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Quality Assurance in eLearning Denise Kirkpatrick Pro Vice-Chancellor The Open University, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance in eLearning Denise Kirkpatrick Pro Vice-Chancellor The Open University, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance in eLearning Denise Kirkpatrick Pro Vice-Chancellor The Open University, UK


3 3 International learning innovators for 40 years We provide the complete online educational experience We are the UKs effective leaders in research & learning 1000 academics; not one lecturer 8000 tutors/mentors 2 000 000 graduates 200 000 enrolled students International reputation for quality International research impact The Open University 3

4 Academic standards & quality Internal and external QA –External quality audit & accreditation (QA agencies, professional and statutory bodies) –Internal QA processes Importance of quality Should QA for elearning be any different from QA for face-to-face (or distance) learning? Are our questions different?

5 Quality as fitness for purpose Looking for evidence of –Systematic evaluation processes – monitoring & reviewing performance, identifying quality outcomes & recommending improvement –Reflective self evaluation –How do we know that what we do is effective? –Response & improvement

6 Flexible and distributed learning A students place of study is not physically located with the institution (the awarding institution) whose academic award is being sought A students programme of study is not necessarily delivered directly by the awarding institution A student is not necessarily directly supported by staff of the awarding institution A student is not routinely working with other students Do not necessarily require assessment of a students achievement to take place at the location of the awarding institution QAA

7 Institutions should ensure The reliability of the delivery system Contingency plans in the event of the failure of the designed modes of delivery The delivery system is fit for its purpose, and has an appropriate availability and life expectancy The delivery of any study materials direct to students is secure and reliable, and there is means of confirming its safe receipt

8 Institutions should ensure…#2 That prospective students receive a clear and realistic explanation of the expectations placed upon them for study of the programme The nature and extent of autonomous, collaborative and supported aspects of learning is communicated to students

9 Institutions should ensure…#3 Staff who provide support to learners have appropriate skills, and receive appropriate training and development Support for learners meets specified expectations of the awarding institution for the quality of learner support for a programme of study leading to one of its awards

10 Institutions should ensure…#4 That a students assessed work is properly attributed to them, particularly in cases where the assessment is conducted through remote methods It is capable of confirming that a students assessed work is the original work of that student only That any mechanisms, such as web-based methods […] for the transfer of their work directly to assessors, are secure & reliable, and that there is a means of proving or confirming the safe receipt of their work

11 eLearning Can mean many things Context is important Completely online vs blended Centrally managed & coordinated vs independent & autonomously developed & managed ++ Provides a record of learning interaction and engagement

12 Aspirations… Shared understanding of key issues Support different approaches that recognise context Shared/standard language and vocabulary Integrated approach rather than multiple and separate approaches

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