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Ch. 9 - 2 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Verbs: Tenses and Parts Objectives Write verbs in the present, past, and future tenses correctly. Recognize.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 9 - 2 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Verbs: Tenses and Parts Objectives Write verbs in the present, past, and future tenses correctly. Recognize."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ch. 9 - 2 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Verbs: Tenses and Parts Objectives Write verbs in the present, past, and future tenses correctly. Recognize and use present and past participles. Write the correct forms of sixty irregular verbs. Supply correct verb forms in the progressive and perfect tenses.

3 Ch. 9 - 3 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e 1. Present-tense verbs express current or habitual action. Leo works in the Marketing Department. 2. Past-tense verbs show completed action. Yesterday he worked late. 3. Future-tense verbs show action that is expected to occur at a later time. He will work on that project next week. Primary Tenses

4 Ch. 9 - 4 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Be sure to use present-tense verbs to express “timeless” facts, even if the verbs occur with other past- tense verbs. What is the name of the person who called me yesterday? (NOT was.) Primary Tenses

5 Ch. 9 - 5 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Be sure that third-person singular verbs end in s. He sends many e-mail messages. (NOT send.) Taylor works until 9 p.m. (NOT work.) Primary Tenses

6 Ch. 9 - 6 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Primary Tenses Do not use the present-tense verb goes for the past-tense verb said. She said, “I’ll come right over,” and he said, “Great!” (NOT she goes and he goes.)

7 Ch. 9 - 7 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e To be able to use irregular verbs correctly, you must also be able to recognize present and past participles. Participles

8 Ch. 9 - 8 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e The present participle of a regular verb is formed by adding ing to the present part of the verb. When used in a sentence, the present participle is always preceded by some form of the helping verb be (is, am, are, was, were, been). The contract is lying on the desk. We are analyzing both proposals. Participles

9 Ch. 9 - 9 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Participles The past participle of a regular verb is usually formed by adding a d or t sound to the present part of the verb. Past-participle verb phrases include has, had, or have and sometimes their auxiliaries could, would, and should. She has worked for many businesses. We have built a home in West Gate. Lee should have asked for a raise.

10 Ch. 9 - 10 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Past Tense of Regular Verbs Regular verbs form the past tense with the addition of d, ed, or change of terminal d to t. Present Form Add Past Form work+edworked believe +dbelieved build d > tbuilt

11 Ch. 9 - 11 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Past Tense of Irregular Verbs Irregular verbs, however, form the past tense (and past participle) in a variety of ways. Master the list of irregular verbs shown in your text by practicing with the following pattern: Present tense:Today I _____. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle:In the past I have _____.

12 Ch. 9 - 12 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I _____. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

13 Ch. 9 - 13 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I _____. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

14 Ch. 9 - 14 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I choose. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

15 Ch. 9 - 15 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I choose. Past tense:Yesterday I chose. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

16 Ch. 9 - 16 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I choose. Past tense:Yesterday I chose. Past participle: In the past I have chosen. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

17 Ch. 9 - 17 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I choose. Past tense:Yesterday I chose. Past participle: In the past I have chosen. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

18 Ch. 9 - 18 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I _____. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

19 Ch. 9 - 19 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I drink. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

20 Ch. 9 - 20 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I drink. Past tense:Yesterday I drank. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

21 Ch. 9 - 21 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I drink. Past tense:Yesterday I drank. Past participle: In the past I have drunk. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

22 Ch. 9 - 22 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I drink. Past tense:Yesterday I drank. Past participle: In the past I have drunk. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

23 Ch. 9 - 23 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I _____. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

24 Ch. 9 - 24 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I freeze. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

25 Ch. 9 - 25 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I freeze. Past tense:Yesterday I froze. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

26 Ch. 9 - 26 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I freeze. Past tense:Yesterday I froze. Past participle: In the past I have frozen. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

27 Ch. 9 - 27 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I freeze. Past tense:Yesterday I froze. Past participle: In the past I have frozen. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

28 Ch. 9 - 28 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I _____. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

29 Ch. 9 - 29 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I swim. Past tense:Yesterday I _____. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

30 Ch. 9 - 30 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I swim. Past tense:Yesterday I swam. Past participle: In the past I have _____. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

31 Ch. 9 - 31 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I swim. Past tense:Yesterday I swam. Past participle: In the past I have swum. Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs

32 Ch. 9 - 32 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Pattern for Learning Irregular Verbs Try these verbs in the pattern: choose drink freeze swim Present tense:Today I swim. Past tense:Yesterday I swam. Past participle: In the past I have swum.

33 Ch. 9 - 33 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Frequently Misused Irregular Verbs Lie - Lay Pay special attention to the irregular verbs lie and lay. Present Past Present Participle Past Participle lie (to rest)lyinglaylain lay (to place)laying laidlaid Which verbs are transitive, thus requiring objects?

34 Ch. 9 - 34 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 1. “(Lie/Lay) over there,” Peter told his dog. Check your skill...

35 Ch. 9 - 35 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 1. “(Lie/Lay) over there,” Peter told his dog. Check your skill...

36 Ch. 9 - 36 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 2. Today I may (lie/lay) down for a while. Check your skill...

37 Ch. 9 - 37 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 2. Today I may (lie/lay) down for a while. Check your skill...

38 Ch. 9 - 38 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 3. The magazines are (lying/laying) on the table. Check your skill...

39 Ch. 9 - 39 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 3. The magazines are (lying/laying) on the table. Check your skill...

40 Ch. 9 - 40 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 4. Are you (lying/laying) bricks today? Check your skill...

41 Ch. 9 - 41 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 4. Are you (lying/laying) bricks today? Check your skill...

42 Ch. 9 - 42 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Frequently Misused Irregular Verbs Sit - Set Pay special attention to the irregular verbs sit and set. Present Past Present Participle Past Participle sit (to rest)sittingsatsat set (to place)settingsetset Which verbs are transitive, thus requiring objects?

43 Ch. 9 - 43 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 1. Does Jon (sit/set) near the copy machine? Check your skill...

44 Ch. 9 - 44 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 1. Does Jon (sit/set) near the copy machine? Check your skill...

45 Ch. 9 - 45 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 2. Barbara has (sat/set) the package on the floor. Check your skill...

46 Ch. 9 - 46 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 2. Barbara has (sat/set) the package on the floor. Check your skill...

47 Ch. 9 - 47 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 3. Mr. Toy is (sitting/setting) in the back of the room. Check your skill...

48 Ch. 9 - 48 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 3. Mr. Toy is (sitting/setting) in the back of the room. Check your skill...

49 Ch. 9 - 49 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Frequently Misused Irregular Verbs Rise - Raise Pay special attention to the irregular verbs rise and raise. Present Past Present Participle Past Participle rise (to go up)risingroserisen raise (to lift up)raisingraisedraised Which verbs are transitive, thus requiring objects?

50 Ch. 9 - 50 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 1. Sears is (rising/raising) prices on some products. Check your skill...

51 Ch. 9 - 51 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 1. Sears is (rising/raising) prices on some products. Check your skill...

52 Ch. 9 - 52 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 2. The elevator (rose/raised) to the fifth floor. Check your skill...

53 Ch. 9 - 53 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 2. The elevator (rose/raised) to the fifth floor. Check your skill...

54 Ch. 9 - 54 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 3. Stock prices have (risen/raised) substantially. Check your skill...

55 Ch. 9 - 55 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Select the correct verb. 3. Stock prices have (risen/raised) substantially. Check your skill...

56 Ch. 9 - 56 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Present Progressive Tense First Person I am planning we are planning Second Person you are planning Third Person he, she, it is planning they are planning Progressive Tenses

57 Ch. 9 - 57 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Past Progressive Tense First Person I was planning we were planning Second Person you were planning Third Person he, she, it was planning they were planning Progressive Tenses

58 Ch. 9 - 58 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Progressive Tenses Future Progressive Tense First Person I will be planning we will be planning Second Person you will be planning Third Person he, she, it will be planning they will be planning

59 Ch. 9 - 59 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Present Perfect Tense First Person I have planned we have planned Second Person you have planned Third Person he, she, it has planned they have planned Perfect Tenses

60 Ch. 9 - 60 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Past Perfect Tense First Person I had planned we had planned Second Person you had planned Third Person he, she, it had planned they had planned Perfect Tenses

61 Ch. 9 - 61 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Perfect Tenses Future Perfect Tense First Person I will have planned we will have planned Second Person you will have planned Third Person he, she, it will have planned they will have planned

62 Ch. 9 - 62 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e What is the correct form of the verb in parentheses? 1. In the past many permits were (deny) because the applications did not meet specifications. Use past tense. Chapter 9 - Quiz

63 Ch. 9 - 63 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e What is the correct form of the verb in parentheses? 1. In the past many permits were denied because the applications did not meet specifications. Chapter 9 - Quiz

64 Ch. 9 - 64 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e What is the correct form of the verb in parentheses? 2. Karen often (hurry) to complete her work early so that she can leave to attend her evening class. Use present tense. Chapter 9 - Quiz

65 Ch. 9 - 65 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e What is the correct form of the verb in parentheses? 2. Karen often hurries to complete her work early so that she can leave to attend her evening class. Chapter 9 - Quiz

66 Ch. 9 - 66 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e What are the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses? 3. Because Karen (arrive) before 7 a.m., she (open) the office. Use future tense. Chapter 9 - Quiz

67 Ch. 9 - 67 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e What are the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses? 3. Because Karen will arrive before 7 a.m., she will open the office. Chapter 9 - Quiz

68 Ch. 9 - 68 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 4. I wish you could have saw the look on her face. Chapter 9 - Quiz

69 Ch. 9 - 69 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 4. I wish you could have saw the look on her face. Chapter 9 - Quiz

70 Ch. 9 - 70 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 4. I wish you could have seen the look on her face. Chapter 9 - Quiz

71 Ch. 9 - 71 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 5. The auditor said that he had went over all the statement totals twice. Chapter 9 - Quiz

72 Ch. 9 - 72 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 5. The auditor said that he had went over all the statement totals twice. Chapter 9 - Quiz

73 Ch. 9 - 73 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 5. The auditor said that he had gone over all the statement totals twice. Chapter 9 - Quiz

74 Ch. 9 - 74 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 6. Yesterday we brung all the supplies to the office so that we could start early today. Chapter 9 - Quiz

75 Ch. 9 - 75 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 6. Yesterday we brung all the supplies to the office so that we could start early today. Chapter 9 - Quiz

76 Ch. 9 - 76 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 6. Yesterday we brought all the supplies to the office so that we could start early today. Chapter 9 - Quiz

77 Ch. 9 - 77 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 7. Please pick up all the papers that are laying around the office. Chapter 9 - Quiz

78 Ch. 9 - 78 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 7. Please pick up all the papers that are laying around the office. Chapter 9 - Quiz

79 Ch. 9 - 79 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 7. Please pick up all the papers that are lying around the office. Chapter 9 - Quiz

80 Ch. 9 - 80 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 8. If we had seen the address, we would not have drove right by the building. Chapter 9 - Quiz

81 Ch. 9 - 81 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 8. If we had seen the address, we would not have drove right by the building. Chapter 9 - Quiz

82 Ch. 9 - 82 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 8. If we had seen the address, we would not have driven right by the building. Chapter 9 - Quiz

83 Ch. 9 - 83 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 9. Before the plans could be drawn, the architect had to chose a style that pleased the client. Chapter 9 - Quiz

84 Ch. 9 - 84 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 9. Before the plans could be drawn, the architect had to chose a style that pleased the client. Chapter 9 - Quiz

85 Ch. 9 - 85 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 9. Before the plans could be drawn, the architect had to choose a style that pleased the client. Chapter 9 - Quiz

86 Ch. 9 - 86 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 10. After the actual construction was began, workers discovered a broken water line. Chapter 9 - Quiz

87 Ch. 9 - 87 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 10. After the actual construction was began, workers discovered a broken water line. Chapter 9 - Quiz

88 Ch. 9 - 88 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e Correct any errors in the following sentence. (The sentence may already be correct.) 10. After the actual construction was begun, workers discovered a broken water line. Chapter 9 - Quiz

89 Ch. 9 - 89 Mary Ellen Guffey, Business English, 8e END

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