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-MONITOR - Advanced environment & safety monitoring technology -Prof. Andrzej Czyzewski, Gdansk Univ. of Technology & team Multimedia Systems Department.

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Presentation on theme: "-MONITOR - Advanced environment & safety monitoring technology -Prof. Andrzej Czyzewski, Gdansk Univ. of Technology & team Multimedia Systems Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 -MONITOR - Advanced environment & safety monitoring technology -Prof. Andrzej Czyzewski, Gdansk Univ. of Technology & team Multimedia Systems Department - market addressed: Mass market of video surveillance cameras and acoustical sensors Clients of various types in need of automatic safety protection Governmental and municipal environment protection agencies

2 What is the innovation? linking video surveillance with acoustical surveillance application of safety surveillance systems with simultaneous monitoring of the environment What is the business impact? introducing new series of monitoring products employing advanced software layer for audio & video analytics introducing economy methods and products for environment monitoring of city agglomerations

3 The idea behind the project proposal (that can be materialized also by joining a consortium active in an adequate thematic area) is to further advance intelligent monitoring of city agglomerations. The expertise gained by the proponents in developing audio and video surveillance systems and environmental monitoring applications allowed noticing that all three mentioned technologies can be joined together resulting in a new universal technology solution in the domain of sensors and fused data analytics software. An economy solution is expected allowing for both: increasing of satety in public places and making numeric maps of environmental threats.

4 - Consortium status Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Microsystem - Polish video surveillance firm Polish municipal agencies - Missing capabilities and/or partners video cameras & acoustic sensor manufacturers, network operators, telecommunication infrastructure builders Partner type: ind, sme Countries: any

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