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Annotated Bibliographies By: Karen Hornberger Library Media Specialist Palisades High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Annotated Bibliographies By: Karen Hornberger Library Media Specialist Palisades High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annotated Bibliographies By: Karen Hornberger Library Media Specialist Palisades High School

2 What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography goes beyond a traditional Works Cited page. In addition to properly citing your sources in the citation format preferred by your teacher, a 150-200 word paragraph follows. In that paragraph, you summarize the source and justify your selection of this source by evaluating its relevance and authority and unique value to your research.

3 When do you create your annotated bibliography? It is preferred that you annotate your bibliography when you are initiating your research since this will help you become more familiar with the purpose of each of your sources to you provide focus during research.

4 What will it look like? We had a contest one day in class and named a winner! Here is his annotated bibliography: NCSA Athletic Recruiting. National Collegiate Scouting Association, n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2013.. The steps to learning how to be recruited, recruiting do's and don'ts, scholarship statistics, and coach communications are all different topics that can be found on this website. The National Collegiate Scouting Association website is very beneficial compared to other websites because it does not just inform the reader on one topic. It supplies copious amounts of information compared to other websites in which only usually touch on one topic of the college recruiting process. The authors of each page on the website are professionals and work for the NCAA and NCSA. Therefore, all the information is well-researched and extremely accurate. These authors are very knowledgeable in what they're saying, due to the fact that college sports is their life. They are well acquainted with college sports and all the aspects of recruiting, making this website a reliable source of information.

5 An Idea…and a warning Search for more examples on the web! There are great examples out there!!!! DO NOT only summarize your source – there must be more to your annotation than a summarization. Also, DO NOT copy an abstract/summary provided – that is considered plagiarism.

6 Your research skills are developing …you have stopped using the first book you find on your subject and begin to systematically search multiple locations for the very best sources. Print books eBook collections Article and scholarly journal databases Inter-library loans Trending sources of information such as Twitter or Google Sites

7 You seek to balance your sources How will each source that you select add unique value to your research? Image from: Winnifredxoxo. "Balance scale." Flickr. N.p., 23 May 2011. Web. 24 Oct. 2013..

8 Your source may add balance in terms of the author’s perspective: an important cultural perspective a differing political perspective a religious perspective If you have selected a source which provides a unique and important perspective, you will want to mention that in the annotation. If you feel it is biased, yet still useful, be sure to mention that in your annotation and discuss how it is a limitation but how you will balance the bias with an additional resource and which resource it is that will provide that balance.

9 Your source may add balance in terms of source type : Primary sources will give you a unique, first-hand, perspective. A quality Secondary source may provide more thorough analytical perspectives. A scholarly journal is a secondary source which often communicates research findings within a particular field of study. If the type of source that you have selected is especially pertinent to its value to your research, you will want to mention that in the annotation. For instance, you will not just state that your source is a secondary source, but you might elaborate by mentioning that it was highly useful in its evaluation of the impact of the event/topic through the years, framing its legacy.

10 Another way your source may add balance in terms of source type : Is your source an extremely quantitative (providing statistics or other data) source which provides a numeric framework to your reader? If you have selected a heavily quantitative source, you will want to make mention of it’s quantitative value as a resource.

11 Your source may add balance to your outline : Is your source especially useful to one sub-topic within your outline? Was it a source that you used heavily to support one area within your research? You will want to make mention, through the annotation, if your source was especially useful in supporting one specific area of your research.

12 Quality & Reliability of source Can you prove that you have consulted quality sources? Has your source been printed in a highly respected journal? Was your source part of a nationally renowned study or survey? Is your source authored by a respected professional in your field of study or a respected association? Be certain to make mention of the credibility and reliability of the source within the annotation.

13 Copyright of Source The copyright is a really easy way for a teacher or professor to make a quick judgment about your research. Are your copyright dates current (ideally within the last five years but no older than the last 10)? Do you need to justify the inclusion of an older copyright date? Is this a classic work which enlightens your reader on the origin of your topic (not the history, but the origin of intellectual recognition of your topic)? Be aware of your copyright dates and be sure to be able to proactively defend each older copyright date through your annotated bibliography.

14 Comparison/Contrast If you were to essentially “lay your sources all out on a table” how does is your source unique in comparison to the others you are consulting? You may compare/contrast to other resources within your bibliography. For example, “This study performed by Stephens analyzes high school dropouts’ socioeconomic status while the study that will be referenced authored by Hardin analyzes the effects of blended learning on student achievement and attrition.”

15 You must JUSTIFY your selection of each source. Image from: Quoi Media Group. "I am Special." Flickr. N.p., 26 Feb. 2011. Web. 24 Oct. 2013..

16 By justifying the importance of each source, you are:  Letting your teacher know that you are not a haphazard researcher  Letting your teacher know that you are intentionally and systematically conducted your research.

17 Reminders and suggestions Suggestion: There are really good resources on YouTube describing how to create an annotated bibliography. Reminders: 1. For the citation portion of the annotated bibliography, follow the citation format designated by your instructor 2. For the annotation portion include a quick summary and follow with mention of the unique qualities of your source. Be sure to mention the source’s validity in addition to its unique value. 3. Your annotation should be about 150-200 words – your goal is to be concise while including the elements of summary, unique value to your research (including strengths and limitations), and validity/authority.

18 GOOD LUCK! You can do it! …and you can do it WELL

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