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1 Guidelines for quality assurance within HEIs applied to the doctoral school evaluation in France Pr. Jean-François DHAINAUT, President Agency for Evaluation.

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1 1 Guidelines for quality assurance within HEIs applied to the doctoral school evaluation in France Pr. Jean-François DHAINAUT, President Agency for Evaluation of Research & Higher Education Paris, France Quality Assurance in Postgraduate Education Braşov, March12-13, 2009

2 2 INTRODUCTION From an empiric gridFrom an empiric grid made by experts for external evaluation of doctoral school, the ESG were used to facilitate the communication of the evaluation process to the different stakeholders. into the ESF frameworkThe specific approach of AERES was to dispatch the different items into the ESF framework. A doctoral school in France representsA doctoral school in France represents –an organization with a steering committee led by a director, –devoted to the research training & doctoral education of the students registered in a PhD program, –including a large number of top-quality research labs, located in one or several universities.

3 3 1.POLICY & PROCEDURES FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE a formal statusThe strategy, policy and procedures should have a formal status and be publicly available. The policy statement is expected to include:The policy statement is expected to include: –The aims of the doctoral school –The aims of the doctoral school : to produce top-quality researchers & competent experts in the several fields of science –The relationship between teaching and research –The relationship between teaching and research in the institution top-quality research units within an international & multi- disciplinary research environment official supervisors who are both excellent teacher & researcher favouring applications in the Marie-Curie program or other national or international funding programs;

4 4 1.POLICY & PROCEDURES FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE The organisation of the quality assurance systemThe organisation of the quality assurance system within the doctoral school committee, including students; The clear responsibilitiesThe clear responsibilities of the doctoral school committee, the HEI research & teaching councils… The ways in which the policy is implemented, monitored & revisedThe ways in which the policy is implemented, monitored & revised –profiling of the administrative structure (human resources, offices, budget...) –the doctoral school steering committee (director, supervisors, teaching & research councils representatives, students, other stakeholders from business, industry…) –doctoral student funding: 3- to 4-year grant (ministry, university, foundation…)

5 5 Quality assurance of programs & awards are expected to include: Development & publication of explicit intendedlearning outcomesDevelopment & publication of explicit intended learning outcomes: –have a broad overall knowledge of the scientific discipline –have a deep understanding of their own scientific field –are familiar with a variety of research methods –are capable of designing relevant approaches to solve scientific pbs –are capable of cooperating at national & international level –are experienced in scientific presenting, both oral & written… Careful attention to curriculum, program content & supervisionCareful attention to curriculum, program content & supervision: –a curriculum with several seminar series & international courses –a solid & firm personal supervision & follow up by experienced supervisors with the support of the entire research group… 2. APPROVAL & MONITORING OF PROGRAMS & AWARDS

6 6 Quality assurance of programs & awards are expected to include: learning resourcesAvailability of appropriate learning resources & modes of delivery periodic reviewsRegular periodic reviews of programs ; progressMonitoring of the progress and achievements of students: –regular group meetings to follow the progress of the thesis project –annual oral presentation & report of doctoral students –permission beyond the 3- to 4-year period… employersRegular feedback from employers, labour market representatives and other relevant organisations (stakeholders opinion survey); working lifeRelationship between the education & working life (business- oriented students…) 2. APPROVAL & MONITORING OF PROGRAMS & AWARDS

7 7 Doctoral school admissions process is expected to : transparent criteriaBe clearly stated & include transparent criteria (website), identical in the different HEIs involved in the doctoral school, Rely primarily upon : –applicants education background and research plans –applicants education background and research plans, –possible previous experience in research, –recommendation letters, –in-person interviews –in-person interviews (personal motivation & the applicants willingness to devote her/himself to doctoral education…) 3. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS

8 8 Student assessment procedures are expected to: learning outcomesBe designed to measure the achievement of the intended learning outcomes & other program objectives, Have clear & published criteria for marking, top-teacher &Be undertaken by top-teacher & researchers, Have clear regulations covering student absence, illness & other mitigating circumstances, permission of thesis examinationEnsure that assessments are conducted in accordance with the institutions stated procedures: permission of thesis examination, Be subject to administrative verification checks to ensure the accuracy of the procedures. 3. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS

9 9 Quality assurance in teaching staff Supervisors & teachers have the necessary skills & experience to transmit their knowledge effectively to students, A supervisor cannot help > 2 students (>> in humanities), A procedure in case of conflict supervisor vs doctoral student A statement defines a clear process in case of co-supervisor… Learning resources & student support A range of resources includes libraries or computing facilities HEIs routinely monitor & improve the effectiveness of the support, Human support in the form of tutors, counsellors, and alumni… 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE OF TEACHING STAFF & STUDENT SUPPORT

10 10 Quality-related information systems are expected to cover: Student progression & success rates - students satisfaction; Profile of the student population - employability of graduates; Effectiveness of teachers - learning resources available; Doctoral schools own key performance indicators. Schools have to provide accurate & impartial information Programs - the intended learning outcomes of these, The qualifications they award - the profile of the current students, Teaching, learning and assessment procedures, Learning opportunities available to their students, Views and employment destinations of past students. 5. INFORMATION SYSTEMS & PUBLIC INFORMATION

11 11 a way of validation of the ESGThis work represents a way of validation of the ESG for doctoral school evaluation, since all items kept by the experts in the evaluation grid, find a place in the ESG framework. Therefore, ESG represent a useful approach in the methodology of doctoral school evaluation process. to assess the achievementAERES wishes to assess the achievement of the different items, using a quotation system: A, B, C… How to make a reproducible method? 6. CONCLUSION & PERSPECTIVES

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