of its goals were adopted by the progressive movement FYI- today the term populist refers to a politician who opposes party leaders and appeals to the people for support

30 Populist Party political cartoon Create a political cartoon based on the platform of the populist party Your cartoon should showcase at least 3 issues of the populist party. Due at the end of the period on Friday

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