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OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime © Brian.

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2 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime © Brian Huxley 2009 –

3 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime Littlelearners Polish Speaker All littlelearner interactive resources are designed to meet two criteria: To enable colleagues communicate with EAL pupils To help EAL pupils feel comfortable and valued Go to the YouTube: littlelearnerguide Go to the littlelearner website Office First Day School Tour Class Instructions Praise Improving Work Behaviour Lessons & Timetable © Brian Huxley – Lunchtime W E L C O M E T O Polish Speaker V.7 To navigate to any of the nine categories, simply click on a button to the left. To return to this menu, click on the home icon at the bottom-right of every page. To exit this resource, click on the red button: When using this resource, please be aware that the child or adult you are communicating with may not understand at first that you are attempting to talk with them through using this resource. For support, email:

4 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime Please listen to this voice recording. They can speak to you by getting the computer to translate what they want to say. The person you are talking to does not speak or understand Polish. What is you childs name? Please write this down. What is the name of Your childs teacher? Please sign the papers Would your child like school dinners? Will your child bring a packed lunch? Children can buy a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. I am sorry – I do not speak Polish I dont understand You will need to pay for school dinners. Dinners cost £1.75 a day Dinners cost £8.75 a week Milk costs £4 for seven weeks Please wait here for a translator I want to help you but I do not speak Polish Has your child been ill? Please phone the school if your child is away from school. If your child has been on holiday, please complete this form. This letter needs a reply Do you want your child to go on the school trip? I am very sorry but the translator is not here today Lunchtime for children in Year2 down is 11:50 – 12:50 Lunchtime for Children in Year3 up is 12:20 – 13:10 It is very important to arrive on time You can choose a morning or afternoon session for your child The children cannot Stay for lunch School starts at 08:50 School finishes at 15:10 Children must wear uniform to schoolThe Head Teacher is… On this date… …we will have a non uniform day. You need to bring a small amount of money.

5 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime Do you have any sisters? Do you speak any English? How old are you? What is your name? Do you have any brothers? We do have other Polish children at school Would you like to meet them? We will visit them at break time Welcome to our class I will take you to your seat Dont worry about your work today. I know that you cannot understand me. If you need the toilet, just tell me in Polish. I am so pleased with you today You have been very well behaved Hello! I am very pleased to have you in my class Goodbye. The children in here are very friendly and will look after you. Because I do not speak Polish, I will use this computer voice to talk to you. Can you understand this voice? I do not speak Polish, and you do not speak English, so we both have something in common already! What are their names?

6 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime …boys toilets …staff room …Head Teachers office …school office …photocopying room We are in the… …dinner hall …gymnasium …cloak room We are outside the… …girls toilets We are on the playground …we come here for PE …you must keep your coat and bag here …this is where we go at break time and lunchtime...if you eat school dinner, you choose your meal here …we come here for assembly …dont leave money in your coat or bag …you eat your lunch in here! …you can play football at this end When the fire bell rings, we all line up in the playground with our teacher. …dont forget to wash your hands when you eat! This computer will come with us as we show you round the school Do you understand what the computer is saying? Because I do not speak Polish, I need the computer to talk for me …Deputy Head Teachers class room

7 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime Please Stand up Please sit down Come to me please We are going to line up Please line up with the other children Sorry! My mistake! Please give out the whiteboards Please give out the whiteboard pens Please give out the scissors Please give out the glue Please sit down in your seat Please sit down on the floor Please give out these letters Please give these out… Please give out the fruit Please give out the milk You are my special helper today Please give out the water Please give out the biscuits Please collect the scissors Please collect the glue Please collect in the paintbrushes Please collect these in… Please fill up the water bottles Please give me your homework Would you like a pencil? Would you like a rubber? Can you sharpen your Pencil please? Your pencil does not Need to be sharpened! Please collect in the whiteboards Please collect in the whiteboard pens Would you like a pencil sharpener? Would you like some water? Would you like to go to the toilet? Would you like Somebody to go with you? You need to practise these words at home every evening Would you like some colouring pencils? Get a pencil! Put your jumper on the back of your chair. Please put your coat in the cloakroom. Please put your bag In the cloakroom. Put your food outside the classroom Look at the board! Look at me! Remember your PE Kit tomorrow! Remember your swimming kit tomorrow! You are not allowed to wear a bikini!

8 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime You have worked hard You have tried hard Your work is very neat Beautiful writing! Your work is fantastic! Your work is excellent! You have followed instructions very well I can see that you understood the task Thank you for using a ruler to underline Well done! You have finished your work I am very impressed with this work Thank you for working so well This is a good piece of work because… …you have written on the line …you have left a space between words …I can read all of the letters …I can read all of the words …you have laid out your sums correctly …you have remembered to show your working out …you have put a lot of effort into it …you used the correct symbols …you have ended Sentences with a full stop …you have used commas …you have used speech marks …you have used question marks …you have joined the letter correctly …your diagrams are labelled …you have started Sentences with a capital letter

9 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime …your writing is not on the line …you have smudged it with your rubber …there are no spaces between words …your letters are all different sizes …you have not used a ruler to underline This would be neater if… …you took more time and care over your writing …you wrote on the line …you used a clean rubber This work is not neat because… …you have rushed it …you put spaces between words …made sure writing was all the same size …you used a ruler to underline …you wrote one number or sign per square

10 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime …sitting quietly …following instructions …helping your friends …your attention …putting your hand up …tidying up You have set an excellent example Thank you for… …listening …your patience Violence is not acceptable at this school If somebody hurts you, try to tell an adult or a friend We do not allow children to run around in school It is important that you walk properly around school Please do not rock on your chair …because it is dangerous and you could fall I understand that you might not know about some of our school rules I am very pleased with your behaviour You are not in trouble, but you need to know… I am very upset with your behaviour I understand that it must be very difficult for you to tell an adult when something goes wrong

11 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime English Science PE Music RE Reading Handwriting This lesson is… Maths Spellings Art Design & Technology ICT PSHE Geography History Cookery,,,maths book …writing book …whiteboard & whiteboard pen …pencil …handwriting book …Home School Diary We are going to get changed for PE Please get your PE kit You must take out your ear rings You must take off your watch Please get out … …reading book You must tie your shoe laces Do you want me to tie your shoe laces? If you are not sure what to do in PE – watch to see what the other children are doing I know that you will not understand all my instructions Singing practise Assembly You are not allowed to wear a bikini You are not allowed to wear swimming shorts We are going to get on the bus to go swimming If you do not have your swimming kit, you must stay at school

12 OfficeFirst DaySchool Tour Class Instructions PraiseImproving WorkBehaviour © Brian Huxley 2009 – Lessons & Timetable Lunchtime You must wash your hands before lunch At lunch time you are not allowed in the class room It is now lunch time Have you brought your own food to school? These children will go with you and show you where to go and what to do Do you want a hot dinner from the school?

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