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 Vowell due tonight by midnight!  Back to you by Tuesday  Exam #1 – 2/27 – study 415  Notes and study guide on website  Begin reading Riis.

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Presentation on theme: " Vowell due tonight by midnight!  Back to you by Tuesday  Exam #1 – 2/27 – study 415  Notes and study guide on website  Begin reading Riis."— Presentation transcript:

1  Vowell due tonight by midnight!  Back to you by Tuesday  Exam #1 – 2/27 – study group @ 415  Notes and study guide on website  Begin reading Riis (Due 3/5)  Writing activity out on Wednesday


3  “Gilded Age” – Mark Twain  Corruption and patronage  Weak presidents – “Do- Littles” or “Do Nothings”  Turned blind eye towards cities

4  Roots in:  Social Darwinism  Laissez-faire economics  Loose interpretation of govt. regulations  Weak laws passed by the govt.

5  Democrats:  Began to attract Jewish and Catholic immigrants  Many believed in states rights  “Maintain the status quo”  Republicans – “waving the bloody shirt”  “Lincoln was shot by a Democrat”  Brass bands, free beer, picnics  Pro-business attitude  The North likes this

6  Main objectives:  Gain office  Hold office  Provide jobs to party faithful  Get reelected as much as possible



9  Rutherford B. Hayes  Won disputed election of 1876  Withdrew troops from South  Honest government  “Lemonade Lucy”  Vetoed certain immigration bills

10  James A. Garfield  Republican  Won Election of 1880  Running mate – Chester A. Arthur  Patronage – 100,000 jobs  1881 – Assassinated  Arthur becomes president

11  Chester A. Arthur  Better than expected  Developed modern Navy  Questioned tariffs  Republicans went crazy!  Not reelected in 1884

12  Civil Service Reform  Pendleton Act of 1881  Federal applicants  Tested and competed for jobs  Tried to eliminate patronage  Applied to 10% of all federal employees

13  Money Question:  Should we expand the money supply?  Increased tension  “Haves” – rich, industrialists  Cash backed by gold  “Have nots” – farmers, workers  Lower interest rates  Pay off loans with inflated money

14  Farmers  The Grange (1868)  Oliver H. Kelley  Social outlet for farmers  1873 – Grange in every state  Set up farmer cooperatives  Made it illegal for RRs to fix prices

15  Farmers (cont.)  Interstate Commerce Act (1886)  Rates must be “reasonable and just”  Set up the Interstate Commerce Commission  Actually helped RRs, not farmers  Made rates stable in favor of RRs

16  Farmers (cont.)  National Alliance  Direct election of Senators  Lowered tariffs  Graduated income tax  New banking system  Increase money supply  Gave rise to the Populist Party

17  Greenbacks  Issued during Civil War for emergency funds  1875 – Specie Resumption Act  Withdrew greenbacks from circulation  Greenback Party  James B. Weaver – Iowa  Election of 1878 – 1 million votes

18  Election of 1888  Grover Cleveland (D)  Protested high tariffs  Wanted lower interest rates  Appealed to farmers and workers  Benjamin Harrison (R)  High tariff  Pro-business

19  McKinley Tariff (1890) – Raised taxes on imports to 48%  Increased pension to CW veterans  Wanted to protect black voting rights

20  James Weaver – Populist  Grover Cleveland – Democrat  Benjamin Harrison - Republican

21  Railroad overbuilding – AGAIN!!!  Money not backed by strong currency  Worst depression in U.S. History

22  1894 – Jacob Coxey  Led thousands of unemployed to DC  Demanded jobs  $500 million for public utilities jobs  Trespassing and arrested

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