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MOD 1 PART 2 WITH ASSIGNMENTS AP PSYCHOLOGY. PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE DEVELOPS How has the science of psychology’s focus changed since its birth at the end.

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2 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE DEVELOPS How has the science of psychology’s focus changed since its birth at the end of the nineteenth century? Came from other fields (philosophy, physiology, biology, etc.) International basis Changing definitions The science of mental life (prior to1920’s) The science of observable behavior (1920’s-1960’s) The science of behavior AND mental processes Behavior= anything an organism DOES Mental processes= internal, subjective experiences SCIENCE = a way of asking and answering questions

3 CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOLOGY Big Issues: What are the recurring issues that cut across psychology? Stability vs. chang Rationality vs. irrationality Nature vs. nurture Plato vs. Aristotle DesCartes vs. Locke Charles Darwin Natural Selection Evolutionary biology and psychology Nurture works on what nature provides

4 PSYCHOLOGY’S PERSPECTIVES Neuroscience: how the brain and body enable emotions, memories, and experiences Evolutionary: how the natural selection of traits promotes the perpetuation of one’s genes Behavior genetics: how much our genes and our environment influence individual difference Psychodynamic: how behavior springs from unconscious and drives conflict Behavioral: how we learn observable responses Cognitive: how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information Social-cultural: how behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures

5 PSYCHOLOGY’S SUBFIELDS Not as unified as other sciences Basic Research Biological psychologists: exploring links between brain and body Developmental psychologists: studying changing abilities from womb to tomb Cognitive psychologists: experimenting with perception, thinking, and problem solving Personality psychologists: investigating persistent traits Social psychologists: exploring how we view and affect one another Applied Research Tackles practical problems Industrial/organizational psychologists: study and advise on behavior in the workplace Clinical Psychologists: study, assess, and treat troubled people Psychiatrists: medical doctors who can prescribe drugs Knowledge changes behavior!

6 HOMEWORK Review Unit 1 (Exam on Friday, September 7 for odd numbered classes and Monday, September 10 for Even Numbered Classes) Define Vocabulary Empiricism Structuralism Functionalism Psychology Nature-nurture issue Natural selection Basic research Applied research Clinical psychology Psychiatry Answer each of the following in a paragraph each. How do you think psychology will change as people from non-Western countries increasingly contribute their ideas to the field? When you signed up for this course, what did you think psychology would be about?

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