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Pre-AP Chemistry: Unit 1: Test Review

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1 Pre-AP Chemistry: Unit 1: Test Review
Thanks to Mrs. Wiecker

2 ** Study your notes packet, handouts, textbook & labs completed**

3 1. Be able to define, explain & give examples of the following terms:
a. matter b. mass vs weight c. energy (kinetic & potential) d. parts of Sci. Method e. inference f. hypothesis g. theory h. model i. errors (random & systematic) j. element k. compound l. mixture (homogeneous vs heterogeneous) m. physical vs chemical property n. physical vs chemical change

4 More Terms: o. Intensive vs extensive properties p. separation
q. decomposition r. Laws of conservation (mass, energy, mass & energy) s. endothermic vs exothermic reactions t. accuracy vs precision Qualitative & quantitative Etc.

5 General Skills: 2. Be able to write a small or large number in scientific (exponential) notation. 3. Identify the 7 base SI units. (quantity, unit, symbol) 4. Define and give examples of derived units. 5. Know the metric prefixes and their values. (Memorize giga – nano)

6 6. Be able to convert metric units.
7. Know the rules for identifying the number of significant figures in a measurement. Be able to round calculations to correct number of significant figures. (Multiplication/Division;Addition/Subtraction) 8. Calculate the % error for an experiment.

7 9. Complete density problems. (Find density, mass, or volume)
10. Identify physical or chemical properties & changes. 11. Identify common properties of metals, nonmetals, metalloids. 12. Identify properties of the states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)

8 Distinguish between Elements, Compounds and Mixtures.
Explain how the law of conservation of mass is true in chemical reactions.

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