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WP3: User-oriented information and climate change products.

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Presentation on theme: "WP3: User-oriented information and climate change products."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP3: User-oriented information and climate change products

2 Goal to transfer updated science to the present and potential users using tailored products and services.

3 Summary of activities Two video podcasts have been prepared by DWD (information about the EURO4M project for general public and present and potential users). The podcasts are available via the EURO4M website; KNMI, with input from MO and CRU, have developed the first EURO4M Climate Indicator Bulletin (CIB) on European Temperature based on data available in the project and other external sources. In this bulletin ( The second Climate Indicator Bulletin (CIB) on an extremely dry episode over Europe in autumn 2011 is beeing developed by KNMI. Quasi-operational assessment of the strong drought episode in summer 2012 in Romania has been done by NMA-RO using the self calibrated Palmer Drought severity index (PDSI); Explorations of sectors from climate change impact community have been initiated by NMA-RO with prospective analysis of the use climate services and products based on EURO4M science in the community of:(1) soil sciences; (2) ecosystem dynamics in protected areas; (3) climate change adaptation in urban areas; (4) coupling wind with wave climatology for coastal areas of Black Sea; DWD has developed the concept of the second workshop for users which will take place 14/15 May 2013 at DWD, Offenbach, Germany. The goal of this workshop is to present the status of the data generated within EURO4M to potential users and to receive feedback to improve the transfer of climate knowledge via products and services.

4 Climate Indicator Bulletin Figure from the first EURO4M Climate Indicator Bulletin showing Annual mean surface air temperature anomalies over the European land area based on E- OBS (bars), GISS, CRU, and NCDC. The values are based on land temperatures between 35°- 75°N and 25°W-45°E. The eference (normal) period is1961-1990. In the period 1950-2010 the Europe- average warming trend in the observations is 0.18 ± 0.03 °C/decade. For comparison, the global trend (land-only) between 1950 and 2010 is 0.12 °C/decade according to theCRUTEM3v dataset.

5 Quasi-operational assessment of the strong drought episode in summer 2012 in Romania

6 The use of climate information in the community of climate change impact in protected areas The Mures Floodplain Natural Park

7 The use of climate information in the community of urban heat island SEERISK project aims to elaborate a common methodology for risk assessment of natural hazards related to climate change in South Eastern Europe to be used by disaster management community – no new science development but the transfer of science to disaster management community.

8 Follow up to take into account the information that will be gained in the second workshop for users which will take place 14/15 May 2013 at DWD; to further develop the interaction with climate impact communities and general public as the results of EURO4M science are now available (e.g. reanalysis) to further identify and investigate the applications which need integrating of in- situ, reanalysis and satellite data for offering transfer of EURO4M science

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