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Published byBrandon Fox Modified over 11 years ago
Status and difficulties for running 2D re-analyses at 5.5km over Europe E. Bazile & C. Soci special thanks to SMHI: T. Landelius & P. Dahlgren EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013
Deliverables MESCAN over Europe: domain, parameters, constraint, downscaling issues Observations available Preliminary results Future plans OUTLINE
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 #D2.5 New MESAN-SAFRAN downscaling system (month 36): MESCAN OK Available in the official cycle of ARPEGE/ALADIN/AROME/HARMONIE system cy38t1 under a logical switch LMESCAN. Precipitation analysis is also available (more details in C. Soci talks) #D2.6 Report describing the new system in D2.5 (month 40 August 2013) #D2.11 Evaluation of MESCAN system in particular for snow (month 42): Started with M. Lafaysse (CEN, Grenoble): MESCAN analysis drives CROCUS (sophisticated snow scheme) and the snow depth is compared to observations over the French Alps and Pyrenées Over Europe, SURFEX is forced by MESCAN-Europe at 5.5km snow cover, snow depth, snow albedo (comparison with SAF-land product) and surface fluxes (latent and sensible) compared at observation site : SMOSREX, Sodankyla, Cabauw (M. Coustau and E. Martin) Deliverables
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 3D-Var Re-analysis at 22 km, 60 Levels over Europe (SMHI) 2D analysis at x ~5.5 km Downscaling More observations By adding details with topography and more observations, the quality of the analysis should improve … MESCAN over Europe: domain, downscaling … x ~ 5.5 km over Europe 1080x1000
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 3D-Var Re-analysis at 22 km, 60 Levels over Europe (SMHI) 2D analysis MESCAN at x ~5.5 km x ~ 5.5 km over Europe 1080x1000 Downscaling More observations MESCAN over Europe: domain, downscaling … Hirlam 2 Grib files 22km: - T2m, Wind Ps, RR_liq (124Mb) - Hu2m, Radiative fluxes, RR_sol (13Mb) Software : GL( SMHI) (~5mn/file) FA file for input to MESCAN with T2m, Hu2m, Wind, RR_liq, RR_sol, LW, SW : 200Mb Observations T2m, Hu2m (1.3Mb) and RR24h from rain gauge (1.4Mb) Output FA file : 160Mb every 6h for T2m and Hu2m, RR24 at 6UTC. (~14mn for T2m/Hu2m and ~7mn for RR analysis) 1 month at 5.5km for all Europe: 54Gb and 32h on the HPC platform at ECMWF so for 4 years ~ 2months and 2.5Tb
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 Observation Network for Precipitation Potentially available in ECA&D and useful for a daily re-analysis but : RR1: Precipitation amount unknown interval RR2: Precipitation amount morning previous day 06,07,08,09 until morning today (shifted 1 day back by ECA staff) RR3: Precipitation amount morning today 06,07,08 until morning next day RR4: Sum of 12-hourly precipitation of observations at 06 and 18 UT (2 values). Date of 18 UT RR5: Precipitation amount morning today 07:30 CET until morning next day RR6: Precipitation amount 18-18 UT (sum of 4 values) RR7: Precipitation amount 0 - 0 UT RR8: Sum of 12-hourly precipitation of observations at 18 UT today and 6 UT tomorrow (2 values) RR9:Precipitation amount morning today 06:00 UTC until morning next day RR10: Precipitation amount within 00-24, 07-07 or 08-08 Without 1-4-6-7-10
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 Observation Network for Precipitation Observation available and useful for re-analysis for the 15th december 2009 from ECA&D. MF provides RR24 only until 2005 Observation available and useful for re- analysis from the MF database used in NWP ~2500 obs (1300 over France) A merge is necessary between the two database but it is not an easy task.For preliminary test over Europe the MF database is used.
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 Observation Network for Precipitation A merge is necessary between the two database, but hopefully thanks to Tomas Landelius, the merge has been done and the next MESCAN-Europe will use exactly the same observations file as MESAN. Observation available and useful for re-analysis for the 15th december 2009 from ECA&D. MF provides RR24 only until 2005 Observation available and useful for re- analysis from the MF database used in NWP ~2500 obs (1300 over France)
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 MESCAN-Europe Monthly mean RR (mm/day) HIRLAM FG DEC2009MESCAN DEC2009 Suspicious spot of precipitation due to some weaknesses in the quality control ? ANALYSIS-FG DEC2009
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 MESCAN-Europe Monthly mean RR (mm/day) MESCAN JAN2010 MESCAN JUNE 2010
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 MESCAN-EUROPE vs MESCAN-FR for the precipitation analysis Heidke Skill Score Domain France Dec2009-Jan2010 and June 2010 MESCAN-Europe : 5.5 km, ~1300 obs over France, guess from HIRLAM 24H at 06UTC. Available for Dec2009, Jan 2010 and June 2010 MESCAN-FR: 5.5km, ~1700 obs over France, Oct2009 June 2010, guess from NWP ALADIN. MESCAN-FR-ALL: 5.5km, ~4300 obs over France, Oct2009 June 2010, guess from NWP ALADIN HIRLAM Guess at 5.5 km
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 OBS MAX=397mm MESCAN-FR MAX=264mm HIRLAM guess RR24h MAX=67mm Extreme event:flash flood Var 15th June 2010 (RR24h mm) MESCAN-EUROPE MAX=231mm
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 MESCAN-Europe T2m MESCAN Dec2009MESCAN DEC2009HIRLAM BG DEC2009
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 MESCAN-Europe with 1300 obs. Control Analysis (1300 obs) the errors are larger over complex topography RMSE of analyzed T2m as a function of classes computed for Dec 2009. Z mod < Z obs Z mod > Z obs MESCAN-FR with 1300 obs. 2750 Obs 4210 Obs 152900 Obs Validation over the France of the MESCAN analyzed T2m at European scale
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 Validation over the France of the Analyzed T2m at European scale MESCAN-EUROPE DEC2009 (HIRLAM GUESS) MESCAN-FRANCE DEC2009 (ALADIN GUESS) Diff. between MESCAN-EU and MESCAN-FR for the monthly T2m: Same observations, only the guess is different gives an idea where the uncertainties are ?
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 MF in WP1: Inter-comparison of spatial interpolation methods for daily precipitations over France and sub-regions (P. Lassegues, M. Figarol, A.L. Gibelin, J.P. Céron) Meteo-France DCLIM has produced an experiment of inter-comparison of several spatialisation methods and analysis system like SAFRAN and MESCAN for daily rainfall over France during the years 2010 and 2011. Three methods based on rain-gauge data and radar data were tested against methods not using radar, considered here as reference methods. High density rain gauges network was used, including manual rain gauges (not available in real time). 10% (421) random rain gauges were put aside for validation. Many scores were produced : RMSE, bias, scores for the discrimination of rain/no rain, scores for the discrimination of heavy rains, HSS Marc Lafitte will continue the comparison with MESCAN and SAFRAN for 2009-2010 over France. Domain for comparison with the Prism-Symap method (thanks to C. Frei, MeteoSwiss) year 2010, in red obs. used only for validation. (from M. Figarol et al. report)
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 Kriging with Ext. Drift with radar data (all observations ~3700) MESCAN 5.5Km with (all observations ~3700) SAFRAN (all observations ~3700) MESCAN 5.5Km With real time rain gauge (~1700) SAFRAN With real time rain gauge (~1700) Oct-Nov-Dec2009 Thanks to P. Lassegues
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 Indirect validation over Europe at observation site: SMOSREX, Cabauw, Sodankyla Less bias with MESCAN Thanks to M. Coustau ALD1_dz : +15 W.m -2.j -1 (+37%) ALD2_FP : +15 W.m -2.j -1 (+40%) MESCAN_FB : +4 W.m -2.j -1 (+10%) 14 Latent heat flux (W/m2) SMOREX
EURO4M 4rd GA, Norrkoping, 17-19 April 2013 Use the observation database merged by Tomas Landelius (SMHI) and used for MESAN re-analysis for the MESCAN–Europe production. Improves the QC for the precipitation observation to avoid spurious spot in North Africa Evaluate the impact of the choice for the HIRLAM guess between 24h cumulated from 06UTC or use several forecasts for 24h cumulated RR : fc00+18-fc00+06+fc12+18-fc12+06 (with T. Landelius) Create hourly pseudo T2m observations from Tmin/Tmax (M. Perrin, F. Besson and J.M. Soubeyroux) : D.C Reicosky et al. (1989) Agric. And Forest Meteo. 193-209 using only geographic information or by analogy with neighbour station with hourly data Starts the MESCAN-Europe (v0) production for Oct2009-Dec2010 in June 2013 probably available in July 2013 comparison with MESCAN-FR if OK run the re-analysis for 4 years. Future plans
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