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The KDD 2008 review process (Research track) Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi.

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Presentation on theme: "The KDD 2008 review process (Research track) Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi."— Presentation transcript:

1 The KDD 2008 review process (Research track) Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi

2 Bid-based paper assignment Reviewers bid on papers  Scale between 3=Eager and 0=not-willing Initial Assignment  Globally maximize total bids subject to load, count constraints  Easily solved using any LP-package Manual inspection and readjustments  Effort varies from chair to chair KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 2

3 Problems of bid-based assignment Two surprising dynamics  Unfair on papers on hot topics Top few papers had bids from 25% of the PC.  Random PC member reads it.  Unfair on reviewers who bid low Old cynics (no eager bids) versus young interested (80 eager bids)  Random paper goes to low bidders KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 3

4 Manual readjustments not easy Scale: 500 papers, 190 reviewers,  Difficult for chairs to be familiar with the expertise of each reviewer Tightly constrained system: any change spirals off a cascade of other changes. KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 4

5 Modeling reviewer to paper affinity Reviewer profile: abstracts of past publications  Challenge: crawling for abstracts  DBLP with pointers to electronic edition + some manual gathering/cleaning (Thanks to IITB undergrads: Ankit Gupta, Ankur Goel) Paper-reviewer affinity  TF-IDF similarity between paper abstract and reviewer profile  Okapi, BM25 etc tuned for short queries and long documents KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 5

6 The assignment Maximize weighted sum of bid and affinity subject to load,count constraints KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 6 Bid scoreAffinity score Only Bids11.00 Bid + Affinity0.991.30 Only Affinity0.352.17

7 Manual readjustments still needed Chairs go over assignments and give input as  Short list of reviewers for a paper Re-invoke LP with additional constraints  Chairs spared of handling cascaded changes  But, need a stable LP solver to minimize changes  Current algorithm (LpSolve) seems stable We did three rounds, working10 days non-stop! Coding easy: One week with LpSolve+Lucene KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 7

8 Improvements Better modeling of reviewer expertise  Time decaying topic models? Better affinity match  Citation distance? Human intervention is unavoidable.  Good interactive UI tools for paper assignment KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 8

9 Other issues Author feedback Conditional accept Early notification of sure rejects Vice chairs select PC and assign papers  KDD is homogeneous  Topics keep shifting  Load balancing across tracks difficult KDD-08 Opening August 24, 2008 Bing Liu & Sunita Sarawagi 9

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