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CONCEPT, THEORY, CASE Deciphering the Differences 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPT, THEORY, CASE Deciphering the Differences 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCEPT, THEORY, CASE Deciphering the Differences 1

2 Outline 1. Definitions 2. Debates in Academia 3. Quantitative vs. Qualitative Approaches 4. Applying Theory to Case 2

3 1. Definitions – Concept  “An abstraction or general notion that may serve as a unit (or an ‘atom’) of a theory.” (Oxford Companion to the Mind)  Concepts can be ambiguous – a major task in philosophy and theoretical writing is to clarify them. 3

4 -Take a piece of paper and write down your definition of what freedom is. -What are its components? -Compare your definitions to those of the people sitting around you. -What are the similarities/differences of your definitions? Discuss with your neighbours. Class exercise: What is freedom? 4

5 1. Definitions – Theory  “A theory is an account of the world which goes beyond what we can see and measure. It embraces a set of interrelated definitions and relationships that organizes our concepts of and understanding of the empirical world in a systematic way.” (A Dictionary of Sociology) 5

6 1. Definitions – Theory  Theories have different functions:  Make generalisations and classifications – organise and simplify the world so it can be analysed and understood in some manageable way  Build hypotheses to be tested through empirical research  Draw connections at an abstract level, which might not be immediately observable, to guide research in new directions  Explain and identify potential causal mechanisms and other relationships between different phenomena 6

7 1. Definitions – Model  Models are mid-level that are restricted to specific phenomena.  They work as analytical tools, simplifying specific phenomena, and use a set of specific concepts to look at a phenomenon.  They are often based on greater theories, however, scholars with different theoretical standpoints can use the same models as tools of analysis. 7

8 Class exercise: Concept vs. Theory Liberty Constructivism Realism Post-Structuralism Structuralism Historical Materialism Democracy Rationality Game Theory Liberal Institutionalism Civil War Corruption Patrimonialism Terrorism Socialism Capitalism Republicanism Feminism Electoral Violence 8

9 1. Definitions – Variable  Variables are concepts that are defined in such a way that they can be observed and/or measured in some way.  Variables can be evaluated in terms of to their validity and reliability.  We distinguish between dependent and independent variables. 9

10 2. Debates in Academia? Academia is all about debates – can you think of some? Theories evolve over time and with debates. 10

11 3. Quantitative vs. Qualitative Approaches - Quantitative and qualitative approaches often ask and answer different questions, so that they may conceptualise ideas/phenomena differently despite often using the same words. - When using a quantitative approach, scholars must use concepts in a way in which they are quantifiable. - Qualitative approaches can allow for much broader conceptualisations. 11

12 Class exercise: Conceptualising “Democracy” for a Qualitative and a Quantitative Study QualitativeQuantitative 12

13 5. Applying theory to case.  In this course, we apply different theories and models, employing different concepts, to analyse specific events in history, i.e. cases.  Theories and models by definition are analytical tools that simplify the “reality” of a case in order to make it analysable.  Thus, different theoretical lenses simplify cases in different ways, and thus can shed light on different aspects of a conflict, as they ask questions differently. 13

14 Question: What caused the Great Lakes Conflict of 1996? What kinds of sub-questions would we ask to answer this, looking at the conflict from a… … Realist perspective? … Social constructivist perspective? Class exercise: Looking at the 1996 Great Lakes Conflict 14

15 Conclusion  What is a…  …concept?  …theory?  …model?  …variable?  What makes good research?  Is quantitative always better than qualitative?  What is the use of applying theories to a case? 15

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