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Barbara Davis and Wood Mason | Nov. 2012 U.S. Department of Education 2012 Fall Conference Hands-On: COD Session 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Barbara Davis and Wood Mason | Nov. 2012 U.S. Department of Education 2012 Fall Conference Hands-On: COD Session 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barbara Davis and Wood Mason | Nov. 2012 U.S. Department of Education 2012 Fall Conference Hands-On: COD Session 11

2 Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used screens and data Accessing COD reports: What’s new? Funding & Cash Management screens What Does a COD Expert Need to Know? 2

3 Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) COD is THE system of record for Pell Grants 600% LEU applies to all recipients regardless of when they first began receiving Pell Grants LEU report useful prior to Disbursing Redefined edit codes Warning edit 177- Lifetime Eligibility Used within 450-600% Warning edit 178- Lifetime Eligibility Used exceeds 600% Where to view Pell LEU on COD 3

4 Locating Pell LEU on COD – Person/Pell 4

5 Locating Pell LEU on COD - Applicant Search 5

6 Locating Pell LEU on COD Full Pell LEU History Remaining Eligibility? 600-474.185=125.815% 6 TECHNICAL INSTITUTE COUNTY COLLEGE STATE UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE University of the Sun COUNTY COLLEGE

7 Locating Pell LEU on COD 7 Export summary In Excel format

8 Locating Pell LEU on COD via Edit Code Rejects 8 Batch Menu- either School or Person Search

9 Locating Pell LEU on COD via Edit Code Rejects 9

10 COD CBT- Download from IFAP 10

11 “Pro” Practice Time If you are sharing a computer with a colleague from your school Log into COD and practice locating Pell LEU data for a student or students Or, use the COD CBT to learn more about Locating Grant Information Icon will be on your desktop 11

12 12 Accessing COD Reports SAIG mailbox COD website/Services tab Separate databases Can have both COD and reports open at same time Must log off each separately

13 Services/COD Reports 13

14 COD reports – Program Selection 14 10000466-DL 10000466-PL 10000466

15 COD reports – Pell Reports 15

16 COD reports – School Monitoring 16

17 COD Reports – School Monitoring, Cont. 17

18 Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used Report 18

19 Pell LEU Report Current Pell LEU on the web will be discontinued after 2012-13 award year Pell LEU Report will continue to be produced for future awards years in SAIG format CSV Format SAIG Message Class: PGLEYYOP Where “YY” is award year Example: PGLE14OP for award year 2013-14 19

20 COD Reports – Direct Loan 20

21 COD reports – Actual Disbursement 21

22 COD reports – Interest Rebate Report 22

23 23 Setting report options

24 “Pro” Practice Time If you are sharing a computer with a colleague from your school Log into COD and practice accessing your school’s reports via the services menu Or, use the COD CBT to learn more about Grant or Direct Loan reports Icon will be on your desktop 24

25 Locating Funding and Cash Management Screens on COD School Summary Funding Information Summary Financial Information Cash Activity Yearly Totals Balance Confirmation Correspondence 25

26 School Summary 26 Check this screen frequently for all Award years and programs Negative cash may indicate a draw has not yet posted or downward disbursement adjustments needed

27 Funding Info 27 Use this screen to monitor available balance Also to view Grant ACA and unduplicated recipients

28 Summary Financial Info 28 For Direct Loans this screen mirrors the SAS Cash summary information. Use it to monitor your daily cash and disbursement summary information.

29 Cash Activity 29 Review to monitor days left for on time reporting and to ensure that refunds have posted in the correct program and award year

30 Yearly Totals 30 Great way to monitor if there are pending disbursements remaining for a program year. Best practice tip= Zero out any pending disbursements that will not be made

31 Balance Confirmation- DL 31 COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Direct Loan Closeout should be able to be completed within 30 days following the Latest Reported Award End Date

32 Balance Confirmation- DL, continued 32 Wait until your final SAS has a $0 ending Cash balance

33 Correspondence 33 Contains both Grant and Direct Loan Correspondence Key funding reduction communications Key Direct Loan communications

34 View Correspondence 34 Note the Pell Grant Verification Reduction of $71,338.00

35 “Pro” Practice Time If you are sharing a computer with a colleague from your school Log into COD and practice locating school cash information Or, use the COD CBT to learn more about Managing School Information Icon will be on your desktop 35

36 QUESTIONS? 678-721-4452 770-383-9662 36

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