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Psychology Philosophy + Physiology = Psychology Empirical v. Anecdotal Evidence Wilhelm Wundt- Father of Psychology Opens first psych lab in 1879.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology Philosophy + Physiology = Psychology Empirical v. Anecdotal Evidence Wilhelm Wundt- Father of Psychology Opens first psych lab in 1879."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology Philosophy + Physiology = Psychology Empirical v. Anecdotal Evidence Wilhelm Wundt- Father of Psychology Opens first psych lab in 1879

2 Structuralism (Wundt & Titchner) Analyze consciousness into the basic elements Introspection- systematic self observation of one’s own consciousness Later become known as Gestalt psychologists (whole)

3 Functionalism (James) These psychologists focused on the practical implications of psychology Consciousness consisted as a continuous flow of thoughts Two descendents: applied psych & behaviorism

4 Psychoanalysis (Freud) Theory of the unconscious Free Association Freudian Slips Importance of early childhood

5 Behaviorism (Watson & Skinner) Study only observable behavior Nurture more powerful than nature Subjects largely animals- WHY?

6 Humanism (Rogers & Maslow) Emphasized the unique quality of humans such as the self- concept Stress human freedom & potential for growth Believed psychoanalysis & behaviorism too dehumanizing

7 Cognition (Piaget, Chomsky, Simon) Study how humans process, store, & retrieve information Must study internal mental events to fully understand human behavior

8 Physiology/Biology (Olds, Sperry, Hubel & Wiesel) Understanding the biological mechanisms involved in behavior: genes, brain development, nervous systems

9 Cross-Cultural Studies Examines how culture influences behavior

10 Evolutionary Psych(Buss) Believe that patterns of behavior seen in species are products of evolution If the behavior leads to survival, than that behavior continues Natural selection favors behaviors that enhance an organism’s reproductive success

11 Women in Psychology Mary Calkins Margaret Washburn Leta Hollingsworth 1 st woman president of the APA 1 st woman to get ph.d in psych Pioneered work on adolescent dev, mental retardation, and gifted children

12 Professional Specialties Psychiatry Clinical psychology Counseling psychology Educational/school psychology Industrial and organizational psych

13 Research Areas Developmental Social Experimental Physiological/biological Cognitive Personality Psychometrics

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