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Preparing for a Medical Elective Dr Connie Wiskin Academic Lead SSC & Elective College of Medical & Dental Sciences University of Birmingham

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for a Medical Elective Dr Connie Wiskin Academic Lead SSC & Elective College of Medical & Dental Sciences University of Birmingham"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for a Medical Elective Dr Connie Wiskin Academic Lead SSC & Elective College of Medical & Dental Sciences University of Birmingham

2 Done – placement and supervisors! To Do – Health & Safety, feasibility & Protocol Dec 12 th 12pm Elective period May 6-June 14 th ‘12 (i.e. before re-sit week)

3 If your placement lets you down you will need to apply for an extension, clearly documenting when the placement was confirmed, and withdrawn. You might get lucky with something similar, but this is likely to be where your Plan B comes in…. Contact SDSO if there is anything personal impacting on your plans. If you’ve been contacting countless places since June and had no luck (although this shouldn’t be the case at this stage) you need to provide dated documentation of all your endeavours

4 Home or away? – educational objective setting…

5 Robust? Properly contextualised Modelled on a NAMED model/inspirational publication or published style Thoroughly referenced (clinical area, demographics, methodologies etc as apply) A relevant subject that is important, and adds to the knowledge base Why do you need to be in that location, to do that project? So ask yourself : “the point of this is…. WHAT…?” before submitting your protocol!

6 Personal & professional goals (attitude) Do some reading!

7 Practical considerations Documents Insurance (health, travel, indemnity) Visa ID Dean’s letters, etc Curtailment Email to self!

8 Drawing by Martin Howard James Scott, Australian medical student, lost in the Himalayas for forty-three days without food.

9 Risk assessment Political instability Travel conditions

10 Environment

11 Personal safety WHAT DO YOU THINK OF FIRST?


13 Vital preparation is a full risk assessment What is the anticipated risk and/or situation? What have you thought about in advance to minimise, manage or mitigate it?

14 Problems? …. We can you responsible for things you’ve not planned well, or should have foreseen We will NOT hold you responsible for the inevitable changes/challenges/barriers that can occur on location If there is a problem, be flexible – what CAN you achieve with what you have? If the political or environmental climate changes and you are not comfortable GET OUT! You are more important than the report!!!

15 Project? Think ahead Choose a focussed question or area for investigation Liaise with the host (eg about research opportunities, other experiences Publication?

16 Ethical electives What does that mean to you?

17 Self-preparation for working independently in a new environment “On Elective I was never asked/allowed to do anything that I wouldn't have been asked/allowed to do as a UK undergraduate medical student ” 39.2% replied FALSE 54% Were asked to do something not permitted for a UK medical student

18 Communication & professional behaviour Language (learn a phrase or two?) Culture Open minded curiosity (please avoid – albeit unintentional - cultural imperialism!) Consultation style Local ethics Hierarchy etc….

19 Bursaries There are School run and external bursaries you can apply for NB School ones total about 25, so they are highly competitive (so plan according to your means, and have a B- plan!) Look elsewhere too for subject specific opportunities Thoughtless applications represent us poorly, and could result in exclusion for all you apply for internally…. (eg don’t submit your paediatric study for an elderly care award!) ATT is based, in particular, on academic excellence, but this should apply to ALL applications Internal bursaries will be advertised in December…. So watch your mailbox.

20 SSC Team – not individual academics please! We have a system! There are standard letters already in place for you… Ditto information re Bursaries etc 0121 414 6889


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